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情境意识的理论模型、测量及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
情境意识(situation awareness简称SA)是个体对不断变化的外部环境的内部表征。在复杂、动态变化的信息环境中,它是影响操作者决策和绩效的关键因素。文章着重回顾并分析了情境意识的四种研究取向,主要的测量技术,及其在系统设计和评价、人员选拔和训练方面的应用,最后提出了未来需要深入研究的几个问题。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Neural enhancement represents recovery of function that has been lost due to injury or disease pathology. Restoration of functional ability is the objective. For example, a neuroprosthetic to replace a forearm and hand lost to the ravages of war or industrial accident. However, the same basic constructs used for neural enhancement after injury could amplify abilities that are already in the natural normal range. That is, neural enhancement technologies to restore function and improve daily abilities for independent living could be used to improve so-called normal function to ultimate function. Approaching that functional level by use and integration of technology takes us toward the concept of a new species. This new subspecies—homo sapiens technologicus—is one that uses technology not just to assist but to change its own inherent biological function. The author uses examples from prosthetics and neuroprosthetics to address the issue of the limitations of constructs on the accepted range of human performance ability and aims to provide a cautionary view toward reflection on where our science may take the entire species.  相似文献   
In Spanish, objects and events at subject position constrain the selection of different forms of the auxiliary verb “to be”: locative predicates about objects require “estar en”, while those relating to events require “ser en”, both translatable as “to be in”. Subjective ratings showed that while the “object + ser + en” is considered as incorrect, the “event + estar + en” combination is also perceived as unacceptable but to a lesser degree. In an ERP study, we evaluated the impact of a purely semantic distinction (object versus events) on the subsequent processing of these auxiliary verbs followed by locatives in Spanish. For the “ser en” predicate, the P600 component was larger when the subject was an object than when it was an event. This P600 effect is consistent with an online repair of the defining predicate when it does not fit with the adequate semantic properties of the subject. On the other hand, for the “estar en” predicate, event subjects when compared to object subjects showed more positive ongoing amplitudes between 280 and 380 ms after the presentation of the “en” preposition, followed by a longer positive wave starting around 400 ms and lasting until 700 ms after the presentation of the following determiner, with central and frontal scalp distributions respectively. Thus, the different subject-predicate combinations, depending on the semantic features of the subjects, triggered syntactic reparatory processes at a structural level. These findings are consistent with an incremental interpretation of sentence meaning based on the interaction between syntactic and semantic information.  相似文献   
We investigate the hypothesis that our conceptual systems provide two formally distinct ways of representing categories by investigating the manner in which lexical nominals (e.g., tree, picnic table) and phrasal nominals (e.g., black bird, birds that like rice) are interpreted. Four experiments found that lexical nominals may be mapped onto kind representations, whereas phrasal nominals map onto class representations but not kind representations. Experiment 1 found that phrasal nominals, unlike lexical nominals, are mapped onto categories whose members need not be of a single kind. Experiments 2 and 3 found that categories named by lexical nominals enter into both class inclusion and kind hierarchies and thus support both class inclusion (is a) and kind specification (kind of) relations, whereas phrasal nominals map onto class representations which support only class inclusion relations. Experiment 4 showed that the two types of nominals represent hierarchical relations in different ways. Phrasal nominals (e.g., white bear) are mapped onto classes that have criteria of membership in addition to those specified by the class picked out by the head noun of the phrase (e.g., bear). In contrast, lexical nominals (e.g., polar bear) specify one way to meet the criteria specified by the more general kind concept (e.g., bear). Implications for the language-conceptual system interface, representation of hierarchical relations, lexicalization, and theories of conceptual combination are discussed.  相似文献   
