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留置导尿是一项侵袭性操作,易引起尿道黏膜损伤,且留置导尿时间过长,容易引起泌尿系统的逆行感染。为了预防导尿管相关性感染,我们从临床角度讨论是否需要更换一次性尿袋以及更换尿袋的时间,留置导尿尿道外口的清洗,留置导尿膀胱冲洗的必要性及是否应用抗生素,更换导尿管的时间及导尿管的选择等临床问题,为临床人员做该项操作时提供参考,做出正确的临床决策。  相似文献   
早产儿预防性应用抗生素的临床决策思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着对滥用抗生素所引起的细菌耐药性和二重感染的认识的逐步深入,预防性应用抗生素在临床上越来越受到限制。但由于早产儿感染的临床隐匿性和易并发严重并发症等特点,预防早产儿感染的发生和进一步的发展,就显得尤为重要。通过对早产儿发生感染的易感因素、感染诱因和临床特点的分析研究,来探讨早产儿临床预防应用抗生素的必要性、合理性及临床决策思路。  相似文献   
中、美、德三国国家医院感染监测体系的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过介绍中、美、德三国国家医院感染监测体系的发展历史,比较三国感染监测体系的不同特点,美国成立较早,监测项目齐全,德国起步高,针对性强,我国则介于两者之间;针对国外先进的管理经验,提出中国医院感染监测体系应借鉴国外医院感染控制方面先进的理念和方法,迅速有效地提高我国医院感染监测的水平。  相似文献   
This study established regular implementation of a simple feedback procedure by supervisory nurses with their assistants at a head-injury treatment center. Five nurses were trained to distribute brief written comments to their assistants about infection-control practices, including using gloves to avoid contact with body fluids. Following low rates of written feedback, nurses met with the trainer weekly to set goals for using the system, to review feedback rates, and to examine contingent letters of appreciation. Written feedback increased from 0.09 to 0.58 per day. When outcome data on glove use were subsequently added to the feedback provided to nurses, nurses' feedback on glove use increased and overall glove use by assistants increased by 36.7% for 66.7% of assistants who responded to feedback. Assistants rated feedback as highly accurate and indicated some interest in receiving future feedback. However, nurses and assistants expressed a preference for oral over written feedback.  相似文献   
This article argues for the necessity of cognitive-behavioral assessment for a thorough understanding of how psychological factors mediate disease process across a wide range of diseases including coronary artery disease, breast cancer, and human immunodeficiency disease. Based on empirical data presented as part of the APA Presidential miniconvention, “To Your Health: Psychology through the Life Span,” the conclusion is that psychological treatment can help extend life. Stress management programs can positively influence adherence to treatment regimens and positively influence the human immune system response during the course of treatment and recovery from illness. Even in the face of life-threatening circumstances such as liver transplantation, Stage II and III breast cancer, and after HIV infection has been diagnosed, the quality of life can be remarkably improved. Physicians and psychologists must work together to produce the beneficial effects of the synergy between mind-body processes.  相似文献   
发生于1918年的第一次世界流感大流行夺走至少两千万人的生命,这场灾难赋予了科学家探求其来源的巨大责任感。病毒学家发挥了严谨而又富有创造性的科研精神,使流感病毒的真实面目得以逐步揭开。这些研究成果加深了我们对流感病毒本身的认识,更为重要的是,为下一次流感世界大流行的防治提供了若干有价值的信息。  相似文献   
胸腔闭式引流术是一项有创性操作,多种因素可能会引起胸膜腔及肺内感染。为了预防及处理胸腔闭式引流术后的相关性感染,我们从临床角度讨论更换胸腔闭式引流瓶的间隔时间、胸腔闭式引流管口的消毒、胸腔引流液逆流的预防、胸腔引流管的更换以及由于留置胸腔闭式引流引起的肺内感染的处理等问题,为临床医护人员对该项操作提供参考和对策。  相似文献   
现代传染病防治中传统的医患关系的内涵和外延都发生了一定的变化,无论是医方还是患方都体现出强烈超医学性和社会性,在社会大防治的概念下医患之间出现一定的界限模糊甚至角色重叠。现代传染病的发展给我们提供了审视医患关系的新视角,引发人们关于医学发展、社会道德的深层次的思考。  相似文献   
了解新生儿真菌血症的流行病学特征,为制定有效的预防措施提供科学依据。采取回顾性调查及病例对照研究方法,分析我院2008年~2010年新生儿真菌血症患者及对照的临床资料、实验室检查结果。结果早产儿及极低体重儿易发生真菌血流感染,感染菌株以非白色念珠菌为最常见,预防性抗真菌药的目标人群可定为早产儿、极低体重儿及细菌性菌血症患儿。  相似文献   
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