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苏轼站在义理易的立场,从卦爻结构的角度直接阐明了其解易宗旨.他在解卦中多以"卦合而言之"、"爻别而观之"以启文端.这就是<苏氏易传>在解卦实践中提出的"卦合爻别"说.我们可以从苏轼易学的立场、苏轼对易学史上卦爻结构观的考察以及对"卦合爻别"方法的实际运用,来理解苏轼在卦爻结构观上的"卦合爻别"说.  相似文献   
本文就帛、今本<周易>的乾、坤两卦中,找出四个相关的问题,进行比较分析,包括:1)三才分位,不适用于<乾卦>;2)重新定位,有助于了解"朝乾、夕惕"义;3)<周易>申明坤须从阳,与帛书<衷>言阳之得阴,男下女不同;4)<周易>用"用",与帛书用"迵",是先贤用<易>从神权通向人文的结果.  相似文献   
Fei Lan 《亚洲哲学》2016,26(4):311-328
The Confucian classic the Liji 禮記 defines ‘desire’ as ‘the arousal of nature’. In line with this classical definition, Dai Zhen 戴震 (1724–1777) sees desire as human nature in activation. However, while the Liji ascribes human deceits and debauchery to the susceptibility of human nature, Dai Zhen speaks highly of its responsiveness and receptivity. This article discusses Dai Zhen’s conception of desire and argues that Dai Zhen distinguishes himself from other Confucian moral thinkers by bringing to light the dimension of the Other in addressing the issue of desire. As the Confucian tradition has long been disturbed by an anxiety to keep desire in check, Dai Zhen draws our attention to how to cultivate the affective faculty inherent in human nature to develop our sensitivity to the needs and desires of others, especially those of the widow, the orphan, the solitary, the sick, and the weak.  相似文献   
《周易》、金文“孝享”释义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《周易·苹卦·彖传》有“致孝享一语,古今学人都把“孝”宇理解为普通的孝道之孝,谓“孝享”为孝子之享。实未得古义。本文历考两周金文10余处“享孝”用例及30余例“孝”字用例,几乎无一例外都作祭祀讲。兹结合金文资料以及先秦早期文献,对“孝享”本义作出深入细致的考订。  相似文献   
I aim to show how Confucian philosophy can contribute to the contemporary resurgence of virtue ethics education by arguing that it has the resource to address a lacuna in Aristotelian ethics. Aristotelian ethics, which is arguably the main resource of contemporary virtue ethics, lacks a virtue that corresponds to the notion of loving each person as one’s self or the Golden Rule. To be more precise, Aristotelian ethics has no virtue about loving all people as one’s self, although philia comes close but is precisely limited because it lacks universality. However, I believe that Dai Zhen’s interpretation of the Confucian virtues of shu and zhong does have this universal scope which philia lacks. For Dai, the ground for loving another is not any characteristic that a particular group of people have in common, such as, in the case of philia, being virtuous. Rather, the ground is universal human nature itself.  相似文献   
刘松 《周易研究》2020,(1):77-82
《周易》家人卦的家道理论体系,由立家之道、安家之道和兴家之道构成,且三位一体而又层层递进。立家之道,源于“阴阳变易”之化生原理,宏于“阴顺阳威”;付之践行,始于“闲邪未蒙”,功在“厉威勿纵”,誉于“顺德利贞”。安家之道,据于“允执厥中”的象位原理,适于“中正合宜”;履之于家,固于“持守正道”,毅于“谨遵中德”,成于各安角色。兴家之道,基于“民安国泰”的系统法则,旨在“家齐国治”;行之于家,寓于“王假有家”,系于交感互爱,遵于唯变所适。整个家道理论体系是一个系统有机统一的整体,极具系统性与辩证性。  相似文献   
先贤用天象来解释乾卦六龙,但由于未涉及具体的星宿证据,不能断定乾卦爻辞只能来自与苍龙有关的天象。本文发现乾卦爻辞中按天象出现的先后顺序,除了容易被泛哲理化解释的“龙”之外,还隐含着五个星宿信息,即天田、健闭、天渊、鱼、天渊,因此可断言这些爻辞的原型来自天象。  相似文献   
王弼注《易》有返归《易传》的强烈企图。从他的《周易略例》对解《易》的原则说明中,可以知道他特别重视《明象》及《明彖》,并把问题的讨论集中在阴阳符号的卦爻结构的启发上。王弼综论卦爻之义的背后则是他对天道的基本认识。由于王弼视天道为一系列的展开,所以其“意象言”之说与之成一类比的对应,由这一类比而产生了王弼在言说时独特的论述文法。在《老子注》中,“言、象、意”可以被代换成“名言、称为、无称无名”,这不但是作为一种论述的方法,而且可视为道在名言世界的一种实践。王弼既然在《周易略例》中提出“言象意”说,那么他的《周易注》是否也依此一方法而成?其次,王弼注《易》的方法,究竟使读者对《易》产生什么新的认识?凡此二点即为本文所关心之重点。  相似文献   
杨万里治<易>参证史事,对"二五之应"问题尤其青睐.因为它不但得象、得体、得时,还得用.杨万里尤其重视它的"用"问题,由于这个"用","二五之应"不但贯通天人,也彰显史事宗义理派求真、务实的治<易>特色.  相似文献   
This paper examines the human relational patterns presented in the philosophical writings of the Confucian thinker Dai Zhen (戴震1724–77) and the Jewish philosopher Emmanuel Levinas’s (1906–95) Totality and Infinity to uncover the ethical significance of the father-son relationship. I argue that for both thinkers the father-son relation is not just one type of human relationship among other social dyads, but rather, of greater significance, serves as the paradigmatic model of the ethical human relationship in bringing to light the idea of the ethical self as a responsible being in relation to others.  相似文献   
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