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This study examines how the supervisor-focused procedural justice (SPJ) mediates the effect of benevolent paternalistic leadership on supervisor-directed organizational citizenship behaviour (OCBS) across employees with different types of leader-referenced relational-self. We use leader identification and traditionality to operationalize the concept of leader-referenced relational-self. Significant three-way interaction effects in both the leadership-SPJ and the SPJ–OCBS relationships are found. The SPJ-mediated effect of benevolent paternalistic leadership on OCBS is significant among employees whose leader identification and traditionality range from average to high levels. The findings suggest that leader-referenced relational-self is more complex than leader identification. Limitations, the implications for theory, research, and practice are discussed.  相似文献   
Research on the effects of personality on work behaviors has adopted either the motivational meditation perspective or the person‐situation interaction perspective. This study attempted to integrate both of the perspectives in a single causal model. Specifically, using data collected from systems engineers and car salespeople in Japan, we investigated the mediating role of intrinsic motivation in the links from openness and conscientiousness to continuous learning, and the moderating role of occupation on the mediation mechanism. The results indicated that, for systems engineers, the effects of those personality traits on continuous learning were completely mediated via intrinsic motivation. For car salespeople, however, the trait effects on the outcome variable are direct, rather than transmitted through intrinsic motivation. The meanings of the findings and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   
This study investigated the relationships between leader responsiveness to employee requests and employee attitudes and behaviors in a sample of managers and their subordinates. Additionally, the study investigated the moderating effect of an individual difference variable (equity sensitivity), on the relationships between leader responsiveness and employee attitudes and behaviors. Leader responsiveness related significantly with job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and organizational citizenship behavior. Furthermore, equity sensitivity moderated the relationships between leader responsiveness and job satisfaction. Entitleds reported lower job satisfaction when manager fulfillment of employee requests was low than did Benevolents, whereas differences were minimal when manager request fulfillment was high. Implications of the findings were discussed.  相似文献   
Exposure to an outgroup member voicing criticism of his or her own group fosters greater openness to the outgroup’s perspective. Research suggests that this effect owes its influence to a serial process in which participants’ perception of the risk involved in voicing internal criticism leads to an increase in the perceived credibility of the speaker. The credibility makes it possible for the speaker to be viewed as open-minded, which subsequently inspires greater hope. This process culminates in an increased openness to the outgroup. These findings have been restricted to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but here we examine their generalizability to racial conflict in the United States. Results reveal that White Americans exposed to internal criticism expressed by a Black authority figure express greater openness to African-American perspectives on race relations and are more willing to support policies of racial equality. Replicating past research, this effect is serially mediated by risk, credibility, and hope.  相似文献   
在组织中,由于存在权力和地位差异等因素,领导者往往难以获得充分的人际关系满足,孤独成为领导者这一群体的普遍体验。事实上,领导者的工作场所孤独感不仅会对领导者自身产生一系列影响,且还具有独特的社会功能,会给团队及其追随者带来后续影响。然而,目前组织管理领域有关孤独感的文献主要集中于探讨员工的工作场所孤独感,罕有研究考察领导工作场所孤独感究竟会造成何种影响。并且,现有研究普遍只关注孤独感的消极效应,缺乏对其潜在积极效应的挖掘。因此,本文将通过3个子研究,结合多层次、多理论、多研究方法的全景研究范式,全面考察领导工作场所孤独感的双刃剑效应及其机制。本研究不仅可以丰富和拓展工作场所孤独感的理论体系,也能为企业发挥领导工作场所孤独感的积极作用与抑制其负面效应提供管理启示。  相似文献   
情绪调节对工作倦怠的影响作用分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
情绪调节是工作倦怠的一个重要预测变量。实证研究表明, 压抑负面情绪和采用表面表演策略是情绪调节导致工作倦怠的主要原因; 而情绪智力、工作自主等个体因素和组织因素对于情绪调节与工作倦怠的关系具有重要的调节效应。情绪调节对工作倦怠作用机制的理论解释包括面部表情理论、资源保存理论和情绪的社会功能。在此基础上建立了综合的理论模型来分析情绪调节对工作倦怠的作用机制, 提出应该深入探讨组织支持、领导行为和情感文化的调节效应, 并从人力资源管理实践的角度采取预防与干预措施。  相似文献   
批判性思维是指个体基于良好判断、使用恰当的评估标准对事物的价值进行评估和思考的过程。尽管心理学家对它的研究时间并不长,但对这个概念的探索却从启蒙运动时代的笛卡尔就开始了。笛卡尔认为人们的很多知识都是建构在错误的基础上的,所以为了追求真理,最好的方法就是对现有的观念和认知统统加以怀疑,怀疑后才会发现并解决问题,从而达到促进知识发展和寻找确定性的目标,这种怀疑和质疑正是批判性思维的本质。Ennis、Facione等从20世纪80年代中期开始用心理学的方法确定了西方人批判性思维的特征,并从批判性分析能力、思维开放性和运用批判性思维倾向性三个方面衡量批判性思维。本研究计划包括4个系列实验:研究1是确立中国人批判性思维的结构;研究2是探讨智力、批判性思维与大学生创造力的关系;研究3是探究批判性思维与知识型员工创新之间的关系;研究4是通过对批判性思维的干预提升中国人的创新能力。通过这一系列的研究,找到批判性思维影响创新的机制,以及智力到创新行为之间的作用路径,从而使我们更好地理解培养批判性思维的价值,为党的十八大提出的万众创新提供理论支持。  相似文献   
Qualitative research methods were used to investigate the informational needs of church worship leaders as they related to collection development for worship service planning. Aguilar's environmental scanning model is adapted from a long-range strategic planning framework, to a short-term information-gathering methodology with task-focused implications. Although the interview subjects come from varied backgrounds, denominationally, educationally, and experientially, they have all developed a personal system of using environmental scanning for their collection development needs.  相似文献   

To grow old is but one chapter in a lifelong journey of spiritual formation. Spirituality can be defined most easily by what it is not. Aging is a process of discovery and pondering, reminiscing, and acting, integrating and meaning making, even surrendering to Life as it is, not as we will it to be. Spiritual insights are gained from James Fowler, Viktor Frankl, Thomas Merton, Paul Tournier, Adrian Van Kamm, and Rachel Remen.  相似文献   
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