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对于《周易》的研究,当代学者已从人文、象数、哲学乃至科学等角度进行解读,并取得了丰硕的成果。事实上,作为"天人之学"的《周易》蕴含了丰富的生态思想,其对生命的重视,对人与自然关系的认定乃至"与天与一"的宇宙观皆凸显了深层的生态关怀。无疑,在环境日益恶化的当下,回归经典寻求智慧不失为一种有益的探索。  相似文献   
作为中国特有的一种艺术形式,中国书法集中体现了以《周易》为代表的中国传统文化的精神内核。它既是一门艺术样式,同时又是中国哲学的一种特有的表现形式,是一种哲学化的艺术。本文从三个方面分析《周易》和中国书法的内在关系:一、《周易》意象思维对汉文字起源的启示。二、《周易》的阴阳思想对中国书法的理论和实践的影响。三、《周易》的变化观念在中国书法中的体现。  相似文献   
对于《太极图》与《太极图说》而言,许多人认为"传图者必传说"。但是,把上述主张绝对化,会忽视一些非常重要的史料。据祁宽、朱子等人的一系列资料来看,《通书》的最初版本"九江本"并非如大家所认为的那样,没有收录《太极图》与《太极图说》,而只是没有收录《太极图》。基于此,我们还需要重新审视潘兴嗣《先生墓志铭》文中的句读问题、《太极图》的最初面貌问题、《太极图》与《太极图说》与道家的渊源问题,以弄清《太极图》与《太极图说》的关系。最后,本文还通过对《诸儒鸣道集》所收《通书》与朱子所整理的各《通书》版本进行比较,进一步分析了《通书》最初版本的可能面貌。  相似文献   
吉备真备是日本奈良时期(中国唐代)著名的学者、政治家、军事家,是中日文化交流史上的重要人物。他在唐留学19年,将中国的许多重要典籍带回日本,促进了日本政治制度的建设与完善。同时,有史料证明他也是将易学传入日本的重要人物之一。本文通过日本史料解读唐代易学东传中吉备真备的作用及其对易学中占卜内容的态度等问题。  相似文献   
韩国有着悠久的学《易》历史,早在汉代,中国儒学便已传入其国。到李朝时期,作为易学一部分的易图学研究就已经达到了相当高的水平。代表人物是高丽末期、李朝初期的哲学家权近。他在中国易学家周敦颐《周氏太极图》的影响下,创制了《天人心性合一之图》。《天人心性合一之图》与《周氏太极图》的轮廓大体相同,都是黑白相间、酷似人形,反映了太极为本、阴阳互补、天人合一的特征。但《天人心性合一之图》又有它独特的一面,将伦理、心性等问题纳入易学体系,完成对前者的超越。由此可见,中韩易学文化融合的过程中,既有借鉴和吸收,又有创新和超越。  相似文献   
青少年和父母对心理咨询认识的质性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用访谈法探讨8个已求助和5个未求助家庭的青少年和父母对心理咨询的认识;比较已求助者和未求助者、青少年和父母对心理咨询认识的差异。结果显示,青少年和父母从6个方面描述心理咨询:功能、形式、适用问题、服务提供者、求助者和效果,各方面提及次数最多的分别是问题解决、谈话法、心理困扰、心理医生、心理有病的人和有帮助;误解包括心理咨询是针对心理有病的人,只有严重问题才需要求助。已求助者比未求助者更了解心理咨询,提及问题解决、心理困扰和有帮助的次数更多。青少年更多认为心理咨询是心理老师处理正常群体的心理困扰;父母更多认为心理咨询是心理医生处理心理疾病。青少年和父母对心理咨询的认识趋于理性和准确,但仍有误解需要澄清。  相似文献   
十六大以来,以胡锦涛为总书记的中央领导集体,从构建社会主义和谐社会的总体战略出发,提出了建立和谐宗教关系的理论;强调要充分发挥宗教在促进社会和谐方面的积极作用,发挥宗教界人士和信教群众在促进经济社会发展中的积极作用;进一步明确了宗教工作在党和国家工作中的地位,要求加强和改善党对宗教工作的领导,形成了对宗教问题的新认识和新观点。  相似文献   
This study tested the feasibility and utility of developing a multiple‐method and multiple‐reporter measure that describes the community substance use environment. Data on community‐level norms and availability of substances were reported by 5261 students and 181 prevention‐focused community leaders (CL) involved in the 28 promoting school–university–community partnerships to enhance resilience (PROSPER) Project communities between 2002 and 2005. Additionally, locations of alcohol and tobacco outlets were geocoded. Initially, these four subscales were aggregated to measure the community substance use environment. Analyses demonstrated this measure was associated with community rates of adolescent reported cigarette use, but it was not associated with community rates of adolescent reported alcohol use. Further analyses tested the relative strength of the four different subscales in predicting rates of student use. Implications of these results for the field of community‐based prevention are discussed, as well as limitations and future directions. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Background: Belief in the effectiveness of professional counselling and psychotherapy training is widespread and generally unquestioned. Few studies have attempted to understand the changes experienced by trainees, or identified which aspects of professional training programmes assist them in the process of becoming therapists. Aims: to investigate how a trainee counsellor changes at the start of training, and to identify which aspects of a professional counsellor training programme were helpful in instigating and supporting change. Method: the experience of one trainee counsellor, Margaret, was captured through three semi-structured interviews conducted at the beginning, middle and end of her first term. The data were subjected to systematic qualitative analysis. Findings: Margaret experienced significant change during her first term. Each interview revealed a different phase of her development. The core categories were: becoming something new (week 3); growth in therapeutic confidence (week 6); surviving ‘stressful involvement’ through supervision (week 11). Experiential learning, in particular group supervision, was helpful throughout. The presence of real clients was identified as the main driver for change. Conclusion: The findings were found to be consistent with a number of other studies, which suggest that training is potentially painful because of the emotional demands it places on trainees, particularly at the start of practice. Consequently trainees require opportunities for experiential learning, peer support and supportive supervision to assist them in their development, but most importantly, given that supportive supervision can only minimise the harm of stressful involvement (Orlinsky & Ronnestad, 2005), they need early positive experiences with clients.  相似文献   
Aim: Integrative therapeutic practice is commonplace within the UK. Counsellors and psychotherapists increasingly report working in this way and numerous training courses have developed which advocate such practice. Despite its popularity, researchers have paid little attention to the impact that such training has upon students. This study therefore explores newly qualified counsellors' reflections of undertaking professional training in integrative counselling. Design: Newly qualified counsellors were invited to take part in a focus group to discuss their training experiences. Two groups were held involving a total of seven people. The data generated was analysed using Grounded Theory. Findings: The core-category ‘The challenge of becoming an integrative counsellor’ was identified. Embedded within this were four sub-categories: (1) ‘training issues’, (2) ‘applied issues’, (3) ‘the development of an integrative theory and identity’, and (4) ‘the impact of integrative training post qualification’. Key findings include the willingness of trainees to tolerate theoretical ambiguity and the discomfort that surrounded not belonging to a pure paradigm community. Discussion: Recommendations are made that trainers and practice supervisors are mindful of the distinct struggles that integrative trainees encounter. Additionally, in response to the isolation that some trainees report, greater use of peer support networks is encouraged.  相似文献   
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