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Reinforcing an alternative response in the same context as a target response reduces the rate of occurrence but increases the persistence of that target response. Applied researchers who use such techniques to decrease the rate of a target problem behavior risk inadvertently increasing the persistence of the same problem behavior. Behavioral momentum theory asserts that the increased persistence is a function of the alternative reinforcement enhancing the Pavlovian relation between the target stimulus context and reinforcement. A method showing promise for reducing the persistence‐enhancing effects of alternative reinforcement is to train the alternative response in a separate stimulus context before combining with the target stimulus in extinction. The present study replicated previous findings using pigeons by showing that combining an “alternative” richer VI schedule (96 reinforcers/ hr) with a “target” leaner VI schedule (24 reinforcers/hr) reduced resistance to extinction of target responding compared with concurrent training of the alternative and target responses (totaling 120 reinforcers/hr). We also found less relapse with a reinstatement procedure following extinction with separate‐context training, supporting previous findings that training conditions similarly influence both resistance to extinction and relapse. Finally, combining the alternative stimulus context was less disruptive to target responding previously trained in the concurrent schedule, relative to combining with the target response trained alone. Overall, the present findings suggest the technique of combining stimulus contexts associated with alternative responses with those associated with target responses disrupts target responding. Furthermore, the effectiveness of this disruption is a function of training context of reinforcement for target responding, consistent with assertions of behavioral momentum theory.  相似文献   
Pigeons were given repeated choices between variable and fixed numbers of token reinforcers (stimulus lamps arrayed above the response keys), with each earned token exchangeable for food. The number of tokens provided by the fixed‐amount option remained constant within blocks of sessions, but varied parametrically across phases, assuming values of 2, 4, 6, or 8 tokens per choice. The number of tokens provided by the variable‐amount option varied between 0 and 12 tokens per choice, arranged according to an exponential or rectangular distribution. In general, the pigeons strongly preferred the variable option when the fixed option provided equal or greater numbers of tokens than the variable amount. Preference for the variable amount decreased only when the alternatives provided widely disparate amounts favoring the fixed amount. When tokens were removed from the experimental context, preference for the variable option was reduced or eliminated, suggesting that the token presentation played a key role in maintaining risk‐prone choice patterns. Choice latencies varied inversely with preferences, suggesting that local analyses may provide useful ancillary measures of reinforcer value. Overall, the results indicate that systematic risk sensitivity can be attained with respect to reinforcer amount, and that tokens may be critical in the development of such preferences.  相似文献   
心理隐喻的变迁与心理治疗模式的转换   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
心理治疗模式的转换始终伴随着心理隐喻的变迁,每一种心理治疗模式都蕴涵着一个独特的心理隐喻,支撑着研究领域的共同理解。揭示这些治疗模式内蕴的心理隐喻,梳理心理隐喻的变迁轨迹,有助于我们更好地理解心理治疗模式的转换规律,展望心理治疗的发展前景。  相似文献   
个体心理模式对慢性疾病预后的探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
21世纪,慢性疾病逐渐成为威胁人类健康的重要原因。然而其预后一直不理想,对慢性疾病患者的心理模式进行了分析,结合工作实际,提出慢性疾病患者如何看待疾病和自身———有意识的或无意识的———在很大程度上决定了疾病的预后。  相似文献   
高血压防治模式探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高血压是一种严重危害人体健康的生活方式病,也是一种心身疾病。它的危害性较之烈性传染病有过之而无不及。但高血压防治仍停留在“专家模式”一头热的困局上,临床指南与临床实践有较大差距。高血压知晓率、治疗率和控制率均低。造成“三低”的原因有:(1)对高血压这种慢性、流行性疾病的危害性认识不足;(2)健康观念存在误区;(3)迷信一劳永逸的治疗方法;(4)人群防治知识缺乏、素质低下。高血压防治是一个科学的综合管理过程,只有从健康教育入手,全面提高人群高血压防治知识水平,才能开创高血压防治的新局面。健康追求不应只是个人行为,还必须是群体行为和社会行为。人群有了健康观念、健康心态和健康智慧,高血压的防治才能取得真正的成效。  相似文献   
积极心理治疗模式的特色及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
。积极心理治疗是以积极心理学思想为理论指导的一种心理疗法。作为心理治疗中的一个新生事物,它从人发展的可能性和能力出发,以解决冲突为核心,关注积极的人格特质,在治疗中借助讲故事的形式提供跨文化的观点。这一较符合人性特点的心理治疗模式,扩展了人们对心理治疗性质的认识,推进了心理治疗的本土化发展。  相似文献   
通过对344个汉语单字词26名被试的平均命名反应时分析发现,起始音素不同的词的命名反应时之间存在差异,而且此差异在排除字频、获得年龄(Age of acquisition)、规则性、一致性、可表象性、笔画数、书面学习年龄、声旁成字频率等因素作用后仍然存在。起始音素为元音和浊辅音的字词比清辅音的字词反应时短,清辅音当中塞擦音反应时最长。讨论了这种差异的可能原因,并对字词命名实验提出了相关建议。  相似文献   
Pigeons were presented with a concurrent-chains schedule in which both choice alternatives led to the same terminal-link stimulus, which was followed by food. Superimposed on the food-reinforced presentations of the terminal-link stimulus was a second schedule of presentations of the same stimulus that were followed by no food. The absolute number of these no-food stimulus presentations was held constant while their relative frequency assigned to one or the other choice alternative was systematically varied. Preference for a given choice alternative tracked the relative frequency of these stimulus presentations, thus demonstrating that they served as reinforcers. These results resolve conflicts in the literature regarding the effect of conditioned reinforcement on choice.  相似文献   
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