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It is imperative that the university environment be supportive and capable of nurturing optimal learning and performance in students. Using job design and work stress theories, the study assessed relationships between psychosocial work characteristics, well-being and satisfaction, and performance in a random sample survey of Australian university students (N = 176). Methodological improvements were a time lag between survey and performance measures, an objective measure of performance, and LISREL structural equation modeling. Results showed high levels of psychological distress and low levels of satisfaction, both linked to high demands combined with low control. In accord with the happy-productive student hypothesis, satisfaction mediated the impact of the work environment on performance. Reengineering the design of the student work environment may therefore improve performance outcomes (student grades) through enhancing satisfaction.  相似文献   
叶宝娟  郑清 《心理科学》2017,40(3):685-691
基于授权认知模型、社会认同理论等理论考察了心理授权对农村小学校长工作满意度的影响以及职业认同的中介效应和情绪智力的调节效应。采用心理授权量表、职业认同量表、情绪智力量表与工作满意度量表对随机抽取的269名农村小学校长进行调查。结果显示:(1)心理授权、职业认同、情绪智力与工作满意度这四个变量均两两正相关;(2)心理授权、职业认同会正向预测农村小学校长工作满意度,心理授权会正向预测职业认同;(3)职业认同在心理授权与工作满意度之间起中介作用;(4)情绪智力调节了职业认同对农村小学校长工作满意度的影响。因此,心理授权对农村小学校长工作满意度的影响是一个有调节的中介效应。  相似文献   
工作家庭冲突的初步研究   总被引:44,自引:1,他引:44  
工作家庭冲突是一种特殊类型的角色交互冲突 ,它对于了解人的胜任特征模型和提高人力管理的效率有重要的意义。本研究通过在银行、科研单位和高新技术企业进行的有关工作家庭冲突的调查结果表明 ,较之家庭—工作冲突 ,工作—家庭冲突能较好预测员工的工作压力 ,它通过工作压力间接地对工作满意感起作用 ,女性员工的工作态度更容易受到工作—家庭冲突的影响。  相似文献   
职业倦怠的工作要求-资源模型   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
工作要求 -资源 (JD R)模型从工作要求和工作资源两个维度出发 ,研究了工作条件对职业倦怠各个维度的影响。大量的研究支持了该模型 ,但是由于对该模型的研究还存在一些不足之处 ,尤其是对工作要求与工作资源之间的交互作用的验证性结论有一些矛盾的方面。因此 ,有必要对这一模型进行更多的实证研究 ,并有针对性地提出干预倦怠的有效策略  相似文献   
本研究考察新冠疫情期间,工作-家庭冲突是否通过职业倦怠增加中小学教师抑郁水平,以及心理弹性是否调节该中介作用。1127名中小学教师参与线上调查,完成中小学教师工作-家庭冲突问卷、中小学教师职业倦怠问卷、抑郁自评量表及中学教师心理弹性量表。结果发现:(1)大多教师疫情前后工作生活情况、工作-家庭冲突与抑郁的状况变化不大,少数教师疫情期间工作生活情况、工作-家庭冲突与抑郁状况变差或好转;(2)教师工作-家庭冲突与抑郁、职业倦怠呈正相关,三者均与心理弹性负相关;(3)控制额外变量后,职业倦怠是工作-家庭冲突与抑郁间的中介变量,在疫情期间工作生活状态更好、更差以及与疫情前后没有差别的教师中均成立;(4)对于感知疫情后情况更好的教师,心理弹性调节了工作-家庭冲突与职业倦怠的关系。对于感知疫情后情况更差的教师,心理弹性调节了职业倦怠与抑郁的关系。因此,缓解工作-家庭冲突和职业倦怠、提高心理弹性可减少中小学教师抑郁,保持心理健康。  相似文献   
孙卉  徐洁 《心理科学进展》2023,31(3):467-479
职场通讯压力是指员工想要快速回复基于信息通讯技术(information and communication technology, ICT)的工作消息而体验到的紧迫性, 现有研究对其成因及影响路径的探讨较为零散且缺乏系统性认识。基于工作要求-资源模型并结合努力-恢复模型, 讨论作为工作要求的ICT使用以及作为个人要求/资源的个体因素对职场通讯压力的前因作用; 探讨职场通讯压力因阻碍恢复活动而对员工身心健康以及工作和家庭领域产生的消极影响, 以期增进对职场通讯压力的全面了解, 丰富现有研究对ICT使用后果的认识, 并为未来研究的展开以及员工职业心理健康干预实践提供参考。  相似文献   
The current work scenario is pervaded by widespread perceptions of job insecurity, which is one of the main stress factors for workers and their well-being. This article aims to investigate the link between these perceptions and a most inner dimension, that is, people's tendency to self-objectify (i.e., self-viewing as objects rather than fully human beings). Furthermore, we aim to verify the role of this self-objectifying process in explaining the well-established relation between perceived job insecurity and well-being. Across four studies and a single-article meta-analysis (total N = 684), we show that perceived job insecurity is consistently linked with self-objectification. Furthermore, this objectifying self-perception is associated with decreased well-being and plays a mediational role in the link between perceived job insecurity and this latter variable.  相似文献   
In industrial countries home care services for elderly people living in the community are growing rapidly. Home care nursing is intensive and the nurses often suffer from musculoskeletal pain. Time pressure and job control are job-related factors linked to the risk of experiencing lower back pain (LBP) and LBP-related work impairment. This survey investigated whether work-family conflict (WFC), emotional dissonance and being appreciated at work have incremental predictive value. Responses were obtained from 125 home care nurses (63% response rate). Multiple linear regression showed that emotional dissonance and being appreciated at work predicted LBP intensity and LBP-related disability independently of time pressure and job control. WFC was not a predictor of LBP-related disability in multiple regression analyses despite a zero-order correlation with it. Redesigning the working pattern of home care nurses to reduce the emotional demands and improve appreciation of their work might reduce the incidence of LBP in this group.  相似文献   
This study adds to the understanding of the relationship between qualitative job insecurity and employee in-role performance, by analysing the association longitudinally. While social exchange theory predicts that the relationship should be negative and bidirectional, the job preservation motivation model indicates a self-correcting mechanism, where job insecurity leads to increased performance, which, in turn, could decrease job insecurity. We developed competing hypotheses and examined them using structural equation modelling in a heterogeneous sample of 337 employees. For employees with a higher professional level, results pointed towards a reciprocal causal relationship between qualitative job insecurity and in-role performance, indicating a loss cycle. For employees with a lower professional level, results showed a small positive direct causal relationship between qualitative job insecurity and in-role performance, while the negative direct path from in-role performance to qualitative job insecurity did not reach statistical significance. This is the first study to test the diverging theoretical predictions of social exchange theory and the job preservation motivation model, with regard to the relationship between qualitative job insecurity and in-role performance. Being longitudinal, our study only allows us to hint at possible causal relationships between the involved variables, the chronological order being necessary, but not sufficient to prove causality.  相似文献   
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