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孙岩  房林  王亭予  崔丽 《心理科学进展》2018,26(8):1450-1464
自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)是一种起源于儿童期的神经发育障碍, ASD的重复刻板行为与其抑制控制发展有密切关系。使用Go/No-go、Flanker及Stroop等范式的研究发现, ASD者抑制控制受损主要表现为反应抑制和干扰抑制能力存在缺陷; 其主要影响因素是任务状态、被试年龄及取样; 涉及的脑区和脑网络集中在前额皮层、前扣带回和基底神经节; 涉及的基因集中在谷氨酸盐、γ-氨基丁酸与5-羟色胺三种神经递质。未来应从脑机制研究入手, 综合考虑任务状态、个体特征对研究结果造成的影响, 并着力开发更有效的干预模式。  相似文献   
Poor decision-making and executive function deficits are frequently observed in individuals with substance use disorders (SUDs), and executive deficits may contribute to poor decision-making in this population. This study examined the influence of lifetime history of an alcohol, cocaine, heroin, or polysubstance use disorder on decision-making as measured by the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) after controlling for executive ability, demographic characteristics, and current substance use. Participants (131 with lifetime history of SUD and 37 controls) completed the IGT and two neuropsychological tests: the Trail Making Test and the Controlled Oral Word Association Test. Control participants performed significantly better than those with a lifetime SUD history on the IGT, but performance on the neuropsychological tests was comparable for the two groups. A lifetime SUD diagnosis was associated with performance on the IGT after controlling for covariates, and Trail Making Test performance was associated with IGT performance in both SUD and control participants.  相似文献   
Three experiments examined the effects of interactive visualizations and spatial abilities on a task requiring participants to infer and draw cross sections of a three-dimensional (3D) object. The experiments manipulated whether participants could interactively control a virtual 3D visualization of the object while performing the task, and compared participants who were allowed interactive control of the visualization to those who were not allowed control. In Experiment 1, interactivity produced better performance than passive viewing, but the advantage of interactivity disappeared in Experiment 2 when visual input for the two conditions in a yoked design was equalized. In Experiments 2 and 3, differences in how interactive participants manipulated the visualization were large and related to performance. In Experiment 3, non-interactive participants who watched optimal movements of the display performed as well as interactive participants who manipulated the visualization effectively and better than interactive participants who manipulated the visualization ineffectively. Spatial ability made an independent contribution to performance on the spatial reasoning task, but did not predict patterns of interactive behavior. These experiments indicate that providing participants with active control of a computer visualization does not necessarily enhance task performance, whereas seeing the most task-relevant information does, and this is true regardless of whether the task-relevant information is obtained actively or passively.  相似文献   
This study integrates research linking academic performance with individual differences and class attendance. Whereas individual differences (ability, traits) are not controllable by students, students can control their attendance, study and work. Thus we sought to determine the extent to which “control” and “no control” variables predict academic performance. With N = 338, measures of verbal ability, the five-factor model, GPA, academic goals, and study behavior were used to predict exams, attendance, and independent projects completed. Uncontrollable factors accounted for 37% of the variance in exam scores; controllable factors accounted for an additional 6–10%. We also found an interaction such that, relative to low-ability peers, high-ability students’ attendance most enhanced their exam performance. Attendance was best accounted for by GPA, study and work. Projects were best predicted by low verbal ability and by personality traits.  相似文献   
提取诱发遗忘强调对相关项目的提取会造成对其竞争项目的抑制,从而导致对这些竞争项目的暂时遗忘。文章阐释了提取诱发遗忘的概念界定与实验范式、有关理论以及实证研究,并重点介绍了提取诱发遗忘的机制研究,对抑制说与非抑制说的争论及实验研究进行了全面的综述,最后指出未来的研究应更侧重于抑制的具体过程、抑制在哪个水平上执行、激活扩展如何被限制及提取诱发遗忘的情境化研究  相似文献   
Mirroring has failed when the reflection an individual receives is inaccurate or distorted. Though typically focused on parent–child interactions, mirroring and failed mirroring are also cultural phenomena. For women with dis/abilities, failed mirroring occurs when societal representations of dis/ability are reflected back rather than personal attributes. This essay suggests failed mirroring as a possible consequence of disabled women’s encounters with stares and analyzes one woman’s experience with a staring person that results in a temporary destabilization of self-knowledge and self-worth. Healthier relationships with others and the Divine have the potential of restoring or healing what has been lost or denied in such distortions.  相似文献   
知情同意权作为医患关系中患者一方最基本的权利正受到患者认知能力的严重影响。这一方面是原本专业化医学正在逐步走向专门化原因造成的,但与医患关系,文化传统,知识水平等因素也有千丝万缕的联系,正确处理知情权与患者认知能力之间的关系对于衡平医患关系,维护医患双方权益有着重大的现实意义。问题既有赖于医患双方的协力;更要依靠社会各方面合作,形成合力加以解决。  相似文献   
该文分析了强迫症患者在现实监控、知道感、元认知信念和责任控制等方面的研究,发现缺乏对不同类型强迫症元认知差异的研究、被试选取的典型性和代表型有待提高,现实监控障碍的身心原因尚不明确、责任-控制障碍形成的机制研究不足.指出元认知干预的强迫症治疗范式、强迫症与其他精神症元认知障碍的比较、强迫症元认知的认知神经科学探索和强迫性网络使用的元认知机制等是未来研究的趋势.  相似文献   
运用实验的方法,对来自山西两所小学371名小学生创造性文学问题提出能力的发展进行了研究。结果表明:(1)小学生创造性文学问题提出能力整体呈现持续上升的趋势;(2)男女生在创造性文学问题提出能力上存在差异,但差异不显著;(3)城市小学生整体优于乡村小学生的发展,二者的发展趋势同中有异;(4)小学四年级、五年级是小学生创造性文学问题提出能力的两个关键期。  相似文献   
儿童精细动作能力的发展及与其学业成绩的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李蓓蕾  林磊  董奇 《心理学报》2002,34(5):52-57
研究了不同精细动作能力的发展、之间的内在联系及其与儿童学业成绩的关系。被试为151名4-8岁儿童以及30名本科生。精细动作能力的测查包括线条填画任务、图形临摹任务以及筷子技能测验。结果发现:(1)不同精细动作能力的发展速度从高到低依次为线条填画能力、图形临摹能力和筷子使用技能;(2)筷子使用技能与线条填画、图形临摹能力都显著相关,线条填画能力和年龄对筷子使用技能具有显著预测作用;(3)不同学业成绩儿童在各类精细动作能力上都存在显著差异。本研究说明,较基本的精细动作能力是复杂工具性技能发展的基础,同时在小学低年级阶段,儿童的精细动作能力与其学习活动之间存在密切联系。  相似文献   
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