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We examined the relationship between authoritative and authoritarian parenting styles and socio-emotional adjustment in elementary school children as reported from the parents' perspective. Mothers of first through fifth graders provided information about parenting style as well as children's competencies and problem behaviors. Teachers provided ratings of children's adjustment for a subset of the participants. Results indicated that authoritative parenting was associated negatively with parent- and teacher-rated maladaptive behavior, and positively with indicators of healthy adjustment. Correlations between authoritarian parenting and adjustment were either small or non-significant. Regression analyses indicated that authoritative parenting was more predictive of children's competence than maladaptation (22% versus 10% of variance). The effects of parenting style on adjustment were not moderated by demographic variables, such as the child's gender, grade level, ethnicity, and family income.  相似文献   
随机选取某市三所普通中小学四、六、八、十年级的755名青少年为被试,使用自评和他评问卷探讨家庭亲密度、家庭道德情绪和责任感与青少年学校适应之间的关系。结果显示:(1)青少年家庭亲密度、责任感与学校适应问题存在性别差异,女生家庭亲密度和责任感高于男生,外化和学业问题少于男生;家庭亲密度、道德情绪和责任感随年龄增长呈下降趋势;(2)家庭亲密度正向预测道德情绪和责任感,直接和间接负向预测青少年学校适应问题。(3)责任感负向预测学校适应问题,并在家庭亲密度和学校适应问题之间起部分中介作用;结构方程模型各指标的拟合效果较好。家庭亲密度、责任感是学校适应问题的良好预测指标。  相似文献   
基于家庭系统理论与个体-环境交互理论,研究考察了父母情绪表达在父母婚姻质量与儿童内化问题关系中的中介作用,以及儿童迷走神经活动的调节作用。研究选取155名6~7岁小学儿童为被试,运用便携式生理多道记录仪采集儿童静息与任务状态下的心电(ECG)与呼吸率,换算出基线RSA与RSA反应作为迷走神经活动的指标,采用母亲报告的《婚姻质量问卷》、《家庭情绪表达问卷》和《儿童行为量表》测评父母婚姻质量、父母情绪表达及儿童内化问题。结果发现:(1)父母婚姻质量负向预测小学儿童内化问题;(2)父母消极、积极情绪表达在父母婚姻质量与小学儿童内化问题关系中起中介作用;(3)小学儿童迷走神经张力(基线RSA)调节父母消极情绪表达与儿童内化问题关系。研究结果表明父母婚姻质量不仅直接影响儿童内化问题,同时会通过父母情绪表达间接地影响儿童内化问题。另外,较高迷走神经张力能够缓冲父母消极情绪表达对儿童内化问题的影响。  相似文献   
儿童期社交退缩的亚类型及与社会适应的关系   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
对20世纪80年代以来有关儿童期社交退缩的研究进行了综述,包括社交退缩的概念、研究方法、亚类型以及不同类型社交退缩行为与儿童社会适应之间的关系。对社交退缩的概念进行了总结,指出社交退缩包括安静退缩、活跃退缩和焦虑退缩3种亚类型,其中安静退缩在儿童中后期与社会适应的关系较为紧密,活跃退缩在整个儿童期都与社会适应水平负向联系,而焦虑退缩与社会适应之间的关系具有情境性的特点,只有熟悉情境下的焦虑退缩行为才与社会适应具有负向联系。最后,文章指出了现有研究的不足和今后的研究方向。  相似文献   
研究采用同伴提名法、教师和家长报告法,对农村135名一年级小学生进行了为期一年的追踪调查,在此基础上,考察了学前教育年限、母亲受教育水平与学校适应之间的关系。结果表明:(1)学前教育年限越长,小学生越多地表现出积极社会行为,但这种优势仅体现在小学入学初期;(2)母亲受教育水平越低,小学生越多地表现出敏感退缩行为和受拒绝同伴关系;(3)对于母亲受教育水平较低的小学生,学前教育年限越长,其攻击冒犯行为越多;而对于母亲受教育水平较高的小学生,学前教育年限越长,其攻击冒犯行为越少。可见,母亲受教育水平与学前教育年限相互作用,共同影响儿童发展结果,且母亲受教育水平的影响作用更为明显。  相似文献   
This longitudinal study was conducted among 102 women with non-metastasic breast cancer to identify the time evolution and prevalence of distress at specific times through diagnosis and treatment of disease: preliminary diagnosis, surgery, definitive diagnosis and chemotherapy. Additionally, the study aimed to examine the role of demographic, medical and psychosocial factors on distress. The results indicated that prevalence of distress was higher at initial diagnosis (25%) than the following time points (approximately 17%). The differences inter-individuals in the levels of distress were observed over the four assessments. No relation between distress and demographic and medical factors was found. However, psychosocial aspects were significant risk factors. Patterns of emotional suppression and specific coping responses like helplessness/hopelessness, anxious preoccupation, cognitive avoidance and fatalism were positively related to distress, whereas fighting spirit and perceived social support showed a protective role. Moreover, helplessness/hopelessness and anxious preoccupation jointly predicted 75% of cases and 98% non-cases of distress. Finally, a mediational model between emotional suppression and distress through helplessness/hopelessness was tested. Results support the necessity of routine distress screening all through the illness. Implications of data for psychosocial interventions with breast cancer patients are highlighted.  相似文献   

