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This study attempts to expand the knowledge base about neglect by comparing the characteristics of children and parents involved in termination of parental rights proceedings in the Israeli legal system. Cases were classified as neglect (72.7%), abuse (19%) or non-child abuse or neglect (non-CAN; 8%) and were compared on a range of variables. The results show that neglected children have the most developmental problems, and generally come from single-parent families, compared to abused children, who suffer the most mental health problems and come from 2-parent families. Finally, neglect is associated with the mother’s history of drug abuse, and abuse is associated with the father’s drug abuse and criminal record. In non-CAN cases, the courts criticize the Child Protective Service more than in neglect and abuse cases. Implications of the findings for social work practice as well as future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   
公民情感的法律确认是基于公民行为选择中两难困境的应对之策。这一立法实践有其学理和历史的依据。将公民情感的法律确认纳入立法伦理的视域,将不仅有助于良法的创制,而且还因其逻辑地排除了司法活动的情感障碍和为公民奠定了守法的情感基础而有利于良法的有效实现。  相似文献   
In many countries, women outnumber men in psychology, both as students and as professionals. Much of this information is drawn from Europe and the USA, and the information available about the situation in developing countries is a lot less detailed. The steady increase in the presence of women in psychology in South Africa is examined, via access to two large national databases and telephone interviews. These sources are the most reliable available, and are comprehensive enough to give a very good snapshot of women in psychology in this country over the last 12 years. The data indicate that psychology as a profession in South Africa is dominated by women. Although the applied practical aspects of the discipline attract women disproportionally, women are also over-represented in research psychology and academia (except at the professorial level). The racial composition of the profession remains skewed, with white psychologists in the majority. Although the data in this regard are incomplete, approximately 5% of registered psychologists are black. An examination of student enrolments suggests that this situation will continue in future, as women (and white students) enrol in much greater numbers for both undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. In 2002, 74% of psychology majors were women, and 78% of all Master's degrees in psychology were awarded to women. Thus it would appear that the feminization of psychology in this country is further advanced than in Europe and the USA. It is not a question of men abandoning the profession, but rather that women entered the profession at a much higher rate in recent years.  相似文献   
Metadialogues for Resolving Burden of Proof Disputes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, a solution to the problem of analyzing burden of proof in argumentation is developed by building on the pioneering work of Erik C. W. Krabbe on metadialogues. Three classic cases of burden of proof disputes are analyzed, showing how metadialogue theory can solve the problems they pose. The solution is based on five dialectical requirements: (1) global burden of proof needs to be set at the confrontation stage of a dialogue, (2) there need to be special mechanisms for resolving disputes about burden of proof at all four stages of the dialogue, (3) they are especially significant during the argumentation stage, where burden of proof often shifts back and forth at each move, (4) such local shifts need to be partly regulated by the global burden of proof already set, and (5) the connection between burden of proof and the speech act of making a presumption in a dialogue needs to be clarified.  相似文献   
医学职业潜规则的“去魅”   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
颠覆医学职业潜规则是一个值得深入讨论的重大课题。颠覆医学职业潜规则需要系统治理,而其前提条件便是对医学职业潜规则进行伦理学批判,尤其是对与其流行密切相关且收益不浅的群体在认识上进行"去魅",使人们真正认识到它的实质与危害即不合理性,如此才有可能谈颠覆问题。  相似文献   
现行法律、法规规定,无过错输血感染的法律责任采取过错责任归责原则,意味着当医患双方均无过错而又造成输血感染的损害后果时,完全由患者承担损害后果,这种规定无法体现公平、公正的法律精神。无过错输血感染法律责任应当规定为公平责任,这样才能更好地既保护医方利益又保护患方利益。  相似文献   
随着现代人工生殖技术的飞速发展,人类传统的自然生殖方式、社会观念和法律制度受到了极大的挑战。异质人工授精主要解决男性不育的问题。这种生殖技术在为人类带来福音的同时,也引起了一系列法律、伦理和社会问题,使传统的亲子观念受到冲击。通过对人工授精中供精和受精当事人的资格,以及异质人工授精子女的法律地位及相关法律问题进行探讨,提出了完善我国相关立法的建议。  相似文献   
20世纪80年代以来美国法律社会心理学在陪审团、证人证言、公民对犯罪的态度等方面的研究取得了一些新成果。从这些新成果可以看出,该领域的研究者们更注重将社会心理学与法学的观点和研究视角相结合,使自己的理论成果更符合实践要求。  相似文献   
Mental health service users are voicing the need for advocacy which is responsive to the social oppression they encounter in their lives, and within services. The Kent Law Clinic provides free, independent legal representation for people with a mental illness or a learning difficulty. This article describes the development of the Clinic and some of its work.  相似文献   
医护人员对患者权利的保护情况调查分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用现场问卷方式调查统计结果表明:大部分医护人员了解患者的相应权利,对患者权利具有一定的保护意识,但部分患者权利保护不足,存在易发生医患纠纷隐患,需要引起临床医护人员的重视,不断加强法制观念教育.  相似文献   
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