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具有认知诊断功能的计算机化多阶段测验(CD-MST)是CDA和MST相结合的一种测验方式。由于CD-MST自适应频次较少,初始阶段模块组建会影响整个测验的判准率。借鉴CD-CAT初始项目选取方法,根据CDA和MST自身特点,提出了7种CD-MST初始阶段模块组建方法,分别是随机法、选题策略法、R*矩阵法、CTTID法、CDI法、CTTIDR*法和CDIR*法。采用模拟研究对不同项目质量下7种方法的判准率进行了比较。研究结果表明,当初始阶段结束时,包含R*矩阵的方法判准率显著高于其他方法,尤其是CTTIDR*法;整个测验结束时,CTTIDR*法较其他方法仍然有优势,CDIR*法和R*矩阵法结果较为接近。选题策略法在初始阶段结束时判准率较低,甚至低于随机法,整个测验结束时,判准率同CDIR*法和R*矩阵法持平。4种项目质量对判准率影响较大,HD-HV题库下判准率最高,HD-LV次之,LD-HV较差,LD-LV最差。  相似文献   
Mature Ego Development: A Gateway to Ego Transcendence?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper explores whether the highest stage in ego development is indicative of ego-transcendence as I initially surmised. Overall, I will explore some of the similarities and differences between rational awareness of the limits of representational thought and genuine postsymbolic knowing. I will present the research territory with a linear and a non-linear model of human development. Both models can accommodate both Eastern and Western self theories including ego development theory and Alexander's levels of mind. Next, I will outline an alternative developmental trajectory based on Alexander's notion of the shifts in the dominant mode of processing from personal–verbal–discursive to transpersonal–postsymbolic. Then, I will present ego development theory as I conceive of it now and outline the important characteristics of the highest stage (Cook-Greuter, 1999). Finally, I will consider the question of whether and in what way the Unitive ego stage is related to higher consciousness and introduce two testable propositions to clarify the issue.  相似文献   
现代生物工程技术是以基因工程、细胞工程、发酵工程酶工程为主体的高新技术。生产工程产业主要包括生物工程药业和生物工程农业两个重要部分。生物工程产业化都需要经过研究、开发、产业化和商业化四个步骤。生物工程产业发展经过了生物工程技术的突破阶段、完善和产业化的开始阶段、大规模产业化的开始阶段、大规模产业化的成熟阶段。其中第三阶段对我国的生物工程产业来说是为关键的。知识产权机会、商业机会为这个阶段我国生物工  相似文献   
A structure is temporally gunky just in case all of its temporal parts have proper temporal parts. Joshua Stuchlik [2003] objects to the stage theory of persistence from temporal gunk by arguing that the former requires instantaneous entities while the latter precludes them. It is argued here that stage theory can accommodate temporal gunk by invoking short-lived persisting stages. However, a new and more serious problem for stage theory is not far to seek. The short-lived stages that are needed to accommodate gunk accord with stage theory only if they are appropriately qualitatively static. The problem is that, unless stage theory abandons much of its dialectical force, some of the required stages fail this condition. Thus, Stuchlik is right that gunk shows a large class of worlds not to be stages, but wrong about which worlds these are.  相似文献   
记忆的顿悟优势效应指, 与加工非顿悟问题相比, 加工顿悟问题能够产生更优的记忆保持量。该效应在顿悟的两种操作性定义以及不同实验材料中稳定出现。基于顿悟阶段观, 研究者提出两种理论解释记忆的顿悟优势效应的认知机制:认知的生成效应和表征转化理论认为, 顿悟加工过程中的认知努力、适当迁移加工以及顿悟的表征转换加工促进记忆的保持效果; 情绪的“啊哈”体验理论认为, 加工顿悟问题后的情绪对后续的信息提取具有促进作用。未来的研究可从优化顿悟的指标、巩固记忆的顿悟优势效应、评估其持续性以及更加系统探讨记忆的顿悟优势效应的认知机制等四个方面展开。  相似文献   
Reacting aggressively to injustice at work: a cognitive stage model   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The present article develops a cognitive stage model of workplace aggression, which contends that aggressive reactions to perceived injustice are cognitively construed following three cognitive steps that include the assessment stage, the accountability stage, and the decision stage. These three cognitive stages are essential in understanding victims’ retaliatory actions against perpetrators of injustices. The model’s implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   
终末期癌症病人诊治中的心理特征与人文关怀   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在诊治终末期癌症病人过程中不仅要关心他们的躯体方面,更要关心他们的心理方面,在诊治过程中要根据他们的独特的心理特征来进行人文心理关怀,维持生命质量和保证他们应有的人格尊严.  相似文献   
压力致病是一个复杂的过程,涉及到与多种致病因素的相互作用、多个器官系统的激活和反馈、不同发育阶段对疾病的易感性等。这个过程中,神经可塑性起着重要的调节作用。本文以神经可塑性为切入点,阐述了压力、发育阶段、个人发展、疾病发生之间的关系。  相似文献   
心理治疗在终末期肾病(ESRD)治疗中的作用非常重要,不但可缓解患者的心理压力,还可改善患者的生理障碍、减少并发症,因此重视对ESRD患者的心理治疗,可使患者保持良好的生理、心理状态,并能提高患者的生活质量,改善预后。  相似文献   
摘 要 计算机化多阶段自适应测验是基于计算机技术的测验形式,它将题目集合作为测试单元,通过多阶段自适应的形式对被试进行测试和评分。近年来通过研究各种测验形式,发现其比计算机化自适应测验和传统纸笔测验突显出更大优势。与传统纸笔测验相比,其具有参数不变性、能力估计更精确等优势。与计算机化自适应测验相比,其具有可控制题目特性、被试可检查题目等优势。如何减小测量误差,使其应用更加便捷、有效,是未来研究的发展方向。  相似文献   
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