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This paper addresses the impact of the current economic crisis on the psychic functioning of the patient and the analyst, their relationship and collaboration. This intrusion of ‘external reality’ is multidimensional, and thus with multiple meanings. The critical role of the economic factor brings various dimensions of money into play, such as self‐preservation, power as well as aspects of psychosexual development. In addition, the crisis involves symbolic loss of basic ideals such as honesty and social responsibility. Patient and analyst are affected in similar and different ways in their respective roles as well as according to the specific intrapsychic functioning of each. Moreover, unique characteristics of the crisis often create a crisis in the analysis. In order to avoid deformation of the analytic relationship, the analytic dyad must examine and work through the multiple meanings of the crisis as well as the meaning of the impact of the crisis on the analytic relationship for both patient and analyst. This complex transference‐ countertransference interplay poses specific challenges to the analyst. After discussion of these issues, clinical material is presented that demonstrates how they appear in analytic practice today.  相似文献   
Can laughter cause social pain? Given the host of ways exclusion is communicated, we examined if exclusive laughter could produce the aversive consequences accordant with social exclusion. Using a validated recall paradigm, participants recounted a time of exclusive or inclusive laughter or a typical Wednesday (control condition). Participants recalling exclusive laughter felt more ostracized, increased social pain, thwarted basic needs, worsened mood, reduced relational evaluation, and increased temptations to aggress compared to inclusive laughter or a typical Wednesday; there were generally no significant differences between the inclusive laughter and a typical Wednesday. Participants recalling exclusive laughter also felt more verbally and emotionally bullied, demonstrating empirically, for one of the first times, a link between social exclusion and bullying.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to examine the dynamic properties of the trunk during unstable sitting and to determine differences between healthy and low back pain (LBP) participants.Participants sat on a custom-made chair that was able to swing freely in the sagittal plane. The chair was mounted on a force platform to measure loads acting at the trunk. Each participant was asked to find a balanced position after the chair was tilted backward and released. Movements of the trunk and chair were recorded. Effective moment of inertia, stiffness and damping coefficients were derived using a second order linear model. 10 participants were re-tested to assess reliability.Trunk stiffness was found increased for LBP subjects (p < .05) while no difference was found for damping coefficient. Gender and initial tilt angle did not affect viscoelastic properties of the spine.A second order linear model adequately described the biomechanical response of the trunk. It was shown that the trunk response was mainly elastic for all participants. The increase in trunk stiffness in LBP subjects could be a compensatory strategy to decrease pain and the risk of further injuries, but further investigations are needed to understand the nature of the viscoelastic alterations.  相似文献   
