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The nonlinear Lyapunov exponent (LyE) has been proven effective for evaluating the local stability of human movement and exploring the effects of load, speed and direction of individuals with and without nonspecific chronic low back pain (CLBP). The purpose of this study was to examine spinal and lower joint stability and response to fatigue of individuals with and without CLBP while performing lifting-lowering movements. Fourteen healthy individuals and 14 patients with nonspecific CLBP were recruited to perform lifting movement repeatedly while holding two equally-sized dumbbells in their hands. The participants continued lifting until they reported their highest level of fatigue. Kinematic data for the spine and its coordinated lower joints were recorded during the task (more than 40 lifting cycles on average). The first and last 20 cycles of each cyclic time series were defined as early- and late-fatigue conditions, respectively. The maximum LyE was estimated to quantify the local dynamic stability of the angular displacement time series of the spine, hip, knee and ankle on different anatomical planes in both the early- and late-fatigue conditions. The results revealed that local stability of the spine and hip was affected by fatigue. Spinal stability decreased as fatigue increased on the sagittal plane (p < 0.05). The hip exhibited a similar affectation (destabilization under fatigue) on all anatomical planes. Patients with CLBP showed more stable hip movement on the frontal and transverse planes (p < 0.05). These results suggested that lifting/progressive fatigue could increase the risk of injury to the spine and hip. These findings indicate that patients with CLBP applied different control strategies for the hip; thus, spinal control stability should be evaluated together with the stability of the lower joints.  相似文献   
The term representational momentum (RM) refers to the idea that our memory representations for moving objects incorporate information about movement – a fact that can lead us to make errors when judging an object’s location (the RM effect). In this study, we explored the RM effect in a sample of children born very prematurely and a sample born at term. Because preterm children are known to be at risk for problems with motion perception, we anticipated that they would show a weaker or absent RM effect. This prediction was confirmed. In addition, we found that, in both samples of children, 5–6 year olds showed a reduced RM effect compared to 7–9 year olds. These results demonstrate that the ability to represent motion information in memory shows continued development over this age range, and may help to elucidate factors contributing to problems with fine and gross motor planning and execution that have been observed in the preterm population. We propose that problems affecting the formation, maintenance, or use of predictive models, or motion extrapolation skills, may have cascading effects on the development of other abilities.  相似文献   
生育伦理与人口控制社会化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在影响人口发展的诸因素中,生育伦理是影响相对持久、相对直接的一个重要因素。在现代人口发展理论的框架下,人口控制社会化,是人口控制的必然选择,这种控制方式的实施,就必须把正确的社会生育伦理转变为人们的生育观和生育意愿。使人口控制的手段由他律为主转变为自律为主。  相似文献   
Eye tracking research has shown that infants develop a repertoire of attentional capacities during the first year. The majority of studies examining the early development of attention comes from Western, high‐resource countries. We examined visual attention in a heterogeneous sample of infants in rural Malawi (= 312–376, depending on analysis). Infants were assessed with eye‐tracking‐based tests that targeted visual orienting, anticipatory looking, and attention to faces at 7 and 9 months. Consistent with prior research, infants exhibited active visual search for salient visual targets, anticipatory saccades to predictable events, and a robust attentional bias for happy and fearful faces. Individual variations in these processes had low to moderate odd‐even split‐half and test‐retest reliability. There were no consistent associations between attention measures and gestational age, nutritional status, or characteristics of the rearing environment (i.e., maternal cognition, psychosocial well‐being, socioeconomic status, and care practices). The results replicate infants’ early attentional biases in a large, unique sample, and suggest that some of these biases (e.g., bias for faces) are pronounced in low‐resource settings. The results provided no evidence that the initial manifestation of infants’ attentional capacities is associated with risk factors that are common in low‐resource environments.  相似文献   
Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is an effective treatment for child anxiety. However, access to treatment is limited. It has been suggested that low‐intensity formats of parent‐delivered CBT may improve access to treatment. Our aim was to develop and pilot‐test the acceptability and effect of a low‐intensity therapist‐guided parent‐delivered group program for anxious children (age 7–12 years) adjusted to the Scandinavian culture. The program required 1.5 hours of therapist‐time per family. Mothers, fathers and children reported on revised child anxiety and depression scale (RCADS) at referral, pre‐ and post‐treatment. Mothers and fathers also gave a qualitative account of their experiences. Thirty‐one families were enrolled and only one family dropped out. Mean age of the children was 9 years. Intent‐to‐treat analyses revealed significant reductions in anxiety and depressive symptoms from pre‐ to post‐treatment for all informants. Large effect sizes were found for child anxiety symptoms as reported by mothers and fathers, and for child depressive symptoms as reported by mothers. Medium to large effect sizes was found for the self‐reported anxiety symptoms by the children, and for depressive symptoms reported by both children and fathers. More than 93% of the parents would recommend the program. Results suggest that our program may provide a new approach to improve access to treatment for anxious children in Scandinavia; however, further research must be conducted before firm conclusions can be drawn.  相似文献   
The study aim was to find out what is pupils perception of teachers' support and to check if different types of perceived support are connected with the level of somatic symptoms reported by students at school. Additionally the study searched for possible links between students' evaluation of teachers ‘as instructors, guides and caregivers’ and their motivation to attend the class and to study the subject. The results show that students perceived informative teachers' support as the most available. Prevalent somatic symptoms reported by students were those connected with tiredness, distraction, low energy and pain. Teachers' evaluation was positively linked to academic motivation. High level of perceived (1) emotional, (2) informational teachers support and a (3) high ‘mark’ prescribed by student to the teacher via teachers' evaluation were negatively related to somatic symptoms. Due to students composition i.e. children originating from different economic backgrounds, the support perception from this perspective was also analysed. The study results indicate that teachers' support perception by children living in harsh economic conditions depended on the division in which they attend the school.  相似文献   
Discrimination has been shown to be related to diminished psychological adjustment and greater risk for substance use when personally experienced by adolescents and when their caregivers experience discrimination. Our research considers the impact of primary caregiver experiences of racial- and socioeconomic-based discrimination in early (age 3–5 years) and late childhood (age 9½) on adolescent disruptive behaviors (age 14) with a large sample of diverse caregiver–child dyads (N = 634). In addition, we examine the potential protective effects of parent–child relationship quality in early and late childhood in buffering the effects of caregiver discrimination on adolescent disruptive behaviors. We also explore possible gender differences in children's vulnerability to engage in disruptive behaviors in the context of caregiver experiences of discrimination. The findings from this study indicate that at trend level, early childhood experiences of primary caregiver discrimination (ages 3–5) predicted adolescent disruptive behaviors, accounting for the effects of more recent (age 9½) caregiver discrimination. In addition, parent–child relationship quality at age 9½ years was found to buffer the effects of late childhood (age 9½) primary caregiver discrimination on adolescent disruptive behaviors for both male and female youth. The findings highlight the need for prevention and intervention techniques that foster healthy and positive primary caregiver–child relationships.  相似文献   
已有脑成像研究展示了男女脑功能差异, 但功能磁共振信号的频率划分通常基于主观经验, 使脑功能性别差异的生物学解释遭遇瓶颈。本文提出人脑自适应多尺度功能连接算法, 刻画功能连接的时空多尺度特性, 揭示出0.06~0.10 Hz的性别差异:男性较强的连接主要与边缘网络和腹侧注意网络有关, 女性较强的连接主要与腹侧注意网络、视觉网络和额顶网络有关。  相似文献   
研究目的是描述对一名奥运选手L在奥运会前一年中进行的心理干预,以改变其“低挫折容忍度”的过程,以及评价这一理性情绪行为疗法与心理技能训练相结合的心理干预的效果。在不同的时间点采用各种评估方法对干预效果进行评估,主要的评估方法包括采用目标获得评价表进行的运动员L自我评估和教练员评估,运动员L、教练员、及搭档的“阶段性总结”评价,以及对L比赛行为的录像资料分析。通过各种评估方法所获得的结果的一致性证明了该干预方法在改变运动员的问题行为方面是有效的。通过对运动员L的问题行为的改变,提升了他在比赛中的运动表现,该运动员与其搭档在2004年雅典奥运会乒乓球男子双打项目上获得了银牌  相似文献   
由于静息心率易测性, 对静息心率的研究成为研究攻击和犯罪行为生理机制的重要手段之一。研究发现低静息心率与多种反社会行为存有关, 无论是动物研究, 人类研究还是跨文化的研究都表明了这种关系的存在。但元分析的结果表明低静息心率与反社会行为之间关系的效应量只是中等水平。同时, 社会经济因素和人格因素对低静息心率与反社会行为之间的关系有影响。低静息心率可能与低恐惧或低唤醒的特质、去甲肾上腺素功能减弱、大脑右半球功能减弱等因素有关。  相似文献   
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