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Metacomprehension: A Brief History and How to Improve Its Accuracy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABSTRACT— People's judgments about how well they have learned and comprehended text materials can be important for effectively regulating learning, but only if those judgments are accurate. Over two decades of research examining judgments of text learning—or metacomprehension —has consistently demonstrated that people's judgment accuracy is quite poor. We review recent research that has shown some success in improving judgment accuracy and then argue that the most common method used to investigate metacomprehension accuracy may inadvertently constrain it. We describe a new method that sidesteps some problems of the older method and present evidence showing how people can achieve high levels of metacomprehension accuracy.  相似文献   
部件、结构和名称对图形相似性判断的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以不同基本形状构成的几何图形为材料,研究了图形的部件形状、整体结构和名称对相似判断的影响。结论为:1)部件形状、整体结构和名称对相似判断估计值均有非常显著影响,且部件形状和整体结构的交互作用也非常显著;2)部件形状、整体结构和名称对相似判断反应时没有显著的影响,但部件形状和整体结构、整体结构和名称两组交互作用均非常显著;3)部件形状和整体结构相同对相似判断估计值的影响更大;名称和部件形状、名称和整体结构相同的条件居次;只有一个因素相同时,部件形状相同影响最大,其次是整体结构和名称。  相似文献   
Morphological Rationalism and the Psychology of Moral Judgment   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
According to rationalism regarding the psychology of moral judgment, people’s moral judgments are generally the result of a process of reasoning that relies on moral principles or rules. By contrast, intuitionist models of moral judgment hold that people generally come to have moral judgments about particular cases on the basis of gut-level, emotion-driven intuition, and do so without reliance on reasoning and hence without reliance on moral principles. In recent years the intuitionist model has been forcefully defended by Jonathan Haidt. One important implication of Haidt’s model is that in giving reasons for their moral judgments people tend to confabulate – the reasons they give in attempting to explain their moral judgments are not really operative in producing those judgments. Moral reason-giving on Haidt’s view is generally a matter of post hoc confabulation. Against Haidt, we argue for a version of rationalism that we call ‘morphological rationalism.’ We label our version ‘morphological’ because according to it, the information contained in moral principles is embodied in the standing structure of a typical individual’s cognitive system, and this morphologically embodied information plays a causal role in the generation of particular moral judgments. The manner in which the principles play this role is via ‘proceduralization’ – such principles operate automatically. In contrast to Haidt’s intuitionism, then, our view does not imply that people’s moral reason-giving practices are matters of confabulation. In defense of our view, we appeal to what we call the ‘nonjarring’ character of the phenomenology of making moral judgments and of giving reasons for those judgments.
Mark TimmonsEmail:
Medical work is increasingly being subjected to objective assessment as those who pay for it seek to grasp the quality of that work and how best to improve it. While objective measures have a role in the assessment of health care, I argue that this role is currently overestimated and that no human practice such as medicine can be fully comprehended by objective assessment. I suggest that the character of practices, in which formalizations are combined with judgment, requires that valid assessment involve the perspective of the skilled practitioner. Relying exclusively on objective measures in assessing health care will not only distort our assessments of it but lead to damage as the incentives of health care workers are directed away from the important aspects of their work that are not captured by objective measures.
Thomas S. HuddleEmail:
乐国安  李安 《心理科学》2007,30(5):1026-1028
在社会认知中,由于所呈现的刺激都具有复杂的社会意义,其必然会在被试的心理上引起复杂的反应。实验通过对刺激时间的控制来了解个体在知觉阶段与记忆阶段所进行的责任推论是否存在差异。结果表明,工读生在刺激快速呈现时的责任判断与刺激缓慢呈现时的责任推论存在显著差异。  相似文献   
道德判断的社会直觉模型述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐平  迟毓凯 《心理科学》2007,30(2):403-405
传统的理性主义模型认为,道德判断是一系列理性推理的结果;而当前的社会直觉模型认为,道德判断包括直觉系统和推理系统两种加工,很多时候人们的道德判断更多的是一种直觉和情感的结果。近期神经心理学研究的一些成果证实了社会直觉模型的理念。  相似文献   
王畿易学认为易之体用不二,易为心易,太极为心之极,反对以易为书、泥于言象;继承和发展了王阳明的良知易说,视<周易>为提高人的道德修养境界的典籍,在修养方法上力倡先天之学,而以自然为宗.王畿易学是宋明时期陆王一路下来心学派易学思想最根本和最集中的体现,对传统易学起到一种解构的作用,是陆王心学在其本质上的必然结果.  相似文献   
通过两个实验探讨了时间压力对类比推理的直觉加工的影响。实验1采用三因素混合实验设计,以48名大学生为被试,在不同时间压力条件下对不同相似性言语类比推理题进行喜好度判断和类比推理逻辑判断。实验2是在实验1的基础上用图形类比推理题代替语义类比推理题,以56名大学生为被试。结果发现:(1)时间压力下,对跨领域言语类比推理的直觉加工效应显著高于逻辑加工效应;(2)时间压力下,低难度图形类比推理题的直觉加工效应显著高于逻辑加工效应。无时间压力条件下,图形类比推理的逻辑加工效应优势明显;(3)时间压力对类比推理的直觉加工和逻辑加工均有影响  相似文献   
经颅直流电刺激右侧颞顶联合区对道德意图加工的影响*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对行为意图的理解是人类进行道德判断的重要依据,大量研究表明,右侧颞顶联合区是意图加工的关键脑区。为考察该脑区在道德判断中的重要作用,采用经颅直流电刺激技术阳极刺激右侧颞顶联合区,探讨促进该脑区的活动对被试在道德判断中意图及相关信息加工的影响。结果发现与假刺激条件相比,阳极刺激后道德判断反应时显著延长,在伤人未遂和意外伤人条件下差异显著,证明促进右侧颞顶联合区的激活能影响道德判断中的意图加工,尤其在意图与结果产生冲突的条件下效应更加显著。  相似文献   
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