Patients with non-specific low back pain, or a similar disorder, may stiffen their trunk, which probably alters their walking coordination. To study the direct effects of increasing trunk stiffness, we experimentally increased trunk stiffness during walking, and compared the results with what is known from the literature about gait coordination with, e.g., low back pain. Healthy subjects walked on a treadmill at 3 speeds (0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 m/s), in three conditions (normal, while contracting their abdominal muscles, or wearing an orthopedic brace that limits trunk motions). Kinematics of the legs, thorax and pelvis were recorded, and relative Fourier phases and amplitudes of segment motions were calculated. Increasing trunk stiffness led to a lower thorax–pelvis relative phase, with both a decrease in thorax–leg relative phase, and an increase in pelvis–leg relative phase, as well as reduced rotational amplitude of thorax relative to pelvis. While lower thorax–pelvis relative phase was also found in patients with low back pain, higher pelvis–leg relative phase has never been reported in patients with low back pain or related disorders. These results suggest that increasing trunk stiffness in healthy subjects causes short-term gait coordination changes which are different from those seen in patients with back pain.  相似文献   
红斑性肢痛症是一种罕见的临床综合征,以肢端皮肤间歇性皮温升高、发红、肿胀及烧灼样痛为特点,病变主要累及四肢末端,尤以下肢多见,多呈对称分布,较少见于面部和耳部.其症状常因运动和遇热而加重,休息和遇冷而减轻.临床上常分为原发性和继发性两大类,其中原发性红斑性肢痛症,多认为与编码Nav1.7亚单位的SCN9A基因突变有关.目前该病发病机制尚不明确,治疗上缺乏确切有效的治疗方案,临床易误诊误治.本文报道了红斑性肢痛症合并周围神经损害1例,以期提高对该病的认识.  相似文献   
红斑性肢痛症是一种罕见的临床综合征,以肢端皮肤间歇性皮温升高、发红、肿胀及烧灼样痛为特点,病变主要累及四肢末端,尤以下肢多见,多呈对称分布,较少见于面部和耳部.其症状常因运动和遇热而加重,休息和遇冷而减轻.临床上常分为原发性和继发性两大类,其中原发性红斑性肢痛症,多认为与编码Nav1.7亚单位的SCN9A基因突变有关.目前该病发病机制尚不明确,治疗上缺乏确切有效的治疗方案,临床易误诊误治.本文报道了红斑性肢痛症合并周围神经损害1例,以期提高对该病的认识.  相似文献   
该文主要介绍了评价和鉴定结构方程中构建的模型与数据拟合程度的三个方面:整体拟合、内部拟合及复核效度检验.整体拟合评鉴主要是结合拟合指数,当拟合指数处于临界值时,应同时参照其他检验结果并根据模型构建的理论依据进行综合判断;内部拟合从项目质量检验、测验信度、平均变异萃取量和效度四个角度进行检验;复核效度检验在多样本分析中可分为宽松复核、温和复核和严格复核,但如果为研究样本所限,可以通过ECVI来实现.  相似文献   
为探究理性行动理论和社会认同理论两大社会心理学宏论对于个体集体行动参与倾向的共同解释力,以“中日撞船事件”为考察蓝本向天津市431名大学生被试进行调查研究,结果发现:效能和社会规范作为态度和行动倾向的中介变量,在不同情境下对行动倾向的作用不同,符合理性行动原则;内部动机作为态度和效能、社会规范之间的中介变量,并受到学校认同和国家认同的直接或间接影响,支持了社会认同理论对遵从规范行为的解释;回归分析验证了不同水平认同对行动倾向作用程度的差异,整合模型则揭示了其具体的作用路径和影响机制.结论:理性行动理论与社会认同理论可彼此互补成为集体行动参与的整合性解释框架.  相似文献   
In this commentary on Paul Denis's paper ‘The drive revisited: mastery and satisfaction’, the author defends the idea of a plurality of metapsychologies that must be contrasted with and distinguished from each other while avoiding incompatible translations between models. In this connection he presents various theoretical approaches to aggression and the death drive, and demonstrates the differences between the drive model and the model underlying the theory of internalized object relations. The author holds that the concept of the internal object differs from Freud's notion of the representation (Vorstellung). He also considers that the imago as defined by Paul Denis in fact corresponds to the concept of the internal object. Lastly, he addresses the complex issue of listening to archaic forms of psychic functioning and their non‐discursive presentation within the analytic process, which affects the transference‐countertransference link.  相似文献   
Interest in the distinction between integrative and confrontational internal dialogues has been growing, as research suggests numerous positive functions of the former compared to the latter. The article proposes a theoretical approach to integration and confrontation in internal dialogue and an empirical method of measuring these processes. Exploratory research is also presented that seeks to identify personality‐related and situational determinants of integration and confrontation in internal dialogue simulating social relationships. Canonical correlation analysis did not establish personality determinants but it did reveal situational determinants (understood as cognitive interpretation of the enacted situation) behind integration and confrontation in internal dialogue. Perceiving the internal interlocutor as similar to the dialogue's author is associated with the author's integrative attitude. An increase in the wishfulness of the dialogue is accompanied by an increase in the author's confrontational attitude and the interlocutor's integrative attitude.  相似文献   
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