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The goal of this study was to examine the effects of visual roll tilt on gaze and riding behavior when negotiating a bend using a motorcycle simulator. To this end, experienced motorcyclists rode along a track with a series of right and left turns whilst the degree of visual roll tilt was manipulated in three different conditions. Gaze behavior was analyzed by using the tangent point as a dynamic spatial reference; the deviation of gaze to this particular point was computed in both the horizontal and vertical directions. Steering control was assessed in terms of the lateral positioning, steering stability and number of lane departures. In the no-roll condition, the motorcyclists tracked a steering point on the road ahead, which was compatible with the hypothesis of “steer where you look” behavior. In the roll condition, our results revealed that the horizontal distribution of gaze points relative to the tangent point was preserved. However, significantly more fixations were made further ahead of the tangent point in the vertical direction. This modification of visual behavior was coupled with a degradation in steering stability and an offset in lateral positioning, which sometimes led to lane departures. These results are discussed with regard to models of visual control of steering for bend negotiation.  相似文献   
Innovative motor insurance schemes involve the use of on-board devices to collect kinematic driving data as part of the so-called ‘Pay-How-You-Drive’ schemes, which charge premiums based on drivers’ behavior. Some of these schemes also involve on-board coaching programs, which give real-time feedback to users.Here, we aimed to investigate the influence of motor insurance on-board real-time coaching programs on drivers’ behavior while overtaking cyclists, as motor vehicle/bicycle interactions are a relevant issue in road safety. The tested programs give real-time feedback to users on their acceleration, promoting smoother and safer driving styles.Data were collected with a driving simulator experiment involving 67 young drivers. The experiment was divided into two trials: in the first, participants drove as normally as possible without receiving any type of feedback; in the second, which took place one month later, they received feedback based on their driving behavior. Using data from the first trial, participants were clustered (k-mean approximation) into two groups, according to their driving style (aggressive vs. defensive). For each group, half of the drivers received contingent positive feedback (when a smooth driving event occurred) and the other half received contingent negative feedback (when a harsh driving event occurred). Feedback was presented in the form of auditory cues (for half of one group) or as visual cues (for the others). Thus, there were eight groups based on driving style, feedback type, and feedback modality.Multiple kinematic variables were studied with mixed ANOVA, and included not only clearance distances, speeds, and acceleration, but also the chosen overtaking strategy (accelerative vs. flying). Driving style, gender, car usage, feedback type and modality were considered as factors in the analysis.Results showed that the coaching programs had a significant positive effect, in terms of safety, reducing acceleration and speeds during the overtaking and inducing drivers to adopt the safer accelerative strategy. It was also particularly effective in improving the performance of aggressive drivers. These results are of high interest for real-world applications because they were obtained with a general-purpose coaching program; conversely, it might be impractical to develop dedicate programs for specific situations such as drivers overtaking cyclists.  相似文献   
Although drivers can adequately adjust their operating speed according to the road curvature, they show a lack of recognition regarding the pavement friction conditions. In this regard, inappropriate speed selection on Horizontal Curves (HCs) with reduced surface friction can lead to a remarkable rate of run-off-road, sideswipe, head-on, and rollover crashes, especially on rural highways. Aligned with the Connected Vehicle (CV) Pilot Program on Interstate-80 in Wyoming, this study scrutinizes how CV advisory/warning messages can enhance traffic safety on slippery HCs. To this aim, a roadway consists of two HCs with regular and slippery pavement conditions was designed in a high-fidelity driving simulator experiment. A total of 24 professional truck drivers were recruited to drive the simulated roadway under CV and non-CV environments. In the CV scenario, drivers were informed about the pavement conditions and the advisory speeds before entering HCs. In contrast, no messages were given to non-CV drivers. Truck drivers' behaviors in both scenarios were quantified using four Kinematic-based Surrogate Measures of Safety (K-SMoS), including deviation from the pathway, instantaneous acceleration, lateral speed, and steering angle. CVs’ trajectories were statistically compared to non-CVs in terms of the central tendency and dispersion using the Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test (WSRT) and Median Absolute Deviation (MAD), respectively. The results of WSRT depicted, under the effect of CV advisory/warning messages and throughout the slippery HC, the central tendency of four K-SMoS could be shifted toward zero by 23% up to 99%. This shifting is associated with a significant safety enhancement that potentially can reduce the likelihood of curve-related crashes on slippery HCs. It was revealed that the variation in drivers’ behavior on the slippery HC could be minimized in the CV environment, where 54% up to 95% reduction in the dispersions of four K-SMoS were observed, leading to more certainty in drivers’ behavior.  相似文献   
