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本研究考察新冠疫情期间,工作-家庭冲突是否通过职业倦怠增加中小学教师抑郁水平,以及心理弹性是否调节该中介作用。1127名中小学教师参与线上调查,完成中小学教师工作-家庭冲突问卷、中小学教师职业倦怠问卷、抑郁自评量表及中学教师心理弹性量表。结果发现:(1)大多教师疫情前后工作生活情况、工作-家庭冲突与抑郁的状况变化不大,少数教师疫情期间工作生活情况、工作-家庭冲突与抑郁状况变差或好转;(2)教师工作-家庭冲突与抑郁、职业倦怠呈正相关,三者均与心理弹性负相关;(3)控制额外变量后,职业倦怠是工作-家庭冲突与抑郁间的中介变量,在疫情期间工作生活状态更好、更差以及与疫情前后没有差别的教师中均成立;(4)对于感知疫情后情况更好的教师,心理弹性调节了工作-家庭冲突与职业倦怠的关系。对于感知疫情后情况更差的教师,心理弹性调节了职业倦怠与抑郁的关系。因此,缓解工作-家庭冲突和职业倦怠、提高心理弹性可减少中小学教师抑郁,保持心理健康。  相似文献   
孙卉  徐洁 《心理科学进展》2023,31(3):467-479
职场通讯压力是指员工想要快速回复基于信息通讯技术(information and communication technology, ICT)的工作消息而体验到的紧迫性, 现有研究对其成因及影响路径的探讨较为零散且缺乏系统性认识。基于工作要求-资源模型并结合努力-恢复模型, 讨论作为工作要求的ICT使用以及作为个人要求/资源的个体因素对职场通讯压力的前因作用; 探讨职场通讯压力因阻碍恢复活动而对员工身心健康以及工作和家庭领域产生的消极影响, 以期增进对职场通讯压力的全面了解, 丰富现有研究对ICT使用后果的认识, 并为未来研究的展开以及员工职业心理健康干预实践提供参考。  相似文献   
The current work scenario is pervaded by widespread perceptions of job insecurity, which is one of the main stress factors for workers and their well-being. This article aims to investigate the link between these perceptions and a most inner dimension, that is, people's tendency to self-objectify (i.e., self-viewing as objects rather than fully human beings). Furthermore, we aim to verify the role of this self-objectifying process in explaining the well-established relation between perceived job insecurity and well-being. Across four studies and a single-article meta-analysis (total N = 684), we show that perceived job insecurity is consistently linked with self-objectification. Furthermore, this objectifying self-perception is associated with decreased well-being and plays a mediational role in the link between perceived job insecurity and this latter variable.  相似文献   
王登峰  崔红 《心理学报》2008,40(7):828-838
研究旨在探讨基层党政领导干部的人格特点与工作绩效之间的关系。中国人人格量表(QZPS)测量的人格的七个维度及其18个次级因素均与工作绩效的维度存在不同程度的相关,其中处世态度、人际关系和外向性与任务绩效绩效相关最高,处世态度、情绪性和行事风格与个人品质绩效绩效相关最高,而情绪性与他人评定绩效相关最高。人格因素可以解释自我评定绩效31. 7% ~ 49. 9%的变异,可以解释他人评定绩效6. 3% ~ 12. 8%的变异。而采用NEO PI-R测量人格时,所解释的工作绩效的变异只有QZPS的1/3左右。文中还讨论了工作绩效和人格结构的文化意义以及本土化研究的重要性  相似文献   
工作不安全感的研究现状与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
工作不安全感反映了一种雇员对工作或工作重要特性受到威胁时的感知和担忧。从上世纪80年代以来,它已逐步成为西方组织行为及职业心理健康研究领域中的一个重要构念。文章从5种视角厘清工作不安全感内涵及研究中存在的混淆之处,对其测量工具、研究取向进行介绍,并对有关其前因、后果和调节变量的实证研究成果进行系统性的总结,在此基础上指出未来研究的方向:(1)亟待开发统一的测量工具;(2)在区分组织情境的条件下开展更细化的研究;(3)对前因及后果的细致探索;(4)加强对调节变量的研究;(5)纵向研究的需要;(6)跨文化比较研究。  相似文献   
Drawing on the Conservation of Resources Theory by Hobfoll, we examined the relationships between abusive supervision, job insecurity, locus of control, and employees’ innovative behavior. Using self‐reported data collected from employees among four enterprises in China (N = 641), we found that abusive supervision was positively correlated with job insecurity. In contrast, both job insecurity and abusive supervision were negatively correlated with employees’ innovative behavior, with the impact of abusive supervision on innovative behavior being mediated by its effect on job insecurity. Having an external locus of control that served as a buffering factor for employees, mitigating the relationship between abusive supervision and job insecurity. These findings complement the existing research on the impacts of abusive leadership, providing practical information for enterprises on how to enhance levels of innovation and vitality among employees.  相似文献   
Job search represents a dynamic process through which job seekers must consistently engage in effective self-regulation. Although scholars have increasingly begun to theorize and conceptualize the job search in this manner, little is known about what fosters effective self-regulation week-to-week. In light of this theoretical gap, we integrate self-regulation theory with the feedback literature to examine how feedback quality influences affective, cognitive, and behavioral regulatory processes in job search. Furthermore, we examine feedback self-efficacy (i.e., how efficacious a job seeker feels with respect to processing and implementing feedback received during the job search) as a stable, person-level moderator of these within-person relationships. In a sample of job seekers surveyed once a week for seven weeks, results indicate that receiving high-quality feedback has a direct influence on positive and negative affective reactions tied to the job search, influencing subsequent positive (i.e., metacognitive strategies) and negative (i.e., affective rumination) cognitive processes. Metacognitive strategies, in turn, impact both the number of résumés sent and hours spent job seeking each week. Moreover, lower feedback self-efficacy amplifies the relationship between feedback quality and negative affective reactions. Our results highlight the importance of high-quality feedback in helping job seekers effectively regulate week-to-week.  相似文献   
The military is a highly stressful career that requires one to work closely with others. These features of the military render it plausible that skills related to emotional perception and management—or emotional intelligence—would tend to benefit performance within this setting. Hypotheses of this type were examined in a panel study that presented 152 active duty military personnel with a new scenario‐based measure that specifically focused on emotional occurrences within the workplace. As hypothesized, work‐related emotional intelligence (W‐EI) positively predicted task performance, discipline, organizational citizenship, and employees with higher W‐EI levels received a greater number of performance commendations. Additionally, these relationships tended to remain significant in discriminant multiple regressions. Altogether, the results provide important evidence for the benefits of W‐EI within an occupational context that requires a high degree of coordination as well as stress management.  相似文献   
This two‐wave field study draws from social cognitive theory to investigate the specific job search self‐efficacy beliefs and behaviors of unemployed ethnic minority women in the Netherlands. We go beyond prior job search research that predominantly used white samples and conceptualized job search self‐efficacy and behavior as global, unidimensional constructs. We found that networking self‐efficacy and Internet self‐efficacy were the main predictors of ethnic minority women’s job search behaviors. Moreover, the more time they spent on contacting employment agencies and looking at job ads the more job offers they received. Finally, time spent on job ads was more positively related to job offers when job ad self‐efficacy was high and time spent on networking only predicted job offers when networking self‐efficacy was high.  相似文献   
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