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Personality traits are important predictors of relationship satisfaction. However, the majority of previous study findings are based on self‐perceptions of personality. Thus, by means of the self‐, partner‐, and meta‐perceptions of personality, the present study focused on three different perspectives on the Big Five personality traits to examine dyadic associations with relationship satisfaction of intimate couples. The study was based on the first measurement occasion of the Swiss longitudinal study ‘Co‐Development in Personality: Longitudinal Approaches to Personality Development in Dyads across the Life Span’ and included data of 216 couples. The main analyses were based on Actor‐Partner Interdependence Model. Three general findings emerged. First, the three personality perspectives represented related, albeit distinct, constructs, and showed incremental validity with respect to relationship satisfaction. Second, neuroticism was negatively related to relationship satisfaction, whereas agreeableness and conscientiousness were positively related to relationship satisfaction across all perspectives. Third, substantial associations between e xtraversion and relationship satisfaction were exclusively evident in terms of the partner‐ and meta‐perception. The present results contribute to the literature by showing that each perspective is essential for the understanding of the role of personality for relationship satisfaction. Copyright © 2014 European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   
和谐的医患关系是构建人性化医疗的基础,面对当今医患关系紧张的困境,探索如何应对困境中的医患关系迫在眉睫.共情是心理学的一个概念,阐述了人际互动过程中的一种心理现象,是一种站在对方立场上的思考方式.临床实践中医务人员存在共情缺陷,如易产生共情疲劳、缺乏倾听、缺少尊重等,通过心理学干预技术提高其临床共情能力有利于减少共情缺陷、避免医疗纠纷、协调医患关系.良好的共情能力有助于推进新的合作型医患关系的建设,尤其适合于临床一线的医务工作者.  相似文献   
Research has investigated the role of three basic psychological needs as proposed by Self-Determination Theory – autonomy, competence, and relatedness – in explaining relationship satisfaction. Research has also explored how relatedness specifically increases prosocial motivations in the individual but has not focused on the role of relatedness in shaping partners’ relationship functioning over time. This research takes a dyadic perspective that proposes that relatedness fulfillment fosters compassionate goals, which in turn predict increases in partner’s satisfaction. Forty-five heterosexual dating couples were asked about their relatedness need fulfillment, compassionate goals, and relationship satisfaction. Relationship satisfaction was assessed again four weeks later. Results showed that one’s own relatedness fulfillment, but not one’s partner’s relatedness fulfillment at Time 1 uniquely predicts partner’s increased satisfaction at Time 2, and that this is mediated by one’s own higher compassionate goals. These findings highlight the dyadic importance of having one’s needs met in promoting relationship functioning over time.  相似文献   
Fathers' and mothers' views on mothers' satisfaction with paternal behaviour as well as the respective processes of origination were studied in 393 cohabiting couples from three different stages of the family life cycle. Data on paternal competence and the couples' relationship characteristics were included as predictors in multiple regression analyses, and the stages of the family life cycle were taken into account with multigroup regression analyses. Results showed that the mothers were more satisfied with paternal behaviour than the fathers thought the mothers were. Moreover, mothers were satisfied when the fathers were willing to spend time with the child, whereas fathers thought that their partners were satisfied when they were able to establish and maintain a relationship with the child. Couple relationship satisfaction had a consistent impact on fathers' views, whereas it was not relevant to mothers' views unless the oldest child had reached adolescence.  相似文献   
低头行为指的是线下社会互动时个体因使用手机而冷落社交对象的行为。目前关于低头行为研究最多的是伴侣低头行为。文章在剖析伴侣低头行为内涵之外,分析了伴侣低头行为带来的影响,并从期望违背理论、社会交换理论和相互依赖理论三个视角阐释伴侣低头行为发生的理论机制。总体上,基于现有研究我们认为未来可以从深化作用机制和探索跨关系研究(亲密关系—亲子关系)两个方面进行伴侣低头行为对亲密关系的研究。  相似文献   
孔子与《易》是有密切关系的,抛开《史记》和帛书的记载不言,仅就《论语》中两条最直接的材料来看确实如此。"加我数年……"当为孔子五十之前所说。五十之前,孔子也曾学《易》,而孔子认为知天命之年尤需学《易》。"不占而已"表明孔子解《易》以德,判定吉凶不需要占筮,而是取决于人的德性。孔子以"生生之德性"解《易》,以"道德必然性"解"天命",通过揭去《周易》的神秘外衣,发掘并发展其天人之学,将隐微难言的性与天道托诸于显著的人道德性,发展出天人合一的德性学说。  相似文献   
严瑜  赵颖 《心理科学进展》2020,28(5):844-854
随着辱虐管理产生破坏性影响的作用机制不断得到丰富和完善, 受辱虐下属选择特定应对方式的原因以及有效性成为未来辱虐管理的研究方向。基于人际拒绝的多动力模型, 梳理了在不同质量LMX的关系情境中受辱虐下属的应对方式, 并提出特定应对方式可能引起辱虐管理的恶性循环的假设模型。建议未来研究通过丰富下属的应对行为变量、增加人格和环境的调节机制以完善受辱虐下属的应对模型, 并以此为基础探究辱虐管理的消极互动机制, 为打破辱虐管理恶性循环提供理论支持。  相似文献   
张晓  陈会昌  张桂芳 《心理学报》2008,40(4):418-426
通过对102名托班幼儿的母亲和教师间隔9个月的两次测查,考察了母子关系、师生关系在儿童入园第一年的问题行为发展中的作用。结果表明:控制了儿童入园三个月时的问题行为后,(1)母子关系无法直接预测入园一年时的问题行为,师生关系冲突性可以反向预测入园一年时的退缩和违纪问题;(2)儿童性别调节了母子关系冲突性对入园一年时攻击问题的预测,即母子关系冲突性对入园一年时攻击问题的正向预测作用仅对女孩成立,对男孩则不成立;(3)师生关系亲密性调节了母子关系亲密性对入园一年时的退缩、焦虑、攻击和违纪问题的预测,即母子关系亲密性对入园一年时各种问题行为的负向预测作用仅对师生关系亲密程度高的儿童成立,对师生关系亲密程度低的儿童则不成立;对师生关系亲密程度低的儿童来说,母子关系亲密性对入园一年时的焦虑问题甚至具有正向预测作用  相似文献   
Background and Objectives: Social anxiety symptoms and delinquency are two prevalent manifestations of problem behavior during adolescence and both are related to negative interpersonal relationships in adolescence and emerging adulthood. This study examined the relation between social anxiety and delinquency in adolescence and the interplay between adolescent social anxiety and delinquency on perceived relationship quality in emerging adulthood. Design and Methods: In a 10-year long prospective study (T1, n = 923; T2, n = 727; Mage T1 = 12; 49% female), we examined competing hypotheses using regression analyses: the protective perspective, which suggests social anxiety protects against delinquency; and the co-occurring perspective, which suggests social anxiety and delinquency co-occur leading to increased negative interpersonal outcomes. Results: In adolescence, the relation between social anxiety and delinquency was consistent with the protective perspective. In emerging adulthood, consistent with the co-occurring perspective, ever-delinquents (but not delinquency abstainers) with higher social anxiety reported less perceived best friend, mother, and father support compared to delinquents with lower social anxiety. There was no interaction between anxiety and delinquency in predicting perceived conflict. Conclusion: This study highlights the importance of examining the relation between social anxiety and delinquency with regards to different interpersonal outcomes.  相似文献   
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