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Abstract: In this article we critique the collectivist approach to collective moral responsibility. According to philosophers of a collectivist persuasion, a central notion of collective moral responsibility is moral responsibility assigned to a collective as a single entity. In our critique, we proceed by way of discussing the accounts and arguments of three prominent representatives of the collectivist approach with respect to collective responsibility: Margaret Gilbert, Russell Hardin, and Philip Pettit. Our aims are mainly critical; however, this should not be taken to imply that we do not ourselves support an alternative account of collective responsibility. We advocate an individualist account of collective responsibility. On this view of collective responsibility as joint responsibility, collective responsibility is ascribed to individuals. Each member of the group is individually morally responsible for the outcome of the joint action, but each is individually responsible jointly with the others.  相似文献   
The importance of the symbolic properties of goods has been explored in depth among adult consumers, but there has been less attention given to the symbolic consumption of young people. This study explores the subject of symbolic consumption with specific reference to clothing in the teenage market. Thirty‐eight young people were interviewed, and age, sex and social position variations were considered. The results of this study suggest that conspicuous consumption is relevant for young people, and that they are a group which is adept at reading the signals represented in clothing choices. The authors found that the clothes choices made by young people are closely bound to their self‐concept, and are used both as a means of self‐expression and as a way of judging the people and situations they face. Evidence was also found that clothing has a function in role fulfilment, making the wearer more confident and capable. Overall, clothing can be viewed as an essential social tool in the lives of teenagers. Copyright © 2004 Henry Stewart Publications Ltd.  相似文献   
赵亚军  张智君  刘炜 《心理科学》2012,35(2):304-308
采用注视-西蒙范式探讨了注视方向知觉的空间编码机制。实验一让被试采用双手交叉的反应方式,发现注视-西蒙效应并不随反应手的交叉而反转,说明它涉及抽象的空间方向编码,而非基于以手为参照系的半侧优势效应。实验二采用纯音音调辨别任务,发现了典型的注视-西蒙效应,结合实验一视觉通道的结果,说明注视-西蒙效应并非特异于视觉通道,它可能发生在晚期的反应选择阶段,而非早期的知觉阶段。结果支持注视线索能够自动诱发观察者形成抽象的方向表征的观点。  相似文献   
陈璐  张婷  李泉  冯廷勇 《心理科学进展》2015,23(7):1205-1215
共同注意是指两个人共同对某一事物加以注意, 分享对该事物的兴趣, 它是儿童社会认知发展的奠基性能力。首先, 孤独症儿童共同注意发展主要体现在注视转换、主动展示、分享等能力发展滞后及缺陷; 孤独症儿童共同注意的神经基础:应答性共同注意主要涉及后部皮层注意网络(如颞上沟后部、顶内沟等), 自发性共同注意涉及前部皮层注意网络(如前扣带皮层、背内侧额叶等); 最后, 以回合式教法和关键反应训练为基本方法, 论述了共同注意干预的新近模式和效果评估。未来研究应在孤独症儿童的共同注意发展的年龄特征及机制、共同注意的脑区可塑性及脑网络的发展以及开发更有效的干预方法等方面展开大量研究。  相似文献   
A multiple baseline design across 3 children with autism was used to assess the effects of prompting and social reinforcement to teach participants to respond to an adult's bid for joint attention and to initiate bids for joint attention. Participants were taught to respond to an adult's bid for joint attention by looking in the direction of an object at which the adult pointed, by making a comment about the object, and by looking back at the adult. Additional training and reinforcement were needed to teach the participants to initiate bids for joint attention. Findings are discussed in terms of the social relevance of teaching children with autism to respond to and initiate bids for joint attention.  相似文献   
Amos Yong 《Zygon》2008,43(1):191-200
The topic of divine action has been central to the theology‐and‐science discussion over the last twenty years. Some tentative conclusions are currently being drawn in light of research initiatives that have been engaged on this topic. I review three recent books that have responded in some way to the ongoing discussion. These responses show that, notwithstanding the advances made in the conversation, much work remains to be done before a plausible theory of divine action emerges at the interface of theology and science.  相似文献   
李琴 《管子学刊》2008,(3):16-19
在人类消费文化发展史上,有两本书的消费观点格外引人注目。分别是成书于我国先秦时期的《管子》和西方18世纪荷兰经济学家曼得维尔的《蜜蜂的预言》。撇开时间和空间的诸多差异,两书的消费思想竟有惊人的相似之处:它们都在一片尚俭声中主张适度消费,发挥消费对社会生产的积极作用;反对过度节俭,认为奢靡能增加社会财富、提供就业机会;两书虽是它们所处时代论述消费问题的开天辟地之作,却并未受重视,反而对后人产生了深远影响。  相似文献   
本文论述了《管子》的生态经济思想:《管子》认为经济系统必须顺应这个生态系统的生态法则:“天时”;《管子》阐述了正确处理人口、生产与资源、环境保护间关系的“务地利”的可持续经济思想;《管子》提出了修德、贫富有度及适度消费的生态经济管理思想。  相似文献   
他人的注视线索可诱导观察者将注意自动地转移到该线索所指示的方向上去(注视追随), 但仍不清楚注视方向的知觉在注视追随中起到何种作用。本研究结合注视适应和注视线索提示范式发现:知觉到的注视线索角度越大, 其线索提示效应越强; 知觉适应后被试判断注视方向的准确性下降, 注视线索引起的注意转移量显著减少。可见, 对注视方向的知觉能直接影响注视追随行为, 而注视方向抽取受到刺激显著性(注视角度)和知觉适应等因素的调节。这提示:在意识状态下, 注视知觉与注视追随存在直接联系, 即可能存在从注视知觉系统到注意转移系统的皮层加工通路; 注视追随并非纯粹的反射式加工, 它受自上而下知觉经验的调节。  相似文献   
人工关节外科学是近40年来发展变化最突出的医学领域之一。目前人工关节置换已经成为治疗严重关节病损的临床标准手术。本文通过系统论的基本原则论述了人工关节外科学的发展历史,人工关节假体材料研制、假体设计安装和人工关节置换技术的进展。  相似文献   
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