探讨鼻烟窝皮瓣在修复拇指大面积皮肤缺损中的方法和治疗效果。从2008年1月~2013年10月间应用桡动脉在解剖鼻烟窝穿支为血管蒂的鼻烟窝皮瓣,逆行修复拇指大面积皮肤缺损26例,年龄17岁~55岁。术后平均随访时间25个月,皮瓣全部成活。皮瓣色泽及质地与健侧拇指背侧皮肤相近,拇指活动度基本正常。因此,鼻烟窝皮瓣是一种简便经济、效果理想、患者易于接受的术式,适合应用于拇指大面积皮肤缺损的治疗。  相似文献   
感染性骨不连伴大段骨缺损是目前临床骨科较为常见、多发、治疗极为棘手的病种之一,治疗方法多种多样,但疗效却不理想,且缺乏统一的诊治与疗效判断标准,总结、分析几种临床上主要治疗方法的利弊,为该病探寻一条微创、安全、并发症少及疗效确切的可靠治疗方法.随着对Ilizarov技术的基础与临床研究的不断深入,该技术在治疗传统方法难以治愈的疾病如四肢关节严重畸形、感染性骨不连或伴有骨缺损、皮肤软组织缺损等方面显示出自身的优势,为治疗疑难骨科疾病开辟了一条新的有效途径.  相似文献   
Whilst motorcycling is an activity of pleasure in most parts of the world, in India it is a regular mode of commuting. Incidence of fatigue is substantially higher among motorcycle riders than drivers of other modes of transport. The objective of this study was to detect physical fatigue due to motorcycle riding for an hour using surface electromyography (sEMG) and seat interface pressure. Twenty healthy male participants performed 60 min of motorcycle riding in a low traffic density environment. Muscle activity was recorded bilaterally from extensor carpi radialis (ECR), biceps brachii (BB), trapezius medial (TM), sternocleldomastoid (S) latissimus dorsi (LD) and erector spinae (ES) muscle groups. Interface seat pressure distribution was monitored using a pressure mapping system. Results showed that participants have significant (p < 0.05) physical fatigue in TM, LD and ES muscle groups during 60 min of motorcycle riding. Seat pressure distribution was found to be non-uniform during the course of motorcycling. Results suggest that the impact on local physical fatigue and seat discomfort are probably due to static seating demand and prolonged sitting posture balance required to ride the motorcycle for an hour.  相似文献   
This study examined the relationship between three components of workaholism (work involvement, drive, enjoyment of work) and work–family spillover. A cross-occupational sample consisting of 661 Norwegian employees from six different organizations responded to a Web-based questionnaire measuring workaholism and work–family spillover. A short and revised version of the WorkBAT showed that work involvement was positively related to both positive family-to-work spillover and to negative work-to-family spillover. Drive was positively related to both negative work-to-family and negative family-to-work spillover, and negatively related to positive work-to-family spillover. Enjoyment of work was positively associated with positive work-to-family and positive family-to-work spillover. Workaholism is clearly related to spillover. The findings imply that interventions for workers scoring high on work involvement and drive should be emphasized as these dimensions were associated with negative spillover. More research on this area is warranted.  相似文献   
《Estudios de Psicología》2013,34(55):99-114

Este artículo presenta el desarrollo de un sistema de instrucción asistida por ordenador (IAO), el sistema Abraxas, dirigido a los estudiantes de Psicología. Su objetivo es enseñar la metodología del análisis factorial, tema de considerable dificultad para una gran mayoría de los estudiantes. Desde hace unos años, los sistemas IAO se han convertido en herramientas cotidianas de trabajo en distintos ámbitos de investigación y aplicación. Sin embargo, dichos sistemas no cumplen su objetivo en la gran mayoría de los casos, siendo una de las causas que durante el proceso de diseño y desarrollo, no se toman en cuanta una serie de pautas que se deben seguir al diseñar y desarrollar sistemas IAO, de modo que se optimice el aprendizaje real de los usuarios. Abraxas se divide en 5 módulos instruccionales: introducción temática, idea de correlación, idea de factor, desarrollo matemático y modelos factoriales. En cada módulo se usan distintos tipos de pantallas, de enseñanza, criterialesy de evaluación, y cada uno de estos módulos se ha valorado con potenciales usuarios desde el momento de su diseño; los resultados han indicado el éxito de esta estrategia.  相似文献   
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