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Emotional intelligence (EI) may promote more effective decision-making under stress. In the present study, 167 participants completed a situation judgment test for EI, and performed a decision-making task based on an Antarctic rescue scenario. Participants were assigned to either a negative or neutral feedback group. Negative feedback significantly increased distress and impaired decision-making. EI failed to moderate the impacts of negative feedback, but higher EI was associated with greater information-search activity irrespective of feedback condition. It is concluded that ability EI may have a motivational component that may support more exhaustive analysis of both social and non-social stimuli.  相似文献   
Memory processes are commonly thought to relate to a host of personality systems. The current study specifies a particular way that memory relates to personality. Highly-valenced, identity-rich memories – high and low point episodes in the life story – were analyzed to see if aspects of these memories predicted self-reports of emotion regulation two years later. Meaning making in high and low points predicted emotion regulation. Moreover, valence mattered. Positive meaning making in high and low point stories predicted positive emotion regulation while negative meaning making in low point stories predicted negative emotion regulation. These relationships held while controlling for baseline extraversion, neuroticism, and memory word count. Limitations due to study design are discussed.  相似文献   
Lars B 《心理学报》2009,41(11):1040-1048
在这篇文章中, 我将讨论从正常老化到痴呆, 这一通常被称为痴呆前临床阶段的认知功能的转变。研究表明, 阿尔茨海默症和血管性痴呆病人在临床确诊之前的几年中, 会出现明显的认知损伤。早期最突出的损伤存在于情节记忆、加工速度以及执行功能。这些功能性损伤与神经生物学研究证实的边缘系统和新皮层区存在多重损伤是相一致的。虽然早在临床诊段之前, 病人组和控制组的平均成绩存在巨大差异, 但同时这两组测试成绩的分布在很大程度上是重叠的。寻求降低这种重叠度的方法是未来研究的一个重要任务。这有可能通过将认知的和其他指标(如基于脑的、基因的、临床的、社会的)相结合构建预测模型来实现。此外, 在未来研究中以下三方面也是急需考虑问题: (a) 找出在 前临床期间认知功能急速下降的时间点: (b) 评估从前临床到临床诊断变化速率中存在的个体差异; (c) 确定特定因素与随后发生的痴呆之间的关联强度是如何随时间向临床确诊推进而逐渐变化的。  相似文献   
系列范畴词表时序记忆和项目记忆研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
杨志新 《心理学报》1998,31(1):35-42
该项研究探讨系列范畴词表的时序长时记忆和项目长时记忆,实验设计的系列范畴词表将记忆项目分为词表内范畴相同项和词表间范畴相同项,时序记记测量方法是词表辨认,项目记忆测量方法是自由回忆。实验一发现:2分钟延缓测试词表内范畴相同项时序记忆和项目记忆优于词表间范畴相同项;6分钟以及10分钟延缓测试时序记忆仍是词表内范畴相同项好。实验二发现:以范畴线索提取,两类项目记忆没有显著差异;以词表线索提取,两类项目  相似文献   
根据目前国内采用的标准,选取学优生和学困生各120人。运用内隐学习中的双条件人工语法材料和强分离的实验范式,考察和比较了两种学生的内隐学习、内隐与外显协同学习的成绩。结果显示:(1)学优生在外显学习、协同学习(先内隐后外显以及内隐与外显交替)方式下的成绩显著好于学困生,而在内隐学习方式下,二者成绩差异不显著。(2)学优生的外显学习及协同学习成绩显著好于内隐学习成绩,而学困生在四种学习方式下成绩差异不显著。表明在人工语法学习中学优生的有意识学习及其与无意识的协同学习效果较好,而学困生的有意识学习及协同学习较差。  相似文献   
Previous findings suggested that a high working memory capacity (WMC) is potentially associated with a higher susceptibility to proactive interference (PI) if the latter is measured under high cognitive load. To explain such a finding, we propose to consider susceptibility to PI as a net effect of individual executive processes and the intrinsic potential for PI. With the latter, we refer to the amount of information that is activated at a given time and that has the potential to exert PI subsequently. In two studies deploying generalized linear mixed models, susceptibility to PI was modeled as the decline of performance over trials of a complex span task. The results revealed that a higher WMC was associated with a higher susceptibility to PI. Moreover, the number of stimuli recalled in one trial as a proxy variable for the intrinsic potential for PI negatively affected memory performance in the subsequent trial.  相似文献   
Multiple sclerosis (MS) patients are often unable to adequately fulfill their established roles due to physical disabilities and cognitive changes, making this chronic illness particularly threatening to personal identity. Twenty-five MS patients and 25 healthy controls were asked to recall five self-defining memories (SDM). Overall characteristics of SDM did not differ between patients and controls; MS patients displayed preserved capacity to draw meaning upon past events. Moreover, almost two-thirds of MS patients mentioned at least one illness related SDM and about 25% of patients’ SDM referred to MS. These memories were experienced as more negative and associated with more tension than other SDM but led toward more positive emotion and less negative emotion over time; they were also more central and more integrated to the personal identity. We concluded that self-challenging events due to MS may trigger both cognitive and emotional processes enabling the integration of illness in patients’ self-representations.  相似文献   
The fluency of stimulus processing significantly contributes to recognition memory judgments. We investigated the effect of processing fluency induced by attentional cueing on recognition judgments. Participants performed a Remember/Know recognition test, while their spatial attention was manipulated in the test session. Stimulus location was either predicted (congruent condition) or unpredicted (incongruent condition) using an arrow cue. The results revealed that familiarity-based false recognition increased in the incongruent condition wherein the participants may have attributed part of the perceived disfluency to the attentional cue, and they may have overestimated the fluency for the stimulus, leading to increased false recognition. However, in the congruent condition, the participants may have attributed some parts of the perceived fluency to the attentional cue and underestimated the fluency for the stimulus, leading to decreased false recognition. In sum, stimulus-irrelevant attentional cueing induces unintentional processing about the source of fluency and biases recognition memory.  相似文献   
We examined the relationship between executive functions and both factual and conceptual learning of science, specifically chemistry, in early adolescence. Sixty‐three pupils in their second year of secondary school (aged 12–13 years) participated. Pupils completed tasks of working memory (Spatial Working Memory), inhibition (Stop‐Signal), attention set‐shifting (ID/ED), and planning (Stockings of Cambridge), from the CANTAB. They also participated in a chemistry teaching session, practical, and assessment on the topic of acids and alkalis designed specifically for this study. Executive function data were related to (1) the chemistry assessment which included aspects of factual and conceptual learning and (2) a recent school science exam. Correlational analyses between executive functions and both the chemistry assessment and science grades revealed that science achievements were significantly correlated with working memory. Linear regression analysis revealed that visuospatial working memory ability was predictive of chemistry performance. Interestingly, this relationship was observed solely in relation to the conceptual learning condition of the assessment highlighting the role of executive functions in understanding and applying knowledge about what is learned within science teaching.  相似文献   
摘 要 计算机化多阶段自适应测验是基于计算机技术的测验形式,它将题目集合作为测试单元,通过多阶段自适应的形式对被试进行测试和评分。近年来通过研究各种测验形式,发现其比计算机化自适应测验和传统纸笔测验突显出更大优势。与传统纸笔测验相比,其具有参数不变性、能力估计更精确等优势。与计算机化自适应测验相比,其具有可控制题目特性、被试可检查题目等优势。如何减小测量误差,使其应用更加便捷、有效,是未来研究的发展方向。  相似文献   
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