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If we agree with Michael Jubien that propositions do not exist, while accepting the existence of abstract sets in a realist mathematical ontology, then the combined effect of these ontological commitments has surprising implications for the metaphysics of modal logic, the ontology of logically possible worlds, and the controversy over modal realism versus actualism. Logically possible worlds as maximally consistent proposition sets exist if sets generally exist, but are equivalently expressed as maximally consistent conjunctions of the same propositions in corresponding sets. A conjunction of propositions, even if infinite in extent, is nevertheless itself a proposition. If sets and hence proposition sets exist but propositions do not exist, then whether or not modal realism is true depends on which of two apparently equivalent methods of identifying, representing, or characterizing logically possible worlds we choose to adopt. I consider a number of reactions to the problem, concluding that the best solution may be to reject the conventional model set theoretical concept of logically possible worlds as maximally consistent proposition sets, and distinguishing between the actual world alone as maximally consistent and interpreting all nonactual merely logically possible worlds as submaximal. I am grateful to the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS), Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), for supporting this among related research projects in philosophical logic and philosophy of mathematics during my Resident Research Fellowship in 2005-2006.  相似文献   
外科临床决策的核心在精于选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
造就名医是个系统工程,理论和实践统一才有功底。为病人提供优质服务,要求医生有能力对病情进行综合分析思考、辨认、评估,对诊断、治疗进行鉴别,为选择科学的临床决策提供依据。理论与临床实践高水平的结合,难能可贵的是忌粗取精、忌浅求深、忌表识里,从临床汇集资料来思考、分析,最终做出选择,再到临床上去验证,从而得出正确的诊断和处理方案。善于选择和精于选择,是临床决策的核心,是临床医生综合素质走向成熟的产物,是一代名医成长的必然之路。  相似文献   
This study examines the association between sense of divine involvement and sense of meaning in life. Then it proceeds to assess how this association varies by religious tradition. Using a random and national sample from the 2007 Baylor Religion Survey, this study finds that sense of divine involvement is associated with greater odds of having a sense of meaning in life. In addition, religious affiliation modifies this association. Specifically, the positive association between sense of divine involvement and the odds of having a sense of meaning in life is observed only among evangelical Protestants, mainline Protestants, and Catholics, but not among other religionists and religious nones. I discuss how the results make contributions to knowledge about the link between religious beliefs, religious tradition, and mental health.  相似文献   

Narrative therapy is an important tool in the phenomenological framing of life events with older clients. Seventy-nine older adults who lived independently in four subsidized high-rise housing facilities in Chicago were interviewed in a research project about managing life challenges. Cases represent four types in a spiritual-religious typology: religious and spiritual, religious only, spiritual only, and neither religious nor spiritual (Zinnbauer, 1997). This article explores how older adults managed adversity and maintained a sense of self-efficacy. Findings indicate that older adults use many references to religion and spirituality in their narratives, either embracing these domains or defining themselves in contrast to them. Narrative therapy suggests that the implications of religious and spiritual resources addressed in client stories may reinforce coping capacity and promote aging well.  相似文献   
该研究以山东省610名高中生为被试,检验了中文版一般自我效能量表(GSES)的信度和效度.结果表明:(1)中文版GSES的有些项目,区分度不高;(2)中文版GSES具有较高的内部一致性信度与分半信度,但重测信度不高;(3)中文版GSES的单维度性没有得到证实;(4)中文版GSES不具有很好的预测效度.  相似文献   
This study reports the results of an exploration of the relationship of adult attachment dimensions (closeness, dependence, and anxiety) and world view assumptions (benevolence, meaningfulness, and worthiness) to psychological distress and psychological well-being in 142 parents (71 couples) of newborns recently hospitalized in a neonatal intensive care unit. The results of the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model, hierarchical multiple regression, and mediation analyses showed that parents who were more comfortable with attachment-dependence and parents who held more positive beliefs about benevolence and worthiness had less psychological distress and more well-being. In addition, parents with partners who were more comfortable with attachment-dependence had less psychological distress and more well-being. Attachment-dependence partially mediated the relationships of benevolence and worthiness with psychological distress and the relationship of benevolence with psychological well-being, whereas worthiness had a direct relationship with psychological well-being.  相似文献   
现代医学面临的问题,诸如安乐死、生前预嘱、器官捐献等都可以归结为对生命权的支配问题,而生命权的支配又面临着个人的自由意志与伦理价值的双重考量。但二者并不是不可通约的,个人作为生命个体,自由意志是规定自身、以区别于动物的本质要素,是个人人格和尊严的体现;但人并不仅作为一个个体存在,还要通过否定自身而进入一个伦理实体,受伦理实体的制约。伦理实体并不是对自由意志的简单否定,两者是既对立又统一的关系。  相似文献   
21世纪生命科学和生物高新技术迅猛发展,基因组学、系统生物学、组织工程与干细胞技术等生命科学发展前沿的研究成果越来越快地应用于临床,正在使人类疾病的预防、诊断、治疗手段和方式发生革命性的变化。这必将对高等医学教育产生深刻影响,这种影响主要体现在人才培养目标的设定、课程体系与教学内容的更新、生源优选与师资提升、教育资源配置等方面。生命科学的发展将促使课程体系更加开放,基础医学教学内容更前沿,临床医学教学突破传统技术纳入更多新技术,计算机等工具学科的教学更强化,并对教师素质和教学资源提出更高要求。  相似文献   
The study investigated the mediating role of perceived control in the association between religiosity and quality of life among young adults in south-west Nigeria. Data were collected from a sample of 1 050 young adults (mean age = 29.8, SD = 4.61; female = 38.7%). Regression analysis was utilised to predict quality of life from religiosity, partialling out perceived control. Findings suggest internal religiosity to predict an environmental domain of quality of life through perceived control. Perceived constraints appear to explain the association between internal religiosity and the environmental domain of quality of life.  相似文献   
Life transitions can induce distress for emerging adults. This study compared a model of the attachment, social support, and well‐being of emerging adults in transition with a model of those not in transition (N = 378). The transition sample reported less life satisfaction and environmental mastery and higher attachment avoidance than the nontransition sample. The transition sample showed weaker mediating effects of social support, suggesting that attachment accounted for additional unique variance for this group. Counseling implications are provided.  相似文献   
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