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近视矫治手术是20世纪眼科领域的重大进展之一,现已进入到个体化治疗的阶段。近视矫治手术的发展充分体现着人类对整个客观世界的认识遵循着认识论与辩证法的客观规律。抓住偶然性的发现,运用创造性思维进行深入研究,就有可能作出重大发明。跨学科交叉则为学科发展提供了条件。  相似文献   

The effect of high-current-density electropulsing on dislocation structures in a coplanar double-slip-oriented copper single crystal that had previously been fatigued is reported. The results show that, after electropulsing, vein structures are transformed to cell structures with some dark regions. It is proposed that the thermal compressive stress caused by electropulsing activates a coplanar slip system and leads to strong dislocation interactions between primary and coplanar slip systems, thereby forming cell structures. Partial recrystallization may occur by electropulsing, leading to the appearance of some dark regions.  相似文献   
A complete diagonalization energy matrix method (CDM) is proposed for 3d 8 ions in orthorhombic site (D 2 h ) symmetry. As an application, the optical spectra of XF2 : Ni2+ (X = Mg, Zn) is well explained on the basis of both the CDM and the semi-self-consistent field d-orbital (semi-SCF d-orbital) theory. In addition, by establishing the relationship between the optical spectra and local structure, it has been possible to calculate the crystal structure parameters for XF2:Ni2+ from optical measurements on Ni2+ ions. The theoretical results are in good agreement with experimental findings.  相似文献   
Electrochemical polymerization of thiophene-based achiral monomer having azobenzene as a chromophore irradiated by circular polarized light (CPL) was carried out to obtain chiroptically active polymer film on indium-tin oxide-coated glass. Circular dichroism and optical absorption spectroscopy measurements indicate the samples show chiroptical activity. This result indicates occurrence of absolute asymmetric polymerization by laser CPL.  相似文献   
以诺贝尔生理学和医学奖获奖者群体为样本,从该群体的知识背景、研究方法、科研协作方面入手,进行计量分析和实证研究,揭示医学创新研究的跨学科特征,认为跨学科知识背景是获得创新性成果的前提和基础,进而指出医学创新研究最终会导致新的医学跨学科体系的建构,推动整个医学的发展.  相似文献   
激光高科技的发展使得激光美容应运而生,激光美容具有高效安全、方便快捷、痛苦小的独特优点,开创了医学美容的新纪元,激光美容已成为当代医学美容中最具有前途和魅力的部分.从激光美容的发展过程,认识到学科交叉产生创新,科学理论对实践具有良好的指导和推动作用,科学的进步离不开科学思维的创造力.  相似文献   
波前相差引导的个体化切削治疗近视   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
角膜的个体化切削是在PRK、LASIK、LASEK的基础上发展起来的一种新的屈光手术技术。其最大的优点是根据不同眼的特点对角膜进行切削,使其达到最佳的视觉效果。现回顾角膜屈光手术的发展,并运用哲学原理对个体化切削的依据、技术创新及其具体应用加以综述。  相似文献   
脑动静脉畸形手术前后血流灌注的TCD研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对脑AVM患者手术前后进行TCD检查以及激光多普勒监测,以探讨脑AVM患者血流动力学指标与手术后局部脑皮层血流量指标变化的相关性,从而为预测正常灌注压突破综合征提供依据。结果显示AVM患者高流量组与低流量组之间手术后rCBF值存在显著差异(P0.05),并且不同流量AVM供血动脉的血流动力学指标差异性于手术后消失。因此,通过对AVM患者手术前后TCD监测,有助于为预测术后局部脑皮层血流量变化提供依据。  相似文献   
Honey bees are ideal organisms for studying associative learning, because they can rapidly learn different sensory cues, even under laboratory conditions. Classical olfactory learning experiments have shown that the mushroom bodies (MBs), a prominent neuropil of the central nervous system of the bee, are involved in olfactory learning and memory formation. We tested whether the MBs are also involved in tactile antennal learning. As in olfactory learning, bees use the antennae during tactile learning to sense tactile cues. We produced specific MB ablations by applying the mitotic blocker hydroxyurea (HU). In Drosophila, HU-induced brain lesions of the MBs strongly impaired olfactory memory formation. As treatment with HU might also interfere with the processing of the reward stimulus, sucrose, we measured the responsiveness to sucrose stimuli in these bees. Treatment with HU led to partial ablations of the median MB sub-units on one or both sides of the brain. We analysed side-specific effects in double-blind tests, testing sucrose responsiveness separately for each antenna, and conditioning first one antenna and then the other in a reversal learning assay. HU-treated bees without detectable ablations were less responsive to sucrose and had a poorer learning performance than untreated controls. Partial MB ablation did not additionally affect responsiveness to sucrose or tactile antennal learning. Interestingly, bees with bilateral MB ablations did not differ from untreated controls in their learning performance during the first learning phase. During reversal learning, acquisition in these bees was significantly lower than that in untreated controls. It is concluded that HU treatment affects sucrose responsiveness and tactile learning even without detectable ablation of neuropils. The effects of MB ablations on tactile learning are not side-specific and not correlated with the volume of the ablated neuropil. Accepted after revision: 15 January 2001 ❚ Electronic Publication  相似文献   
生存质量的概念在90年代广泛应用于临床,作为评价某一药物或某一治疗方法的手段之一。在心律失常的非药物治疗领域,正是引入了生存质量这一概念才使起搏器从单纯维持生命进展到双腔和/或频率应答。才改进生存质量,亦使快速性心律失常从手术治疗走向消融治疗。对高水平生存质量的追求是医患双方共同的目的。  相似文献   
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