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企业伦理:意涵及其功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业伦理从日常伦理衍生而来,但也具有自身的场域逻辑;企业伦理主要涵括企业之于社会系统的责任伦理和企业中“利益相关者”之间的职业伦理;企业伦理的功能渐次演绎为“约束效用”、“工具效用”以及“价值效用”;在一定情境下,企业伦理与其组织功效、经济绩效其实还存在着一种“兼容性”。  相似文献   
人际信任渗透在社会交互的各个方面, 是促进和维持合作的重要基石。以往研究者借助信任博弈范式, 主要探讨了人际信任的理论模型、生物基础和影响因素等方面。近年来, 研究者开始将计算模型应用于信任博弈的数据分析中, 深入挖掘人际信任行为背后的心理机制, 将计算模型与神经影像技术结合, 加深对信任行为背后脑机制的理解。目前将计算模型应用于信任博弈范式中的研究主要针对“信任是如何形成的”这一科学问题, 未来要进一步发展计算模型方法, 结合非侵入性脑刺激技术, 应用于精神疾病人群中, 以深入理解正常和异常信任形成的心理和神经机制。  相似文献   
COVID-19 vaccination is widely regarded as an individual decision, resting upon individual characteristics and demographic factors. In this research, we provide evidence that psychological group membership, and more precisely, social cohesion—a multidimensional concept that encompasses one's sense of connectedness to, and interrelations within, a group—can help us understand COVID-19 vaccination intentions (Study 1) and uptake (Study 2). Study 1 is a repeated-measures study with a representative sample of 3026 Australians. We found evidence that social cohesion can be conceptualised as a multidimensional structure; moreover, social cohesion at Wave 1 (early in the COVID-19) predicted greater vaccination intention and lower perceived risk of vaccination at Wave 2 (4 months later). In Study 2 (a cross-sectional study, N = 499), the multidimensional structure of social cohesion was associated with greater uptake of vaccine doses (in addition to willingness to receive further doses and perceived risk of the vaccine). These relations were found after controlling for a series of demographic (i.e., sex, age, income), health-related factors (i.e., subjective health; perceived risk; having been diagnosed with COVID-19), and individual differences (political orientation, social dominance orientation, individualism). These results demonstrate the need to go beyond individual factors when it comes to behaviours that protect groups, and particularly when examining COVID-19 vaccination—one of the most important ways of slowing the spread of the virus.  相似文献   
以往研究指出,人际信任有其家庭根源。本研究以198个家庭中的青少年及其父母为研究对象,采用投资博弈任务测量子女及其父母的信任水平,考察他们的信任水平的特点及父母和子女之间是否存在信任的代际传递现象。研究结果发现:(1)青少年男生的信任水平稍高于女生,父亲的信任水平高于母亲;(2)父亲和母亲的信任水平都不能预测女生的信任水平;但父亲信任水平能线性预测其儿子的信任;母亲与儿子的信任水平则呈倒U型曲线关系。本研究结果证实了信任存在代际传递的现象,并揭示了父母角色及子女性别在信任代际传递中的调节作用,对于进一步理解信任在家庭内的传递过程有启发意义。  相似文献   
This paper examines the role of trust and the concept of access as they affect the relational context in which community research, and research with refugee communities in particular, is conducted. Sociologist Irving Goffman's metaphor of frontstage and backstage behavior is used to illustrate the complexity and importance of developing of relations of trust, and thereby gaining "backstage" access, in communities that are generally closed to outsiders. It is argued that gaining authentic ("backstage") access to refugee communities, as well as other communities that have developed a self-protective insularity, is essential if we are to gather data that accurately reflect the actual beliefs, feelings, and experiences of community members. The paper then examines the puzzling lack of discussion regarding issues of trust, access, and the relational context in the literature on refugee mental health. Explanations for this apparent inattention are sought in the influence of the prevailing scientific paradigm that guides most research with refugees, and that shapes the values of the field's "gatekeepers," the editors and reviewers of scholarly journals. Throughout the paper, key points are illustrated with examples drawn from the author's research with refugees from Guatemala, Bosnia, and Afghanistan.  相似文献   
