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Stimulus overselectivity, a phenomenon exhibited by autistic and institutionalized retarded individuals, was examined in mildly handicapped and nonhandicapped public school children. Subjects were 16 young, educable mentally retarded, 16 learning disabled, 15 nonhandicapped first- and second-graders, and 16 older, educable retarded students. The children were trained on a 3-component visual discrimination task and then tested on individual elements to determine which element or elements were controlling subject responses. Nine of the young educable mentally retarded children and eight of the learning disabled students showed some overselectivity. The majority of overselective retarded children were controlled by only one of the three components of the training cue, whereas the majority of the overselective learning disabled children responded to the discrimination task on the basis of two of the three components. No overselectivity was exhibited by the nonhandicapped students. All three cue components were also functional in controlling the responding of 14 of the 16 older retarded students, but two children were under the control of only one cue. The research indicated that in terms of overselectivity, learning disabled children respond more like young, mildly retarded children than they do like nonhandicapped ones. The demonstration of stimulus overselectivity in a sizable portion of a learning disabled sample may have implications for a more empirically based approach to this handicapped population.  相似文献   
College students learned to name Braille patterns presented visually using a fading procedure in which Braille patterns were superimposed on letter names after which letter names were attenuated. Measurement of acquisition was accomplished by presenting probes—consisting of the Braille stimuli only—throughout fading. Effects of probes upon acquisition were assessed by introducing probes early or late in fading. Fewer fading levels were needed for Braille elements to acquire control when probes were introduced early rather than late. When probes were introduced late, all subjects learned to name the Braille elements as the letters were being faded out. When probes were introduced early, however, most subjects learned to name the Braille elements as they were being faded in. Since virtually no errors occurred during compound-stimulus presentations, the probe procedure did not induce errors during acquisition. Quantitative analysis of probe data suggested that inclusion of probes enhanced the control acquired by the Braille elements during compound-stimulus presentations. The reported effects may have been due to differences in the relative frequency of reinforcement presented during compounds and probes.  相似文献   
The aims of this study of 24 normotensive subjects were: to compare a free-operant with a discrete-trials training format; to determine the most effective training procedure by comparing instrumental conditioning with instructional set and a control; to see if both increases and decreases in blood pressure could be brought under discriminative control, and to examine the maintenance of acquired self-control of blood pressure. A 2 × 3 design was employed in which two trial formats (free operant and discrete trials) were factorially compared with three training conditions (instrumental conditioning, instructional set, and control). Instrumental conditioning was found superior to both the instructional set and control conditions in producing increases and decreases in mean diastolic blood pressure. The free-operant format led to a greater degree of learned BP control in that subjects were able to increase and decrease their blood pressure by 10% to 15% of basal value and to maintain the blood-pressure operant after contingent auditory feedback/reinforcement was removed. Training was discontinued when subjects in the other five groups failed to reach criterion after 10 consecutive acquisition sessions.  相似文献   
Six experiments were performed to explore the necessary and sufficient conditions for producing context specificity of discriminative operant performance in pigeons. In Experiment 1, pigeons learned a successive discrimination (red S+/blue S−) in two chambers that had a particular odor present and between which they were frequently switched. The birds subsequently learned the reversal (blue S+/ red S−) in one of these chambers with a different odor present. When switched to the alternative chamber, although the odor and the reinforcement contingency were still appropriate to the reversal, performance appropriate to the original discrimination recurred in subjects for which the houselights were on during training and testing but not for those for which the houselights were off. This indicated the importance of visual contextual cues in producing context specificity. Experiment 2 showed that the frequent switching between boxes in initial training was of no consequence, presumably because the apparatus cues were highly salient to the subjects. Experiment 3 showed significantly less context specificity when odor cues were omitted. Experiment 4 showed that simply using a different reinforced stimulus in each phase of training was ineffective in producing context specificity. Experiment 5 showed that the generalization test procedure used in Experiment 4 was sensitive to context specificity when discrimination-reversal training was used with different odors in the two training phases. Experiment 6 replicated the results of Experiment 4, but then showed that when different odors accompanied the two training phases, context specificity was obtained with the single-stimulus paradigm. Thus in both single-stimulus and discrimination-reversal paradigms, redundant odor cues potentiated learning about apparatus cues.  相似文献   
