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The Ebbinghaus illusion is a geometric illusion based on a size-contrast between a central circle and surrounding circles. A central circle surrounded by small inducing circles is perceived as being larger than a central circle surrounded by large inducing circles. In the present study we investigated 5- to 8-month-old infants' perception of the Ebbinghaus illusion using a preferential-looking paradigm. We measured the preference between a central circle surrounded by small inducing circles (overestimated figure) and a central circle surrounded by large inducing circles (underestimated figure). Infants showed a significant preference for the overestimated figure when the central circle was flashing, but not when it was static. Furthermore, there was no preference between the two figures when the central circles were removed. These results suggest that infants' preference reflects their perception of the size illusion of the central circle. There is a possibility that 5- to 8-month-old infants perceive the Ebbinghaus illusion.  相似文献   
控制幻觉的研究方法、形成机制和影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
控制幻觉是指在完全不可控或部分不可控的情境下, 个体由于不合理地高估自己对环境或事件结果的控制力而产生的一种判断偏差。控制幻觉普遍存在于博彩游戏、医疗保健、心理健康、投资决策等实践领域。控制幻觉的研究方法主要包括间接测量方法、自我报告方法和实验室任务方法。控制启发式理论和调节定向理论则对控制幻觉的产生原因进行了解释。控制幻觉的影响因素包括人格因素、动机、权力、反馈、事件与个体的关联性、指导语等。未来的研究可从控制幻觉的多变量及交互作用研究、跨文化研究、调控策略研究等方面做进一步探讨。  相似文献   
以说明文为阅读文本,通过使用累计窗口技术、自定步调的阅读时间法和句子核证法,结合一般世界知识的激活考察了文本阅读理解中精加工推理和错误记忆现象。实验1结果表明,被试在文本阅读理解中产生了精加工推理,内涵推理成绩显著高于外延推理;与文本信息密切相关的一般世界知识容易被激活。实验2结果表明,文本阅读中存在错误记忆现象;错误记忆随着一般世界知识与原文关联程度增强而增加。结论文本阅读理解中存在精加工推理和错误记忆现象,二者均与一般世界知识的激活有关;文本阅读中的错误记忆与DRM范式(Deese-Roediger-McDermott paradigm)中的错误记忆一样具有顽固性。  相似文献   
The standard view in philosophy of mind is that the way to understand the difference between perception and misperception is in terms of accuracy. On this view, perception is accurate while misperception is inaccurate. However, there is some evidence (albeit controversial evidence) that perceptual experience actually involves widespread inaccuracy. I add to that evidence in the paper. Then I point toward a way of understanding the difference between perception and misperception, not in terms of accuracy alone, but in terms of precision. That is, I argue that perceptual experience is designed to enable more fine-grained discrimination among the properties that are most useful for action, even if that involves inaccuracy. The view in this paper motivates a new account of illusion, on which illusions are imprecise as well as inaccurate. I call this the Precision Account of Illusion.  相似文献   
The feeling that a fake (e.g. rubber) hand belongs to a person's own body can be elicited by synchronously stroking the fake hand and the real hand, with the latter hidden from view. Here, we sought to determine whether visual motion signals from that incorporated rubber hand would provide relevant cues for sensing movement (i.e. kinesthesia). After 180 s of visuo-tactile synchronous or asynchronous stroking, the fake hand was moved along the lateral or the sagittal axis. After synchronous stroking, movement of the rubber hand induced illusory movement of the static (real) hand in the same direction; the illusion was slightly more frequent and more intense when the fake hand was moved along the sagittal axis. We therefore conclude that visual signals of motion originating from the rubber hand are integrated for kinesthesia by the central nervous system just as visual signals from the real hand are.  相似文献   
橡胶手错觉是一种健康个体将非肉体的假手视为自己真实身体的一部分的体验, 这种错觉可以通过同时轻刷被试面前可见的橡胶手及其不可见的真手而产生.橡胶手错觉已成为一种研究身体拥有感的重要范式, 其产生机制可以分为“自下而上的认知匹配”与“自上而下的认知匹配”两种加工方式.前者涉及视觉与触觉刺激的同步性; 而后者涉及被试心中预存的身体意象与身体图式(包括真假手之间模态特征,位置空间的相似性).综合上述证据, 身体模型假说与个人边缘空间理论进一步为拥有感产生的复杂机制提供了整合两种加工方式的解释.橡胶手错觉范式已经被用于探索精神分裂症患者等特殊被试病理分析,错觉产生和心理特质之间的关系, 以及神经外科和术后恢复上.未来的研究应该更加重视范式本身的拓展, 应用虚拟现实技术来提高身体模态的仿真效果, 利用橡胶手拥有感的易感性作为筛选与预测身体意象障碍疾病的指标.  相似文献   
Dijker AJ 《Cognition》2008,106(3):1109-1125
In order to examine the relative influence of size-based expectancies and social cues on the perceived weight of objects, two studies were performed, using equally weighing dolls differing in sex-related and age-related vulnerability or physical strength cues. To increase variation in perceived size, stimulus objects were viewed through optical lenses of varying reducing power. Different groups of participants were required to provide magnitude estimates of perceived size, physical strength, or weight, or of expected weight. A size-weight illusion (SWI) was demonstrated, such that smaller objects felt heavier than larger ones, that was entirely accounted for by the mediating role of expected weight. Yet, perceived physical strength exerted an additional and more reactive influence on perceived weight independently of measured expectancies. Results are used to clarify the nature of "embodied", internal sensory-motor representations of physical and social properties.  相似文献   
本研究采用实验法探讨了权力及其合理性对控制错觉的影响。结果发现:(1)权力启动会对控制错觉产生影响,即相较于低权力,高权力会导致个体产生高估的控制错觉;(2)权力的合理性与权力水平在控制感上存在交互效应,即权力关系合理时,高权力导致高估的控制错觉,而权力关系不合理时,低权力导致高估的控制错觉。这表明控制错觉会受到动态的基于情境的权力关系以及权力合理性的影响。  相似文献   
“语义错觉效应”是指读者在加工某些语义违例句子时,会暂时性地产生语义合理错觉,而只有通过继续加工或者再加工才能辨别出错误的现象,在脑电成分上表现为没有出现N400效应,却出现P600效应。“语义错觉效应”对传统的句子加工理论模型以及N400和P600的特异性功能意义提出了质疑。研究者在讨论此效应的基础上提出了多个句子加工模型,各模型对语义和句法加工的过程进行了探索,对语义和句法通道的关系做出了新的阐述,并对N400和P600的功能意义做出了新的解读。目前研究对N400功能的解释存在语义整合观和词汇激活观的分歧,而对P600功能的解释则从传统的句法功能转换到了更宽泛的加工过程。未来研究应关注词汇语义关系和跨语言差异,以期进一步揭示句子加工的认知及神经机制。  相似文献   
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