In security studies, there is an unquestioned assumption of a linear link between trust and security. However, such an assumption neglects complex identity dynamics that can be involved in trust‐building discourses for engendering security. There needs to be greater examination into what is meant by trust, and upon what, and whom, and how the politics of identity works in social trust building and how states can influence this process. This article contributes to the literature on trust, security, and identity in International Relations (IR) by making a case for a conceptual focus on the formation of particularized distrust towards “the other” as a corollary to trust and security of “the self.” It is argued that in the construction of a political community where security is associated with trust, particularized distrust can also be promoted through institutional discourses—strengthening the “trusting we” by constructing “the other” who can challenge social trust and feelings of security associated with it. The argument is illustrated through critically examining a state‐level narrative in Norway in relation to “the other,” that is, the immigrant. Through this illustrative example, mutual constitutiveness of trust and distrust in a self/other discursive construction will be shown.  相似文献   
实验1采用3×2×2 的混合设计, 考察4~6岁幼儿获取全新信息时基于面孔吸引力的选择性信任及其特点。结果显示:(1) 4~6岁的男孩和女孩均表现出对高面孔吸引力者的选择性信任。(2)在选择性信任程度方面:5岁比4岁高, 而4岁和6岁之间、5岁和6岁之间则相同; 女孩在询问任务中比男孩表现出更高的选择性信任, 在赞同任务中则相同。那么, 幼儿的这种选择性信任是否受到信息正确性的调节?为此, 实验2采用2×3的被试间设计, 探讨信息提供者提供信息的正确性对4~6岁幼儿基于面孔吸引力的选择性信任的影响。结果显示:在正确性为50% vs. 50%条件下, 幼儿未对信息提供者产生选择性信任; 在正确性为25% vs. 75%条件下, 幼儿对提供较大正确性信息的低面孔吸引力者产生了选择性信任。研究结果表明:(1)在信息缺乏时, 4~6岁幼儿普遍存在有偏见的选择性信任; 女孩比男孩更易受到社会偏见因素的影响。(2)在信息明确时, 4~6岁幼儿也能做出相对理性的选择性信任。  相似文献   
从契约制定过程角度,探究个体制定契约参与度对人际信任的影响及其机制。现场研究结果表明参与制定宿舍契约能提升宿舍人际信任,认同感在其中起中介作用。实验室实验结果表明:契约参与度不但能提升被试对其他被试的情感(善心)和认知(依赖)信任,而且能提升被试在信任游戏中对其他被试的信任行为; 并且认同感在前者的关系中起中介作用。综合两个研究结果,契约参与度能提高对共同参与制定契约的同伴的信任,且社会认同能解释这种影响。  相似文献   
廖嘉俊  李红  吴寅 《心理科学进展》2019,27(9):1607-1621
睾酮是一种类固醇激素, 主要的雄性激素之一。在神经科学与神经内分泌学领域中, 早期研究发现睾酮会对人类的攻击性、社会交往、冲动性等方面产生一定的影响; 后来心理学研究者开始关注睾酮与决策之间的关系, 包括社会性决策的信任、合作、利他与竞争方面以及经济性决策的风险决策。多项研究显示, 睾酮的水平与经济性决策中的风险寻求行为呈正相关关系; 在社会性决策领域中, 高睾酮水平的个体会表现出更高的攻击性、支配性和公平性行为, 同时表现出更低的人际信任。然而这些研究结果也存在难以重复验证的现象, 需要更多的研究探寻可能影响睾酮与决策的其他因素。未来对睾酮与决策的研究可以关注睾酮与消费决策领域、探寻青少年睾酮水平与社会行为的关系以及临床应用等。  相似文献   
Background/Objective: Orgasm Rating Scale (ORS) assess the subjective orgasm experience in context of sexual relationship. It is composed of four dimensions attributed to the orgasm (Affective, Sensory, Intimacy, and Rewards). The purpose is to analyse the factorial invariance of the ORS across groups, to examine the metric equivalence across sex, and to present the standard scores. Method: A total of 1,472 Spanish adults (715 men and 757 women) were evaluated. They were distributed across age groups (18-34, 35-49 and 50 years old and older). Factorial invariance across different groups and the differential functioning of the items across sex were analyzed, internal consistency was examined, and the standard scores were developed. Results: The structure of the ORS showed strict measurement invariance across sex, relationship status, sexual orientation and education level. It also reached a scalar measurement invariance across age range and duration of the relationship. Some items showed a differential functioning between sexes. Conclusions: The Spanish version of the ORS is invariant across different groups at a factorial level, and it shows equivalence across sex in most of its items at a metric level. The standard scores allow a more accurate assessment of the subjective orgasm experience in context of sexual relationship.  相似文献   
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