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Zusammenfassung  Die Veränderung pathogenetisch bedeutsamer Beziehungsmuster gilt als wesentliches psychotherapeutisches Behandlungsziel. Um zielgerichtete Veränderungen von Beziehungsstrukturen zu erreichen, bedarf es sowohl einer Diagnostik und Beschreibung solcher Beziehungsmuster, einer darauf zielenden Behandlungstechnik als auch einer Verlaufskontrolle und Evaluation der angestrebten Veränderungen. Nach einem Überblick über verschiedene Methoden zur Erfassung von Beziehungsmustern wird die Methode des Zentralen-Beziehungskonflikt-Themas (ZBKT) von Luborsky näher beschrieben; ausgewählte Ergebnisse der ZBKT-Forschung werden dargestellt und die Methode kritisch bewertet.
Cornelia AlbaniEmail:
Test theory without an answer key   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A general model is presented for homogeneous, dichotomous items when the answer key is not known a priori. The model is structurally related to the two-class latent structure model with the roles of respondents and items interchanged. For very small sets of respondents, iterative maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters can be obtained by existing methods. For other situations, new estimation methods are developed and assessed with Monte Carlo data. The answer key can be accurately reconstructed with relatively small sets of respondents. The model is useful when a researcher wants to study objectively the knowledge possessed by members of a culturally coherent group that the researcher is not a member of.This research was supported by NSF Grant No. SES-8320173 to the authors. We gratefully acknowledge comments and suggestions from John Boyd, Tarow Indow, and Kathy Maher as well as the editor and several anonymous referees.  相似文献   
直肠间质瘤致下消化道大出血1例报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胃肠道间质瘤是一种发生于消化道的少见的间叶肿瘤,直肠间质瘤更为罕见,在直肠肿瘤中的发生率0.1%以下。直肠问质瘤的临床表现无特异性,与其他直肠肿瘤相似,随肿瘤逐渐增大可表现为排便习惯改变、便血、排便困难等。临床确定诊断困难。手术治疗是能够治愈直肠问质瘤的唯一方法。格列卫作为一线化疗药物对术前降期及改善预后都有良好疗效。本例患者因下消化道大出血入院,肿瘤近肛缘,术中病理考虑为直肠闻质瘤,完整切除肿瘤后行保肛术。术后应用格列卫,随诊3个月无复发、转移。  相似文献   
Despite compelling evidence of the effect of intelligence on delinquency and violent crime, there is limited data on its impact on population violence. We aimed to determine the association of categories of intelligence with violent behaviors in the general population and the extent of the impact of social class on these associations. A randomly selected sample of 14,738 individuals was derived from 2 British national surveys of adults aged 16 years and older. We measured self-reported violent behavior in the past 5 years, including: repetition, injury, violence while intoxicated, familial and extra-familial victim types and intimate partner violence. We examined the moderating role of social class on all outcomes. The increased risk of violence among persons of below average IQ was explained by social class at population level. High IQ had an overall protective effect on all outcomes except violence towards family members, irrespective of socio-economic circumstances. Social class moderated the association of IQ with violence by decreasing its protective effect among those in the lowest socio-economic positions. Our findings suggest that the association of IQ and violence is not linear but protective on population level. Social class has both an explaining and a moderating role in this association.  相似文献   
本研究采用青少年学习倦怠量表、班级团体依恋问卷、自悯量表、青少年父母同伴依恋问卷、生活满意度量表、和自编学业满意度问题对658名初中生进行问卷调查,考察当代初中生对其所在班级的团体依恋和自悯与学习倦怠之间的关系,并检验自悯在班级团体依恋和学习倦怠关系中的中介作用。结果发现:在控制了人口学变量、父母依恋、同伴依恋、学业满意度和生活满意度之后,(1)班级团体依恋焦虑和回避均能显著正向预测学习倦怠;(2)自悯显著负向预测学习倦怠;(3)自悯在班级团体依恋焦虑和学习倦怠的关系中起到完全中介的作用,而在班级团体依恋回避和学习倦怠的关系中起部分中介的作用。研究结果对于从班级团体依恋和自悯的角度理解中学生学习倦怠具有重要意义。  相似文献   
A multiple chained schedule was used to compare the relative resistance to change of variable and fixed four-peck response sequences in pigeons. In one terminal link, a response sequence produced food only if it occurred infrequently relative to 15 other response sequences (vary). In the other terminal link, a single response sequence produced food (repeat). Identical variable-interval schedules operated in the initial links. During baseline, lower response rates generally occurred in the vary initial link, and similar response and reinforcement rates occurred in each terminal link. Resistance of responding to prefeeding and three rates of response-independent