Vehicles are increasingly equipped with sensors that capture the state of the driver, the vehicle, and the environment. These developments are relevant to formal driver testing, but little is known about the extent to which driving examiners would support the use of sensor data in their job. This semi-structured interview study examined the opinions of 37 driving examiners about data-driven assessment of test candidates. The results showed that the examiners were supportive of using data to explain their pass/fail verdict to the candidate. According to the examiners, data in an easily accessible form such as graphs of eye movements, headway, speed, or braking behavior, and color-coded scores, supplemented with camera images, would allow them to eliminate doubt or help them convince disagreeing test-takers. The examiners were skeptical about higher levels of decision support, noting that forming an overall picture of the candidate’s abilities requires integrating multiple context-dependent sources of information. The interviews yielded other possible applications of data collection and sharing, such as selecting optimal routes, improving standardization, and training and pre-selecting candidates before they are allowed to take the driving test. Finally, the interviews focused on an increasingly viable form of data collection: simulator-based driver testing. This yielded a divided picture, with about half of the examiners being positive and half negative about using simulators in driver testing. In conclusion, this study has provided important insights regarding the use of data as an explanation aid for examiners. Future research should consider the views of test candidates and experimentally evaluate different forms of data-driven support in the driving test.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to analyze and compare the effects of different types of digital billboard advertisements (DBAs) on drivers’ performance and attention allocation. Driver distraction is a major threat to driver safety. DBAs are one form of distraction in drivers’ outside environment. There are many different types of DBAs, such as static images, changing images, or videos. However, it is not clear to what extent each of these contributes to driver distraction. A total of 100 students participated in a controlled driving simulator experiment in an urban environment. Measures of driving performance were collected, as well as eye tracking and EEG as windows into attention allocation. The different types of DBAs investigated were static (a single image), transitioning (one static DBA replaces another), and animated (short videos). The statistical analysis demonstrated that there were significant differences in the effect of each type of DBA on drivers' performance (deviation from the center of the lane and reaction time), visual attention to the road (percent of fixations on the road, percent of fixations on DBAs, fixation duration on DBAs, and number of gazes on DBAs), and the EEG theta band and beta band. These results show that driving performance and attention to the road were both more negatively affected when drivers were exposed to transitioning and animated DBAs as compared to static DBAs. The results of this study provide guidance for the better design and regulation of DBAs in order to minimize driver distraction.  相似文献   
The majority of the collisions at grade crossings occurred at flashing-light-controlled grade crossings. Understanding drivers’ behaviors and visual performances in the process of approaching the crossings is the foundation of improving crossing safety. This study aims at utilizing driving simulation and eye tracking systems to investigate the efficacy of improved traffic signs and pavement markings (PSM) at flashing-light-controlled grade crossings. The improved signs and markings were modeled in a driving simulation system and tested with a series of flashing light trigger time (FLTT) ranging from 2 s to 6 s with 1 s interval increment. Foggy conditions and drivers’ genders and vocations were considered in experiment design. Thirty-six fully-licensed drivers between 30 and 48 years participated in the experiment. Several eye-movement and behavioral measures were adopted as reflections of the subjects’ performances, including the first fixation time on signs and signals and distance to stop line, total fixation duration, compliance rate, stop position, average speed at the stop line, maximum deceleration rate and brake response time. Results showed that compared with traditional grade crossings signs and pavement markings, drivers could perceive signs timelier and fixate on the flashing-light signal earlier in PSM, especially in the scenarios of earlier FLTTs. The improvement in fixation performance and sign design contributed to a higher stop compliance rate. Importantly, it was found that drivers would hesitate to decide whether to stop or cross facing with flashing red lights, which is similar to the dilemma zone of roadway intersections. Drivers were more likely to fall into the dilemma zones when FLTT was <4 s. When FLTT was 2 s, it was particularly difficult to stop in front of the stop line. Moreover, under a foggy condition, drivers had a difficulty in searching signs and had a longer brake response time compared with a clear condition. For the characteristics of drivers, male drivers had longer fixation duration on signs than females. Professional drivers had a higher maximum deceleration rate compared with non-professional drivers. Above findings implied that improved traffic signs and markings would have a potential to improve traffic safety and deserve a field implementation in the future.  相似文献   
