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Singapore is an urban, highly industrialized country in South East Asia. By 2030, one-fifth of the population is projected to be composed of citizens aged above 65 years. Research on aging has largely focused on the effects of deteriorating physical ability on daily functioning capabilities (Iwarsson & Isacsson, 1997; Warr, 1995). More recently, the role of self-perceived usefulness, competence and control on well-being in the elderly have been investigated (Heberlein, Licht & Licht, 1999; Ranzjin, Keeves, Luszcz, & Feather, 1998). In other fields, activity and involvement have been identified as effective coping devices (Nair, 1989; Shalit, 1988). The present study compared the conceptual understanding of the esteem and well-being of the elderly on the dimensions of activity, involvement, and control, as viewed by an undergraduate sample (n = 60) and a cross-section of seniors (n = 71). Three separate factor analyses reflected interesting variations in the conceptual frameworks.  相似文献   
A radical opponent of Western higher education asserts that its pedagogy and content depend on belief in objective truth and knowledge. This epistemology and education are attacked as exclusive and domineering toward women, minorities, and non-Westerners. The critic puts forward a pragmatist epistemology, leading to multi-cultural education aimed at social criticism and personal autonomy. The critic's dialogue with a defender of traditional epistemological ideas provides a critical introduction to the claims justifying many radical criticisms of Western curricula and pedagogy.  相似文献   
Karl E. Peters 《Zygon》1989,24(4):469-485
Abstract. Developing a scientifically grounded philosophy of cosmic evolution, and using the moral norm of completeness as dynamic harmony, this paper argues that humans are a part of nature in both its conserving and emergent aspects. Humans are both material and cultural, instinctual-emotional and rational, creatures and creators, and carriers of stability and change. To ignore any of the multifaceted aspects of humanity in relation to the rest of nature is to commit one of a number of fallacies that are grounded in a dualistic-conquest mentality. Examples of some new developments in philosophy and theology, metaphorical images, and ritual show how to overcome dualism in favor of a dynamic harmony of humanity within nature.  相似文献   
K. Helmut Reich 《Zygon》1995,30(3):383-405
Abstract. A strategy for deeding systematically with such complex relationships as those between science and theology is presented after a brief overview of the historical record and illustrated in terms of the concept of divinity. The application of that strategy to the title relationships yields a multilogical/multilevel solution which presents certain analogies to or isomorphisms with the doctrine of the Trinity. These concern mainly the multilogical/multilevel character of both conceptualizations and the relational and contextual reasoning required to conceive them. Furthermore, certain characteristics of the doctrine facilitate the dialogue between theologians and scientists on account of their similarity with such scientific concepts as diversity in unity, multiplicity of relationships, nonseparability, and nonclassical logic.  相似文献   
王船山学宗张载,以易学为入路构建起形上学体系。他从易学最基本的象理问题出发,提出了“《易》之全体在象, 象理一体无隔”的易学基本理念,并据此导出“即象以见理”的易学方法论。他以此象理无隔的易学视野和方法来统摄《六经》,进一步得出了“《五经》皆象,《易》统其理”的经学观,并主张治经要以训诂为根基,以义理为标的,从而使他的经学呈现出汉宋兼采并治的学术特色。  相似文献   
夏辉 《现代哲学》2003,(1):89-94
在建立以性善论为核心的道德天命观过程中,文化根基的问题观照和传统文化的资源借续是孟子的理论立足点。通过以性善言天善、以心性的价值合理性印证天命的价值理性和“德福合一”的新解释,孟子重建了人的道德信仰,完成了对天命报应论的全新构想。心性的价值合理性与天命的价值理性之间的相互印证,是孟子性善论及其天命观中最有创意的理论运思。  相似文献   
中小学生阅读图文课文的眼动实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陶云  申继亮  沈德立 《心理科学》2003,26(2):199-203
本研究采用眼动方法,对85名小五、实二和高二年级学生阅读图文课文的阅读理解指标和眼动指标进行考察。结果表明:(1)学生阅读不同呈现方式和难度课文的阅读理解指标和眼动指标,一般都具有明显的年龄发展特征;(2)学生阅读不同呈现方式课文的阅读理解指标和眼动指标,有图课文大多显著优于无图课文;(3)学生阅读不同难度课文的阅读理解指标和眼动指标,易课文显著优于难课文。  相似文献   
知情同意的临床实践存在的问题及对策   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
临床医疗实践中贯彻实施知情同意原则旨在保护病人的权益不受侵犯,然而知情同意原则实施起来并不简单,它常常会受到主客体两方面种种因素的制约,陷入意想不到的困境。分析了知情同意原则在实施过程中可能出现的一些难以回避的问题,并针对这些问题探讨了若干对策。  相似文献   
对肾移植输血问题的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
就肾移植受者输血的几个问题进行了回顾和探讨。提出肾移植受者输血应该考虑的问题有:如何权衡输血对肾移植受者的有益作用与输血风险,输血医学的发展如何为肾移植提供更有力的保障,应该深入探讨输血有益于肾移植的机制,推进供者特异性输血在我国的应用。  相似文献   
《周易》的形成出于占筮,古人以此来求知国之兴衰、人之穷通,具有一种“通古今之变”的思维倾向。所以它有别于其他类型的迷信,那蕴含其中的某种逻辑推演和理智分析的因素,被后来的易学及其哲学发展出一套《周易》的世界观、人生观和历史观。这些观点集中到一点就是:以阴阳变异的法则说明一切事物。本文主要从《周易》的特有思维模式及其古奥的言词来探讨其中所蕴含的历史观。并规约出两点:第一,《周易》所体现的历史演变方式;第二,《周易》史观中的历史动力。  相似文献   
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