food delivered during the intercomponent intervals then was compared between components. During each disruption condition, initial- and terminal-link response rates generally were more resistant in the vary component than in the repeat component. During the response-independent food conditions, terminal-link response rates were more resistant than initial-link response rates in each component, but this did not occur during prefeeding. Variation (in vary) and repetition (in repeat) both decreased during the response-independent food conditions in the respective components, but with relatively greater disruption in repeat. These results extend earlier findings demonstrating that operant variation is more resistant to disruption than is operant repetition and suggest that theories of response strength, such as behavioral momentum theory, must consider factors other than reinforcement rate. The implications of the results for understanding operant response classes are discussed.  相似文献   
任志洪  江光荣  叶一舵 《心理科学》2011,34(5):1106-1112
通过整群抽样的方法抽取了1404名中学生,对其施测核心自我评价量表,我的班级问卷和抑郁问卷,应用无约束结构方程模型技术和结构方程中介效应检验技术,分别考察了核心自我评价在班级环境与抑郁关系间的调节与中介作用。结果表明:(1)核心自我评价对班级环境中的师生关系、同学关系、竞争三者和抑郁之间的关系起着调节作用,但结构模型的拟合指数不佳;(2)核心自我评价在班级环境与青少年抑郁间起着中介作用,其中核心自我评价在竞争与抑郁间关系起着完全中介作用。  相似文献   
Differential rater functioning (DRF) occurs when raters show evidence of exercising differential severity or leniency when scoring examinees within different subgroups. Previous studies of DRF have examined rater bias using manifest variables (e.g., use of covariates) to determine the subgroups. These manifest variables include gender and the ethnicity of the examinee. For example, a rater may score males more severely. Ideally, each rater’s severity should be invariant across subgroups. This study examines DRF in the context of latent subgroups that classify possible sources of DRF based on raters’ scoring behavior rather than manifest factors. An extension of the latent class signal detection theory (LC-SDT) model for identifying DRF is proposed and examined using real-world data and simulations. Results from real-world data show that the signal detection approach leads to an effective method to identify latent DRF. Simulations with varying sample sizes and conditions of rater precision were shown to recover parameters at an adequate level, supporting its use to identify latent DRF in large-scale data. These findings suggest that the DRF extension of the LC-SDT can be a useful model to examine characteristics of raters and add information that can aid rater training.  相似文献   
Mixture analysis of count data has become increasingly popular among researchers of substance use, behavioral analysis, and program evaluation. However, this increase in popularity seems to have occurred along with adoption of some conventions in model specification based on arbitrary heuristics that may impact the validity of results. Findings from a systematic review of recent drug and alcohol publications suggested count variables are often dichotomized or misspecified as continuous normal indicators in mixture analysis. Prior research suggests that misspecifying skewed distributions of continuous indicators in mixture analysis introduces bias, though the consequences of this practice when applied to count indicators has not been studied. The present work describes results from a simulation study examining bias in mixture recovery when count indicators are dichotomized (median split; presence vs. absence), ordinalized, or the distribution is misspecified (continuous normal; incorrect count distribution). All distributional misspecifications and methods of categorizing resulted in greater bias in parameter estimates and recovery of class membership relative to specifying the true distribution, though dichotomization appeared to improve class enumeration accuracy relative to all other specifications. Overall, results demonstrate the importance of accurately modeling count indicators in mixture analysis, as misspecification and categorizing data can distort study outcomes.  相似文献   
曾欣然  汪玥  丁俊浩  周晖 《心理学报》2019,51(8):935-944
本文通过两个研究探讨了群体因素中的班级欺凌规范如何通过同辈压力、群体害怕影响欺凌行为的发生。研究1为实验研究, 被试为186名小学高年级学生(Mage = 11.36 ± 0.99岁)。结果表明在不同情境(欺凌/非欺凌)的启动下, 各变量得分均具有显著差异; 进一步分析仅发现同辈压力的中介作用边缘显著。研究2为相关研究, 943名小学高年级及初二学生(Mage = 12.00 ± 1.32岁)填写班级欺凌规范、同辈压力和欺凌行为问卷。HLM分析显示同辈压力在班级欺凌规范与欺凌行为起显著中介作用。  相似文献   
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