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小肠及其相关疾病在所有消化道疾病中占有重要地位,对小肠及其相关疾病的诊疗一直存在相当大的困难,常规的内镜检查和治疗方法无法准确诊断和治疗小肠及其相关疾病,例如不明原因消化道出血,小肠肿瘤,胆胰管疾病等。双气囊小肠镜的出现为小肠及其相关疾病的诊疗提供一种全新的方法,内镜下进行小肠疾病治疗,例如小肠出血的止血、息肉的切除、肠腔狭窄扩张等,及各种相关的新技术、新方法层出不穷。本文就对双气囊小肠镜的应用前景和诊疗新进展做一综述。  相似文献   
结肠镜检查是一项广泛用于临床的直观有效的诊断结肠疾病的方法。对于整体机能减退的老年人来说,我们可从结肠镜前准备工作中的三个方面:肠道准备用药的比较选择、基础合并症的处理以及医患交流和心理护理提高老年患者对结肠镜的耐受性。  相似文献   
血液病治疗中的人文关怀   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新医学模式指出人文关怀在医疗服务中有重要意义。目前我们在血液病治疗中对人文关怀重视不够。由于大部分血液系统疾病起病隐匿,发病机制不清,病程长,并发症多,所以预后差,再加上治疗费用高,社会角色转变困难,很容易使患者产生焦虑、抵触、恐惧、多疑、抑郁等心理问题,并影响和谐医患关系的建立。人文关怀有助于缓解患者的心理问题,促进良好医患关系的建立,加速疾病的恢复,提高患者的生存质量。  相似文献   
历史上大规模暴发的传染病对社会经济的发展有着非常深刻的影响,它直接打击了社会经济发展的核心与所有生产力要素中最根本的——人类本身;但是,在整个社会经济的发展过程中,公共卫生与医疗保健的作用一直未引起人们的关注,随着人类文明的不断进步,对疾病的控制已经成为世界各国的中心任务,卫生保健服务直接增进了人类健康,促进社会经济健康与持续地发展。  相似文献   
总结大连市2004年三种慢性病重症致残者流行病学特征。收集需去家中体检复查的2004年以前享受三种慢性病医保补助的重症致残者临床资料及检查结果,采用描述性方法分析流行病学特征。凡患三种慢性病(高血压病、糖尿病具有合并症之一、冠心病陈旧性心肌梗死或已植入支架者)且已享受医疗补助者,复检符合诊断标准者入选。结果2004年大连市内四区参加医保总数约110万人,申报复检41283人,实际检诊人数33078人,检诊率82.52%;检诊合格人数29583人,检诊合格率70.69%。其中因重症致残报名要求需去家中体检者3199人,检诊合格者2861人,合格率89.43%。重症致残者占符合三种慢性病诊断标准人数的9.67%,约占全部参保人数的0.26%,证明三种慢性病重症致残率较高。  相似文献   
理论思维是力求逻辑自恰、规避自相矛盾;工程思维是对逻辑地发现的属性进行非逻辑的复合;评价思维是虚体思维和筹划因素相分离所导致的思维方式。理论思维的成果必须通过工程思维付诸实践,评价思维是对实践的结果进行评价,评价的结果是对工程思维或/和理论思维的成果进行反思。对缺血性脑血管病实践中的理论思维、工程思维和评价思维的界定与相互联系进行探讨。  相似文献   
Many philosophers and medical scientists assume thatdisease categories or entities used to classify concrete cases ofdisease, are often defined by disease mechanisms or causalprocesses. Others suggest that diseases should always be definedin this manner. This paper discusses these standpoints criticallyand concludes that they are untenable, not only when `diseasemechanism' refers to an objective mechanism, but also when`mechanism' refers to a pragmatically demarcated part of thetotal ``objective' causal structure of diseases. As an alternativeto principles that use the concept of disease mechanism oranalogous concepts, a pragmatic approach is suggested anddescribed. This approach has been suggested before, but inproblematic or inadequate versions. This paper proposes a versioncompiled of two ``pragmatic principles' and shows that they aremuch more adequate than the principle of disease mechanism. Withreference to a case study of a still ongoing internationaldiscussion of various candidates for a classification system formalignant lymphomas, including REAL (Revised European–AmericanClassification of Lymphoid Neoplasms) in which the concept ofdisease mechanism or analogous concepts plays a very small part,it is shown just how pivotal these two pragmatic principles canbe in actual discussions of definitions of diseases. Finally, itis pointed out that with regard to modern philosophy of languageit may, at least in some cases, be problematic to distinguishbetween the two pragmatic principles as they stand.  相似文献   
从中西医学的竞争和渗透谈现代中医临床思维的变革   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现代中医的临床思维正在发生着变革,一个以辨病为纲,辨证为目,辨病论治为经,辨证论治为纬的临床思维新模式,已经呼之欲出。这正是21世纪中医学发展的必由之路,学术界必从唯物辩证法的角度来审视这场变革,并因其势而利导之。  相似文献   
The role of outpatient hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) as a therapeutic tool has been strengthened significantly because of the increasing number of patients undergoing this treatment. Due the very nature of this procedure, one of the aspects that should not be overlooked is the quality of life (QOL) of patients undergoing HSCT. Thus, one must consider not only health status after treatment, but also, the psychosocial implications for the patient. This is an observational, longitudinal, and prospective study to assess QOL in patients undergoing outpatient HSCT vs. similar patients receiving medical treatment (MxTx). By applying the COOP/WONKA charts on five occasions (pre-HSCT/initial, post-HSCT/first month, and at 3, 6, and 9 months), thirty-eight patients were analysed, 19 with HSCT and 19 with MxTx with no differences in age, gender or diagnosis. The initial survey found significant differences only in pain perception, which was higher in the HSCT group (p = .08); at the first month, there was a greater tendency for feelings of depression or anxiety in the HSCT group (p = .016), with more limitations in social (p = .003) and daily (p = .044) activities. From 3 months post-HSCT, the results were very similar. The differences persisted only in the area of social activities. Four patients developed graft-versus-host disease with no significant difference in the scores obtained compared to other transplant patients at 3, 6, and 9 months (p = .26) of follow-up.  相似文献   
A condensed test battery (the CODE) based on the Utrecht Coping List (UCL) and part of the Defense Mechanisms Inventory (DMI) has been developed to assess coping and defense in large population studies. It was tested for reliability and validity in students and back pain patients. Principal components factor analysis of the subscales of the UCL and DMI in the student sample revealed two coping clusters: “Instrumental mastery-oriented coping” and “Emotion-focused coping” and two defensive clusters: “Cognitive defense” and “Defensive hostility”. “Instrumental mastery-oriented coping” was negatively related to subjective health complaints measured with Ursins Health Inventory (UHI). The back pain patients were clearly different from the students, using less coping and more defensive strategies. They had more subjective health complaints that showed negative correlations with “Instrumental mastery-oriented coping”. The CODE is a comprehensive battery that may be valid for large population studies of psychological determinants of muscle pain and other subjective health problems.  相似文献   
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