In studies reporting stimulus-reinforcer interactions in traditional conditioning paradigms, when a tone-light compound was associated with food the light gained stimulus control, but when the compound was paired with shock avoidance the tone gained control. However, the physical nature of the reinforcerrelated events (food vs. shock) presented in the presence of the tone-light compound was always confounded with the conditioned hedonic value of the compound's presence relative to its absence. When the compound was paired with shock, its presence was negative relative to its absence (which was shock-free). In contrast, when the compound was paired with food, its presence was positive relative to its absence (which was food-free). The present experiment dealt with this confounding effect by conditioning a tone-light compound to be positive or negative, relative to its absence, solely with food reinforcement. One group of rats received food for responding in the presence of the tone-light compound and no food in its absence. The other group also responded in the presence of the compound, but received food only in its absence. These rats were trained on a chained schedule in which responding in the presence of the tone-light compound produced a terminal link signaled by the absence of the compound; responding ceased in the terminal link because it delayed food delivery. In a test session to assess stimulus control by the elements of the compound, tone and light were presented separately under extinction conditions. Rats that had been exposed to a positive correlation between food and the compound emitted almost double the responses in the presence of the light as in the presence of the tone. In comparison, rats that had been exposed to a negative correlation emitted only two thirds as many responses in the presence of the light as in the presence of the tone. Because this selective association was produced using only food, it appears that the contingencies under which a reinforcer is presented, rather than (or as well as) its physical properties, can generate the selective associations previously attributed to “stimulus-reinforcer interactions.” This could mean that regardless of the class of reinforcer that ultimately maintains responding (appetitive or aversive), the contingency-generated hedonic value of the compound stimulus may influence the dominant modality of stimulus control.  相似文献   
Vietnam combat veterans assigned diagnoses of PTSD were compared on measures of attention/concentration, new learning, and memory with Army National Guard enlistees who reported no unusual traumatic events or stress-related symptoms. Results showed that PTSD veterans performed more poorly than the comparison sample on a measure of verbal learning, exhibiting less proficient cumulative acquisition across repeated exposures, greater sensitivity to proactive interference, and more perseverative errors. Veterans with PTSD diagnoses also evidenced impairments in word fluency and visual attention/tracking abilities. These preliminary findings suggest that diagnoses of chronic PTSD in combat veterans are associated with cognitive performance deficits, when comparisons are made with military troops judged to be free of stress-related psychopathology. Results are consistent with self-reported complaints of concentration and memory impairments among PTSD-diagnosed clinical samples, thus highlighting the need for continued investigation of the neuropsychologlcal sequelae of prolonged stress exposure.  相似文献   
Alcohol-related knowledge and attitudes in people with a mild learning disability, who were either living, or being prepared to live, in relatively independent conditions in the community, were assessed through a structured interview format. Compared with non-learning-disabled teenagers, adults and a hospitalized patient sample, alcohol-related knowledge in the people with a learning disability was found to be significantly poorer, alcohol was reported as having particularly negative effects and susceptibility to social pressure to drink alcohol was greater. A ‘sensible drinking’ group, taking a social skills and influences approach to alcohol education, was conducted with a subgroup of the individuals with a learning disability. The group format and methods, including in vivo sessions in a public house, are described. Follow-up evaluations suggested some significant positive changes in knowledge, attitudes and sensible drinking skills. It is concluded that this population, which is increasingly living, or being moved into, independent conditions in the community, is at least as vulnerable to social influences on alcohol use and abuse as are young people. As with young people, the usefulness of making available such alcohol-education programmes as described in this study, is discussed.  相似文献   
内隐学习“三高”特征的实验研究   总被引:66,自引:11,他引:55  
本研究在社会认知的人物特征识别范畴内,探讨在高强度练习和准确反馈条件下,内隐学习的高选择力、高潜力以及高密度贮存三大特征。实验采用一种测量内隐和外显学习的新方法,要求被试学会把像片按其组合特征分类。这些特征包括人物姿势的正侧面(显著维度特征),人物容貌的美丑(非显著维度特征)。结果表明:(1)非显著特征的学习,内隐被试表现出更大且显著的底层规则的迁移,比外显被试具有更高的选择力。(2)内隐被试表现出高潜力的内隐知识。(3)信息论处理揭示了内隐知识传递和贮存的高密性和高效性。  相似文献   
We examined the relative effectiveness of three procedures for teaching long multiplication/division to seven adolescents with learning disabilities: no-checking, end-checking, and multi-checking. During training, each subject was taught by modelling and imitation to verbalize self-instructions in the form of a strategy while solving the problems. The relative effects of the checking and no-checking procedures on accuracy and rate of problems completed were examined in an alternating treatments design. The best treatment was then given alone and a reversal was implemented six weeks later, followed by a return to the best treatment during a final phase. Irrespective of the procedure used, the subjects' accuracy improved while the rate of problems completed decreased. These effects were greatest with the multi-checking procedure for six of the seven subjects. Generalization to untaught problems of various levels of complexity occurred under all procedures. Though maintenance effects were seen during the follow-up, accuracy was generally higher and more reliable when the subject's best checking procedure was reinstated. It is suggested that error detection and correction were important for maintaining high levels of accuracy and that these operated differentially in the three procedures to produce the differing levels of accuracy. The role of other factors such as pre-skill knowledge, complexity of the problem and prior reinforcement history are also considered.  相似文献   
Simultaneous prompting, a type of antecedent prompt and test procedure, was used to teach the chained task of making juice from a frozen concentrate using a pictorial recipe to four elementary-aged students with moderate intellectual disabilities. Using a multiple probe design, all students acquired the task and maintained the behavior with at least 85% accuracy up to 60 days after training was terminated. In addition, students generalized the skill across settings and materials. The students' ability to expressively identify the words shown on the recipe cards was tested prior to and after training. Although not directly trained, three of the four students increased their ability to read the words.  相似文献   
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