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The Chaplain finds herself continually in the position of the translator, having to move in the space between subject and object. This space Winnicott calls Transitional, and Ulanov sees as particularly the domain of the clergy. The nature of these gaps is analysed, especially with respect to Chaplaincy and the work of the individual Chaplain. Various kinds of transitional space are examined, and the challenges facing the Chaplain in these situations are highlighted.  相似文献   
This pastoral-theology-based reflection on hospital chaplaincy,set within the horizon of the pastoral situation of Germanyin the post-secular (!) age, introduces the perspective of aconsolation-oriented ministry, as this was developed by Ignatiusof Loyola. Such a pastoral care for the sick, as integratedinto the basic offices of the church, presents a gradedmodelfor action: while human accompaniment is offered to all, spiritualministry is restricted, but realized in an ecumenically encompassingsense. Spiritual and ritual care for members of other religions,while these members are to be addressed according to the principleslaid down by Vatican II, is severely limited for reasons ofidentity and alterity. In all cases, however, Christianity ispresented as "therapeutic religion".  相似文献   
The notion of hospital chaplaincy raises significant concerns,because it provides for the possibility that the chaplain becomesa generic chaplain rather than a member of a particular faith.Despite these reservations, however, I think that Mennonitesshould serve as hospital chaplains. Instead of seeing themselvesas chaplains to all, though, Mennonites ought to see the servicethey provide as analogous to relief and development work. Thiswould make Mennonite chaplaincy a form of what Mennonite scholarC. Norman Krause calls "agapeic intervention," which would allowfor the ministry to the sick without requiring genericism.  相似文献   
It is a mark of arrogance to try to minister in a liturgicalor ritual way to individuals of other religions. A hospitalchaplain is not a generic brand, all-purpose religious figurecapable of fulfilling the religious needs of any. A chaplainshould not try to fill in for specific religious ministers,but rather, he should see himself as a human companion to thosewho need human love and care. In doing this, he can surely bemotivated, informed, and sustained by his inner, spiritual life,but should not see himself as replacing the patient's own religiouspastor. Excellent examples of how to carry out pastoral dutiesin pluralist communities come from two contemporary Christians:Mother Theresa and Father Porphyrios. Both of whom remainednon-judgmental toward those for whom they cared, while maintaininga strict view of the historical teachings of Christianity andobedience to them.  相似文献   
面向21世纪医院管理的进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
21世纪的医院管理的进展,是大家共同关心的热点问题。试图从以上方面分析这一问题:医学观念的更新,主要从调整医学目的和进行医疗需求评估实证医疗现实现;医疗服务的拓展,应从三方面着手;树立新的人才观念。  相似文献   
为探讨奥运会期间就诊于定点医院奥运志愿者所患疾病的临床特征,回顾性分析海淀医院奥运绿色通道在北京奥运会期间接诊志愿者资料。结果显示,北京奥运会期间(7月20日~9月20日),海淀医院共接诊注册志愿者636例,按照发病百分比以呼吸系统疾病为首位(173/636, 27.2%),以下依次为消化系统(103/636, 16.2%)、损伤类(95/636, 14.9%)、耳鼻喉(79/636, 12.4%)等,提示志愿者在奥运会期间所患疾病种类与季节以及工作环境密切相关,定点医院应该根据就诊人群特点选择适当的医疗保障模式。  相似文献   
为了分析临床及X线诊断医师错误的临床诊断思维,探讨正确的临床诊断思维,以减少临床的误漏诊,通过具体分析基层临床医院医生与X线诊断医生五种错误的诊断思维及形成原因,结果显示,错误的诊断思维容易将肺癌误诊为结核,肺癌误诊为肺炎,肺炎消散期易误诊为结核,将结核渗出性病变误诊为肺炎。因此,科学的诊断思维是减少误漏诊的基础和关键。  相似文献   
医疗活动本身存在着不确定性和相对确定性一对内在矛盾,由不确定性引发的医疗过失等是影响病人安全的主要因素。在目前以医院为管理主体的前提下,建立医院内部风险基金制度,提高医务人员的执业风险意识,减少医疗过失的发生,是保障病人安全的一种尝试。  相似文献   
清末北京首家官立医院   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1902年,北京发生霍乱,死亡无数。为了救助贫民和乞丐,清政府成立临时的医疗机构——北京官医局。1903年,北京官医局变成常设医疗机构——医院。北京官医局是北京的首家官立医院,1901年实行新政后,清政府开始改良医学,重要措施之一即是设立官办医院,后来逐渐成为民众医疗的主体。  相似文献   
医院积极处理医疗投诉的意义与实施方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医疗投诉往往是医疗纠纷的雏形,消极处理可能使矛盾激化,让医院和患者成为对立的双方,由此增加了问题解决的难度和成本。医院积极对待处理医疗投诉具有积极意义,在降低投诉处理难度和成本的同时,也很好的塑造了医院的社会形象。同时阐述了其积极应对的措施。  相似文献   
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