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Freudenthaler and Neubauer (2005) have recently developed and validated performance measures of emotional management abilities (EMA), requiring subjects to indicate their typical behaviour in emotional situations (typical-performance instruction, TP) instead of assessing the effectiveness of different behavioural alternatives or indicating the most adequate response (maximum-performance instruction, MP). In the present study (n = 176), we examined the effects of these two instruction forms (TP vs. MP) on the EMA-scores in a between-subject design. In addition, the relations of typical and maximum EMA to cognitive intelligence components and personality traits were tested. Instruction-related comparisons of the EMA-scores yielded not only lower means but also higher standard deviations and higher reliabilities in the TP-condition. As expected, maximum EMA were significantly correlated with cognitive intelligence components but not with personality traits. In contrast, the typical EMA were moderately associated with personality traits but not related to cognitive abilities, providing further evidence of the importance to distinguish between typical and maximum performance.  相似文献   
女性口服避孕药安全性问题探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前,女性口服避孕药因其高效和可靠而备受青睐,成为最有力的节育措施之一。但其安全性问题也引起广泛的关注。国家食品药品监督管理局(SFDA)、国家人口与计划生育委员会以及国家卫生部三方应该协调管理并解决避孕药品安全性的有关问题,同时,育龄女性也应引起足够的重视,以保障自身的生殖健康和生活质量。  相似文献   
人类辅助生殖技术中的诊疗策略及伦理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人类辅助生殖技术是医学领域的一门新兴学科,随着此项技术的逐步成熟,也伴随着出现了各种诊疗及伦理问题。探讨对不孕症夫妇诊疗过程中的心理关怀与策略、人类辅助生殖技术治疗过程中的诊疗策略及其引起的伦理及相关法律等问题,认为在实施此项技术的过程中需要更规范、合理和人性化的诊疗策略。  相似文献   
糖尿病教育是一种治疗性的干预措施,也是一项有计划的教育课程,糖尿病教育者是糖尿病管理队伍中的一个整合部分,一名专业糖尿病教育工作者对于促进糖尿病医疗护理、实践及服务等方面都将起到很大的贡献,其中,糖尿病专科护士扮演着重要角色。要促进我国糖尿病教育的快速发展,急需一支专业化的糖尿病教育者队伍来发挥主力军的作用。  相似文献   
外科决策是一项高风险的事情,在当前医患关系紧张的环境下,尤其突出。如何险中求胜,具有重要的现实意义。本文提出科际整合,将军事学、谋略学、决策学、管理学在哲学层面有机地结合在一起,将做人、做事、做决策与临床密切联系在一起,开创一个全新的决策思路、方法和技巧,在实践中已突显其优越性。  相似文献   
慢性非传染性疾病已成为我国社区居民的主要健康问题,在慢性病的防治工作中,不可忽视对病人的管理。在阅读分析大量国内外文献的基础上,阐述了疾病管理国际应用现状及所取得的成效,并探讨了疾病管理的模式,以此为我国社区的慢性非传染性疾病管理提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
Previous research suggests that formerly dysphoric individuals engage in effortful strategies (e.g., thought suppression) that may mask underlying depressive thinking. The addition of a cognitive load, such as recalling a 6-digit number, which interferes with effortful mental control, reveals depressive thinking in formerly dysphoric individuals. This preliminary study tested whether this effect of cognitive load on revealing negative thinking generalizes to formerly clinically depressed patients. Currently depressed patients, recovered depressed patients and never-depressed patients unscrambled sentences that could form either positive or negative statements, after random allocation to either cognitive load or no cognitive load conditions. The number of negative statements unscrambled was used as an index of negative thinking. Without a load, recovered depressed patients did not differ from never-depressed controls: both groups completed fewer negative statements than currently depressed patients. However, the cognitive load increased negative statements in the recovered depressed group, making them resemble the currently depressed group more than the never-depressed group. These preliminary findings extend previous demonstrations of cognitive load unmasking negative thinking in dysphoric students to a clinical population, suggesting that formerly depressed patients utilize effortful strategies to minimize the report of negative thinking, which is undermined by the addition of a cognitive load.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: This study examined how 7-13-year-old children with and without overweight respond to free access to snack food in the absence of hunger and whether this eating behaviour could be predicted by parental feeding strategies and child's characteristics. METHODS: A total of 52 children (26 normal weight and 26 overweight children) were exposed to snack food after consuming a typical meal. Parental feeding practices and child's variables were assessed via self-report. RESULTS: Two-third of the sample ate of the presented snacks and consumed an average of 68 g. Overweight boys consumed twice as much than the normal weight boys. Parental feeding strategies did not contribute to the prediction of this eating behaviour. Regardless of the children's weight status, the child's eating style strongly predicted snack intake. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides evidence that overweight boys show difficulties in regulating their eating behaviour. Inconsistent with previous work, no evidence for parental contribution of snack intake was found. The present findings suggest that in older children especially children's own eating style account for the variance in snack eating behaviour.  相似文献   
Contemporary cognitive models of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) assume that clinical obsessions evolve from some modalities of intrusive thoughts (ITs) that are experienced by the vast majority of the population. These approaches also consider that the differences between "abnormal" obsessions and "normal" ITs rely on quantitative parameters rather than qualitative. The present paper examines the frequency, contents, emotional impact, consequences, cognitive appraisals and control strategies associated with clinical obsessions in a group of 31 OCD patients compared with the obsession-relevant ITs in three control groups: 22 depressed patients, 31 non-obsessive anxious patients, and 30 non-clinical community subjects. Between-group differences indicated that the ITs frequency, the unpleasantness and uncontrollability of having the IT, and the avoidance of thought triggers obtained the highest effect sizes, and they were specific to OCD patients. Moreover, two dysfunctional appraisals (worry that the thought will come true, and the importance of controlling thoughts) were specific to OCD patients. The OCD and depressed patients shared some dysfunctional appraisals about their most disturbing obsession or IT (guilt, unacceptability, likelihood thought would come true, danger, and responsibility for having the IT), whereas the non-obsessive anxious were nearer to the non-clinical participants than to the other two groups of patients. The OCD patients showed an increased use of thought control strategies, with overt neutralizing, thought suppression, and searching for reassurance being highly specific to this group.  相似文献   
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