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内隐记忆的启动效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
启动效应是指先前经验对当前任务的促进作用。启动效应的研究是内隐记忆研究的重要组成部分。该文对启动效应在认知行为研究、脑损伤患者的神经心理学研究以及功能成像研究方面取得的新进展进行了回顾。在简要评述启动效应研究中存在的问题基础上,对于启动效应研究中的进一步发展,指出建立清晰的概念和构建更有解释效力的理论模型的迫切需要  相似文献   
大学生人格类型与专业认同间的关系研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
胡志海  黄和林 《心理科学》2006,29(6):1498-1501
本研究对旅游管理专业大学生进行了MBTI人格测验,并采用问卷调查与内隐联想测验(IAT)两种方式了解被试的专业认同状况。研究发现样本的专业认同存在显著的外显—内隐分离,在内隐层面上缺乏足够认同。性别、人格类型与专业认同之间存在一定关联,部分人格维度可作为判断大学生专业认同状况的有效变量。  相似文献   
谭和平  昝飞 《心理科学》2006,29(6):1456-1459
本研究采用内隐联想测验(IAT),对听障学生和正常学生进行了性别角色识别的比较研究,旨在探究性别角色识别的内隐认知特点及群体差异性。实验表明,听障学生的相容辨别和不相容辨别的反应时都显著高于正常学生,而准确率都低于正常学生,这说明听障学生性别角色识别的认知发展滞后于正常学生。本文认为,性别角色识别是一种内隐社会认知,是各类学生性意识发展的认知基础,教育者应通过各种有效途径,保证各类学生从小时候起就正确地进行性别角色的识别和扮演,以促进其性心理和性道德健康地发展。  相似文献   
内隐自尊探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为内隐社会认知领域的一部分,内隐自尊是指人们在对与自我相关或自我分离的客体进行评价时的一种态度表现,而这种态度无法通过内省的方式被意识到。目前,内隐自尊的研究在方法采用间接测量的方式;在研究成果上主要集中于内隐自尊与外显自尊的对照性研究,内隐自尊的应用性研究两方面。本文拟就内隐自尊研究的缘起、研究方法、已有研究成果作尝试性探讨。  相似文献   
Malleability of preferences is a central tenet of behavioral decision theory. How malleable preferences really are, however, is a topic of debate. Do preference reversals imply preference construction? We argue that to claim preferences are construed, a demonstration of more extreme preference malleability than simple preference reversals is required: absolute preference sign changes within participants. If respondents value a prospect positively in 1 condition but negatively in a different condition, preferences cannot be considered stable. Such absolute preference sign changes are possible under uncertainty. In 2 incentive‐compatible experiments, we found participants were willing to pay to take part in a gamble and also demanded to be compensated to take part in a subsequent gamble with identical outcomes and probabilities. Such absolute preference sign changes within participants led to simultaneous risk aversion and risk seeking for the same risky prospect, suggesting that, at least in the domain of risky decisions, consumers' preferences are indeed malleable and construed.  相似文献   
Recent evidence suggests that participants without extensive training in philosophy (so-called lay people) have difficulties responding consistently when confronted with Robert Nozick’s Experience Machine thought experiment. For example, some of the participants who reject the experience machine for themselves would still advise a stranger to enter the machine permanently. This and similar findings have been interpreted as evidence for implicit biases that prevent lay people from making rational decisions about whether the experience machine is preferable to real life, which might have consequences for one of the strongest objections to philosophical hedonism (the view that pleasure is the only intrinsic value). Against this consequence, it has been argued that expert philosophers are immune to such biases (the so-called expertise defense). In this paper, I report empirical evidence against this expertise defense.  相似文献   
Identifying effective reinforcers to use to increase desired behaviors is essential to the success of an intervention. Conducting preference assessments is a proven method for identification of effective reinforcers. In the current study, reinforcers were identified to decrease the latency of initiation of daily living skills such as laundry, showering, and chores in five individuals with dual diagnoses. A Concurrent Operant Preference Assessment measuring response allocation to social stimuli was completed with each individual to determine preferred consequence to increase task compliance. Results showed that all five participants decreased latency to initiate daily tasks once treatment was implemented compared with that during the baseline phase. These results were perceived as socially acceptable by staff, and the improvement was maintained 2 weeks beyond the completion of treatment.  相似文献   
Organizational researchers are increasingly interested in investigating the influence of narcissism on the workplace. Drawing on self-determination theory and recent research that distinguishes two dimensions of narcissism and their different underlying motivational dynamics, we hypothesized that employee empowerment and, in turn, voice are differentially influenced by the two narcissism facets admiration and rivalry. In particular, we expected that employees’ narcissistic admiration is positively related to voice via empowerment, whereas rivalry is negatively related to voice via empowerment. Moreover, we investigated leaders’ implicit followership theories (IFTs) as moderator of the relationships between narcissistic rivalry and narcissistic admiration with empowerment. We argue that a leader’s positive IFTs buffer the negative effect of narcissistic rivalry and foster the positive effect of narcissistic admiration on empowerment, and in turn voice (i.e., first-stage moderated mediations). We found support for most of our predictions in a multi-wave field study using data from 268 leader–employee dyads. Theoretical and practical implications are explored.  相似文献   
陈煦海  吴茜 《心理科学进展》2019,27(8):1460-1467
自主选择偏好指当面临自主选择或委托他人选择时, 人们总是偏好自主选择, 即使为此付出代价也在所不惜。自主选择偏好可能有过度自信、控制幻觉和模糊厌恶的原因, 但更多可能源于自主选择本身承载了某种内在价值。奖赏系统(纹状体、内侧前额叶)的神经活动是其关键的神经基础, 同时自主选择也受认知调控系统的调节。未来研究应在社会情景下揭示自主选择偏好的作用机制和调控因素, 并探索它在群体间的平衡机制, 以增进个体幸福和群体利益。  相似文献   
前人研究建议采纳多集中于决策者初始决策和最终决策的区别,未曾考虑过决策者的内隐态度。本研究关注决策者的内隐态度,将建议采纳分成表面采纳与真实采纳,创新地提出用内隐联想测验法和重测法测量表面采纳。比较两种方法,它们各有利弊,内隐联想测验法理论基础较扎实但灵敏度不及重测法, 重测法操作较简便但更容易出现被试脱落等问题。  相似文献   
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