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本项目突破了以往研究过于聚焦"助人行为"这一瞬时行为的局限,把工作场所中的助人决策理解为一种基于动态性心理契约的社会性风险投资决策过程,认为人力资源管理的相关实践能够在组织内部为员工之间的这种社会性风险投资决策,创建和维持适宜的投资环境,促使员工愿意、能够、敢于进行助人这种社会性风险投资决策。基于上述思路,项目首先构建工作场所中助人决策的过程机制模型,然后就该模型与以往模型存在的核心差异——反思调整——进行深入探索。随后,就影响助人决策投资环境的重要因素,从人力资源管理职能的角度,分别探讨工作设计和薪酬管理两个方面的重要变量对助人决策的影响机制。最后,基于本项目研究成果,提出能切实促进员工助人决策的、体系化的人力资源管理实践建议。  相似文献   
大学生网络游戏成瘾是一种可能对大学生身心健康造成严重影响的成瘾现象。以往的心理学研究大都采用量化研究,在理论层面对成瘾的生理机制、致瘾动机及人格特征等进行实证研究,一般难以直接指导实践者的具体实践。新近心理学中兴起的质化研究为解决这一问题提供了新的研究方式。文章分别介绍了大学生网络游戏成瘾的现状、困境及质化研究的概念、特征,并于文后提供了一个相对完整的治疗网络游戏成瘾的质化研究案例。  相似文献   
Countries with better health, as indexed by life expectancy, score higher on subjective well-being (SWB). It was predicted that deviations from the average sex difference in life expectancy (reflecting reproductive competition among males and discrimination against females) would be inversely related to happiness. Regression analysis of SWB for 178 countries found that deviations from the average sex difference in life expectancy were predictive of unhappiness controlling for life expectancy, national wealth, and income inequality. Countries with a relative scarcity of female children (used as an index of parental bias) were less happy. Societies in which there is an undue burden on the health and survival of either sex are thus unhappy ones due to gender-specific disadvantage and associated gender conflict.  相似文献   
医疗体制改革本质上是社会公共财富的再分配,伦理上涉及社会公正与正义,经济与管理上涉及各个阶层、利益集团的逐利博弈和理性之间的平衡张力。通过对美国20世纪60年代以来医疗保障立法过程中各个利益集团的交锋和妥协,尤其是代表美国医师利益的美国医学会在历次医疗保障立法程序中的诉求,揭示医疗制度改革的社会化流程,方案的精心设计是最重要的,当要取得社会共识,必须开放利益集团的"公堂博弈""舆论争锋"的空间,以便为后续实施提供良好的社会心理的土壤。  相似文献   
Even though injury and death are more common consequences of fighting among animals than once believed, they are still relatively infrequent. Modern evolutionary models of animal combat have emphasized that given the threat of retaliation, animals only escalate to more injurious fighting if the benefits outweigh the costs, and then only if threat and bluff fail to achieve the goal. Such models stress the role of communication as to whether animals decide to escalate or not. An alternative view is that failure to produce injury or death arises from the neutralization of one animal's attack by another's defense. That is, attack and defense end in a stalemate that may be misinterpreted by outside observers as an absence of injury producing behavior. As attack typically involves the biting or striking of specific body targets, movements and postures occurring during combat need to be analyzed with respect to their role in gaining or averting such contact. For example, in the combat of muroid rodents the attacker targets the lower dorsum and flanks (low threshold) or face (high threshold), whereas a defender may defensively launch counterstrikes against the attacker's face. Two combat tactics (supine defense and lateral attack) typically present in the fighting of muroid rodents are analyzed in detail to illustrate how targets constrain the movements of combatants. Such a functional analysis of combat assumes that the movements and postures performed are related to their role in the attack and defense of targets. Deviations from such a strict functional interpretation reveal some of the other factors that may constrain the combatants' behavior. For example, body morphology and the aggressiveness of the opponent are shown to be important in deciding the type of combat tactic to use and how it is performed. Finally, movements and postures that are neutral or even counterproductive for attack and defense may be revealed as communicatory. This approach provides a means of analyzing behavior during the "heat of combat" that is typically not dealt with in traditional evolutionary models. Aggr. Behav. 23:107–129, 1997.© 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
We studied asymmetric competition between two (three‐person) groups. Each group member received an initial endowment and had to decide whether or not to contribute it. The group with more contributions won the competition and each of its members received a reward. The members of the losing group received nothing. The asymmetry was created by randomly and publicly selecting one group beforehand to be the winning group in the case of a tie. A theoretical analysis of this asymmetric game generates two qualitatively different solutions, one in which members of the group that wins in the case of a tie are somewhat more likely to contribute than members of the group that loses, and another in which members of the group that loses in the case of a tie are much more likely to contribute than members of the group that wins. The experimental results are clearly in line with the first solution. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
10~12岁儿童的同伴接纳类型与社交策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
为探讨10~12岁儿童同伴接纳与社交策略的关系,以儿童如何调整合作性行为来适应未来交往意愿作为社交策略的操作定义,利用最后通牒任务范式考察儿童的合作性水平,利用提名法考察同伴接纳类型与未来交往意愿。190名被试以群体施测的方式完成决策任务和问卷调查。结果表明大部分儿童在最后通牒任务中表现出公平合作的行为,女生比男生的合作性更高。被同伴接纳或拒绝的群体表现出不同的社会策略,前者合作性与未来交往意愿同向变化,后者则呈相反趋势。被同伴接纳的群体的社会策略更能有效促成交往并保护个体利益。  相似文献   
本文根据Slovic等人提出的心理测量范式,设计了风险投资从业人员的风险认知研究问卷。对收集的数据用SPSS软件进行统计分析发现,风险投资从业人员对风险投资各风险因素有不同的风险认知结构,影响其风险认知结构的个人背景因素主要有年龄和单位性质。此外,性别和年龄、性别和专业的交互作用对其风险认知结构有极其显著的影响,性别和职务的交互作用对其风险认知结构有显著影响。  相似文献   
孙斌  张艳芬 《现代哲学》2003,(1):124-128,134
本文试图从“对象”和“看”这两个概念出发来讨论维特根斯坦语言观的一个转变,在此讨论中,维特根斯坦有关“对象”和“看”的论述被置于其前后期思想的大背景中来加以考察。文章首先考察了维特根斯坦前期思想在“对象”这个概念上所面临的困难与错误,这种困难与错误构成了对其前期图像论语言观的挑战。接着,文章考察了维特根斯坦对图画所做的分析,认为图画的要点不在于它所指称的对象,而在于它如何被看,而如何被看实际上是“看”这个词的如何被使用。在此考察中,其后期游戏论的语言观得到了探讨。  相似文献   
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