A marital role theory approach was used to investigate individual psychosocial well-being and marital adjustment in 89 end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients and their spouses. Four different patient groups were selected according to a continuum of clinical milestones in the treatment of ESRD, including pre-dialysis (n=17), incenter dialysis (n=18), home dialysis (n=19), and posttransplant patients (n=17). A nephrology clinic control group (n=18) was also included. Standardized instruments were employed to investigate marital role strain (Marital Role Questionnaire, KDS-15), marital adjustment (Locke-Wallace Marital Adjustment Test), subjective well-being (Affect Balance Scale, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Inventory), and psychopathology (Symptom Checklist 90-R). Hierarchical multiple regression analyses provided strong and consistent support for the major hypotheses relating elevated marital role strain to compromised marital adjustment and individual well-being. Further analyses demonstrated that increased perceived intrusiveness of ESRD was significantly related to greater marital role strain, poorer marital adjustment, and decreased individual well-being. This is consistent with the idea that perceived intrusiveness may be an important mediator of marital role strain and of coping with chronic illness. “Objective” intrusiveness, defined in terms of patient group, was not significantly related to marital or individual well-being. These findings support a dyadic approach to the psychosocial study of chronic illness.  相似文献   
Comparative rationality analysis formally examines the incommensurable social rationalities that theoretically exist within religions and the social sciences according to the ideological surround model (ISM) of the psychology of religion. This study extended these procedures to a new cultural context: 220 Iranian university students responded to the Religious Problem‐Solving Scales developed by Pargament et al. (1988). As hypothesized, the Collaborative Problem‐Solving Style was consistent, and the Self‐Directing Style inconsistent, with Iranian Muslim religious and psychological adjustment. The Deferring Style had ambiguous implications. Comparative rationality analysis demonstrated that sample interpretations of these styles explained greater variance in adjustment than did the original scales. These procedures also yielded the unexpected discovery that the Deferring Style included a secular as well as a religious form of Iranian rationality. These data most importantly support the ISM claim that “future objectivity” requires empirical analyses of the incommensurable rationalities operating within the psychology of religion.  相似文献   
采用大学生社会适应量表、自我调控问卷和家庭功能问卷调查了643名大学生社会适应的基本特点及其与家庭功能、个人自主间的关系。结果发现:(1)男生在校园生活适应上得分高于女生;大三学生在人际关系适应、自我适应维度上得分高于大四,大一学生在学习适应维度上得分高于大二、在满意度维度上得分高于大三;(2)除投射调控维度外,个人自主的其余维度与家庭功能及社会适应各维度及总均分间均存在显著相关;(3)分层回归结果表明,除投射调控维度外,个人自主其余各维度和家庭功能的亲密性能显著预测社会适应,且个人自主在家庭功能的亲密性和社会适应间起完全中介作用。  相似文献   
分别从实际和期望支持、情感和物质支持两个维度考察了老年人配偶支持的特点,并且采用结构方程模型来检验配偶支持、夫妻依恋和婚姻满意度三者之间的关系.289位有配偶的城市社区老年人参加了本次问卷调查,年龄范围为60~88岁.重要他人问卷、老年人夫妻依恋问卷及Locke-Wallace婚姻调适测定问卷分别用来测量老年人的配偶支持、夫妻依恋和婚姻满意度情况.结果表明:(1)性别、年龄及受教育水平不同的老年人在配偶支持上存在显著差异;(2)老年人的配偶支持与夫妻依恋和婚姻满意度三者两两相关,配偶支持以夫妻依恋为中介影响婚姻满意度.  相似文献   
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