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王船山学宗张载,以易学为入路构建起形上学体系。他从易学最基本的象理问题出发,提出了“《易》之全体在象, 象理一体无隔”的易学基本理念,并据此导出“即象以见理”的易学方法论。他以此象理无隔的易学视野和方法来统摄《六经》,进一步得出了“《五经》皆象,《易》统其理”的经学观,并主张治经要以训诂为根基,以义理为标的,从而使他的经学呈现出汉宋兼采并治的学术特色。  相似文献   
通过对渐卦卦象的分析,并考《说文》段注“陂陀曰渐”,得出渐卦取名为渐,当取坡渐之意,进而引伸为渐进之意。又从卦爻象出发,对渐卦的卦爻辞作出分析,认为渐卦的卦爻辞是根据其卦爻象而系出,而且其整卦的卦爻辞都是围绕着一个中心主题而展开,且其思想与《诗经》中的《鸿雁》等篇不无关系。这或可为进一步解读《周易》古经及其产生时代问题提供某种有益的启示。  相似文献   
Considerable effort has been devoted towards the understanding of the ways in which people interact with brands. However, little attention has been paid to the personal differences that may impact these interactions. The framework for brands as intentional agents by Kervyn, Fiske, and Malone (this issue) is the groundbreaking application of almost three decades of research on warmth and competence as predictors of interpersonal stereotypes to the realm of brands. Our paper argues that demographic differences impact interactions with brands and offer additional explanatory power to the framework. Findings support conclusions of Kervyn et al., but they also suggest the importance of age, education, and income on warmth and competence evaluations.  相似文献   

The Consideration of Future Consequences (CFC) Scale is a measure of the extent to which individuals consider and are influenced by the distant outcomes of current behavior. In this study, the authors conducted factor analysis to investigate the factor structure of the 12-item CFC Scale. The authors found evidence for a multiple factor solution including one completely present-oriented factor consisting of all 7 present-oriented items, and one or two future-oriented factors consisting of the remaining future-oriented items. Further evidence indicated that the present-oriented factor and the 12-item CFC Scale perform similarly in terms of internal consistency and convergent validity. The structure and content of the future-oriented factor(s) is unclear. From the findings, the authors raise questions regarding the construct validity of the CFC Scale, the interpretation of its results, and the usefulness of the CFC scale in its current form in applied research.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of defendant sex, sexual orientation, and participant sex on perceptions of a crime-of-passion. An online sample of 458 individuals read a scenario describing a homicide and provided judgments of verdict, sentence length, legal elements, and sexism. We hypothesized heterosexual female defendants would most likely receive a verdict of manslaughter, be found less guilty, and receive shorter sentences. We were also interested in whether benevolent sexism would contribute to defendant culpability decisions. Lastly, perceptions of legal elements for manslaughter (e.g., great provocation) and murder (e.g., intentionality of actions) were explored. Results demonstrated heterosexual female defendants were less guilty and received the shortest sentences. Also, heterosexual defendants were most likely to meet the manslaughter legal elements. Benevolent sexism contributed significantly to guilt perceptions.  相似文献   

Path-analytic models linking measures of self-concept, attributions, and grades of 194 Filipino high school students were examined. Attributions for successful outcomes to ability or effort were found to mediate the causal relationship between achievement and self-esteem within specific areas of academic content. Negative paths leading from ability attributions for success in math to reading self-concept and for success in reading to math self-concept were interpreted to reflect the simultaneous operation of internal and external frames of reference (Marsh & Shavelson, 1985).  相似文献   
In the first part of this article, I raisequestions about Dworkin's theory of theintrinsic value of life and about the adequacyof his proposal to understand abortion in termsof different ways of valuing life. In thesecond part of the article, I consider hisargument in ``The Philosophers' Brief on AssistedSuicide', which claims that the distinctionbetween killing and letting die is morallyirrelevant, the distinction between intendingand foreseeing death can be morally relevantbut is not always so. I argue that thekilling/letting die distinction can be relevantin the context of assisted suicide, but alsoshow when it is not. Then I consider why theintention/foresight distinction can be morallyirrelevant and conclude by presenting analternative argument for physician-assistedsuicide.  相似文献   
This study examined the relationship of three types of predictors of self-reported workaholism components and workaholic job behaviors: individual demographics, work situation characteristics, and two substantive workaholism antecedents (personal beliefs and fears, perceptions of organizational support of work-personal life imbalance). Data were collected from 530 women and men managers and professionals using anonymous questionnaires. The three blocks of predictors explained statistically significant but moderate levels of variance in workaholism components and workaholic job behaviors. The two substantive workaholism antecedents showed somewhat consistent relationships with the criterion measures. Participants more strongly endorsing the beliefs and fears and participants perceiving greater organizational support of work-personal life imbalance generally indicated higher levels of workaholism components and workaholic job behaviors.  相似文献   
Applying an eclectic psychoanalytic framework, this paper provides a thematic link between the core experiences of Williams' early life and his creative work. Both preoedipal and Oedipal themes are elucidated. The central issue that dominated Williams' mental life was his struggle between a sense of suffocation and confinement, on the one hand, and having artistic and sexual freedom, on the other. The experience of suffocation extended to his dread of becoming mad. This dread derived from his intense twinning or twinship merger with his schizophrenic sister who was confined in an asylum. The study focuses attention on a number of Williams' one-act and full-length plays, written during each of the decades of his public career, as representative of his overall dramatic opus. These works are indicative of his special relationship with his sister as well as of his obsession about self-indulgence and fear of confinement. The later plays suggest that he was subject to identity confusion.  相似文献   
六十四卦如何由八卦重叠而成,思想家们给出了不同的说法。本文立足“重”与“错”的同异,探讨其成卦的内在机制及其与天地万物变化的联系。孔颖达以相错解释相重,在忽略二者矛盾的前提下进行推论。邵雍立足一分为二发明相错,”重”在他是指天圆地方的天道运动,而与重卦无关。以为邵雍言先天方位的八卦相错是讲重卦的观点缺乏根据。胡宏从太极——天道的运动说明八卦与六十四卦的关系。利用“重道”去解释“重卦”,揭示了六十四卦生成的不同机理。朱熹在总结前人的基础上,按照太极生万物模式的需要发挥邵雍的理论,反映了邵雍以后易学的发展。来知德批评了邵雍、朱熹对相错与相重的混淆,但又不是胡宏的一“重”到底.而是重与错双方相互补充发明,合力生成六十四卦。尽管哲学家们对”重”与“错”的方法的把握和定位不尽相同,但易卦的生成应当是天道运动规律的概括和表现则是他们的基本的共识。  相似文献   
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