Problem: Evolving sandstorms on rural expressways in desert countries impair drivers' contrast vision and increase the risk of serious crashes due to delayed speed adjustments. Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) such as Variable Message Signs (VMS) conveying warnings can be activated to address drivers’ speed adaptation before entering a low visibility zone. To improve drivers’ understanding of the hazard, a sandstorm animation visualizing turbulent sand and its consequences was designed and compared with a general warning pictogram, which is applied if no specific weather pictogram is available. Moreover, minimum warning distances of the VMS to the low visibility zone were tested (e.g., 300 m or 500 m).MethodSixty-three participants from the State of Qatar drove in a driving simulator through clear, transition, and low visibility conditions on a rural expressway. A repeated analysis of variances was conducted to examine the impact of the two on-road warning displays on driving behavior.ResultsThe results showed that the sandstorm animation was similarly effective as a generic warning pictogram in reducing driving speeds before entering the transition and low visibility zone, irrespective of being displayed 500 m or 300 m away. However, the sandstorm animation resulted in consistent similar speed reductions within the low visibility zone, whereas the generic warning pictogram did either perform better or worse after several encounters with a sandstorm. Drivers did strongly agree that the animation is clearly referring to the issue of low visibility, which can be beneficial for recurring low visibility conditions.Practical applications: 1.) Displaying a sandstorm animation is beneficial for rural expressway sections with recurring degrading visibility and low traffic densities, whereas a warning pictogram can be more effective in speed reductions if drivers expect additional traffic hazards. 2.) Roadway authorities have the flexibility to activate a VMS sandstorm warning even for minimum warning distances.  相似文献   
Exploring the future mobility of older people is imperative for maintaining wellbeing and quality of life in an ageing society. The forthcoming level 3 automated vehicle may potentially benefit older people. In a level 3 automated vehicle, the driver can be completely disengaged from driving while, under some circumstances, being expected to take over the control occasionally. Existing research into older people and level 3 automated vehicles considers older people to be a homogeneous group, but it is not clear if different sub-groups of old people have different performance and perceptions when interacting with automated vehicles. To fill this research gap, a driving simulator investigation was conducted. We adopted a between-subjects experimental design with subgroup of old age as the independent variable. The differences in performance, behaviour, and perception towards level 3 automated vehicles between the younger old group (60–69 years old) and older old group (70 years old and over) was investigated. 15 subjects from the younger old group (mean age = 64.87 years, SD = 3.46 years) and 24 from the older old group (mean age = 75.13 years, SD = 3.35 years) participated in the study. The findings indicate that older people should not be regarded as a homogeneous group when interacting with automated vehicle. Compared to the younger old people, the older old people took over the control of the vehicle more slowly, and their takeover was less stable and more critical. However, both groups exhibited positive perceptions towards level 3 automation, and the of older old people’s perceptions were significantly more positive. This study demonstrated the importance of recognising older people as a heterogeneous group in terms of their performance, capabilities, needs and requirements when interacting with automated vehicles. This may have implications in the design of such systems and also understanding the market for autonomous mobility.  相似文献   
In recent years, the number and complexity of in-vehicle infotainment systems has been steadily increasing. While these systems certainly improve the driving experience, they also increase the risk for driver distraction. International standards and guidelines provide methods of measuring this distraction along with test criteria that help automakers decide whether an interface task is too distracting to be used while driving. Any specific function failing this test should therefore be locked out for use by the driver. This study implemented and tested a dynamic approach to this blocking by algorithmically reacting to driver inputs and the pace of the interaction in order to prevent drivers from having prolonged or too intense sequences of in-vehicle interactions not directly related to driving. Three simulated driving experiments in Germany and the United States were conducted to evaluate this dynamic function blocking concept and also cater for differences in the status quo of either no blocking or static blocking. The experiments consisted of a car following scenario with various secondary interface tasks and always included a baseline condition where no blocking occurred as well as an implementation of the dynamic function blocking. While Experiments 1 and 3 were aimed at collecting and analyzing gaze and driving data from more than 20 participants, Experiment 2 focused on the user experience evaluation of different visual feedback implementations from 13 participants. The user experience as rated by these participants increased throughout the course of all three studies and helped further improve both the concept and feedback design. In the experiments the total glance time towards the road was significantly higher in the dynamic function blocking condition compared to the baseline, already accounting for the increase in total task time inherent to the dynamic condition. Participants developed two strategies of interacting with the dynamic function blocking. They either operated at their normal baseline speed and incurred task blockings or operated slower to avoid the blockings. In the latter strategy, participants chunked their interactions into smaller steps with the present data suggesting that they used the pauses in between chunks to look back onto the road ahead. Theoretical and practical implications of this first evaluation of a dynamic function blocking concept are discussed.  相似文献   
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