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天水市三阳川的卦台山是伏羲“仰观俯察”观物取象(则之)和创造原始易学的历史缩影.由于后人的不断附会,卦台山被人格化,周围的山、水和村庄被赋予了生命,三阳川卦台山下的十二村庄和二十四个自然村也被喻为十二生肖和二十四节气,从而构成了一幅美妙的原始天象(文)图.《周易》作为中华民族的源头文化,在天水时空上的重合,表明《周易·系辞下》所说伏羲”仰观天文,俯察地理”而画八卦的描述以及史书记载的伏羲诞生于成纪(天水)并不是空穴来风,应该是历史因子、口传史和实物的契合.  相似文献   
"明"即辨别、验证,"夷"即弓矢的合文,表示弓、矢上面的符号一致."明夷"即"验证弓矢".弓矢是东夷民族发明的工具和武器.弓矢是论功行赏论罪行罚和确认战利品归属的重要凭据,也是确定猎获物所有权和损害赔偿责任的重要依据.古."(渡)"字中的"去"由弓矢二字构成,表示弓、矢上面的符号不一致."明夷"与《洪范》九畴之"明用稽疑"之间具有内在联系,"明夷"或即"明疑."这种方法由于曾经被殷末箕子所提倡或坚持而与其名字联在一起.西周金文"(渡)"字的产生与"明夷"制度有关."(渡)"字标志着古代法律由神判法(独角兽扁)向人判法(重视证据)的过渡.  相似文献   
Within the context of the Basque Country in Spain we examined how ethnic (Basque) and national (Spanish) identification relate to the evaluation of Spaniards, Basques, Andalusians and Catalans. On a sample of adolescent participants we tested a structural equation model which considered identity content (Basque separatism) as a mediator of the relationship between group identifications and group evaluations. While Spanish and Basque identification were associated with a positive evaluation of Spanish and Basque in‐groups, respectively, the evaluation of out‐groups that are relatively similar to the in‐group were not affected by identification. In contrast, dissimilar out‐groups tended to be evaluated more negatively by higher in‐group identifiers. Basque separatism mediated the negative relationship between Basque identification and the evaluation of Spaniards and of Andalusians as a prototypically Spanish subgroup. It is concluded that identification relates differently to the evaluation of different out‐groups, and that the ideological content of identity plays an important role in determining intergroup relations. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We modelled the associations between the HEXACO dimensions of personality, Social Dominance Orientation (SDO), Right‐Wing Authoritarianism (RWA) and prejudice towards dangerous, derogated and dissident groups (N = 454 undergraduates). Consistent with a Big‐Five model, low Openness to Experience predicted RWA and therefore dangerous and dissident group prejudice. As predicted, low Emotionality (and Openness) rather than Agreeableness predicted SDO and therefore derogated and dissident group prejudice. Comparison with meta‐analytic averages of Big‐Five data supported expected similarities and differences in the association of Big‐Five and HEXACO models of personality with ideology. Finally, Honesty‐Humility simultaneously predicted increases in RWA but decreases in SDO, and thus opposing effects on prejudice. These opposing effects have gone unidentified in research employing Big‐Five models of personality structure. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
明清时期,伊斯兰教汉文著述大量出现,汉语伊斯兰教在很多非基本信仰问题的思考与表述上,表现出明显的中国特色。清代后期,以蒋湘南与蓝曦为代表的伊斯兰教学者,系统利用熟悉的易学资源阐释汉语伊斯兰教思想。其中蓝曦在《天方正学》中,发展了王岱舆、马注等人已经开始的以回释儒的传统,大量利用卦气说、伏羲画卦说、易象说与太极化生宇宙说一套易学话语系统,作为建构汉语伊斯兰教思想的重要资源,这可以看作易学在清代的一个发展。这种情况的出现和中国思想史上格义的传统、易学强大的阐释空间、伊斯兰教思想和中国传统思想本身的沟通之处、汉语伊斯兰教思想明显有苏非气息等因素有关。  相似文献   
This article presents a theory of the perception of hybrids, resulting from cross‐breeding natural animals that pertain to different species and of children parented by couples with a mixed ethnic or racial background. The theory states that natural living beings, including humans, are perceived as possessing a deeply ingrained characteristic that is called ‘essence’ or ‘blood’ or ‘genes’ in everyday discourse and that uniquely determines their category membership. If, by whatever means, the genes or essences of two animals of different species are combined in a hybrid, the two incompatible essences collapse, leaving the hybrid in a state of non‐identity and non‐belonging. People despise this state and reject the hybrid (Study 1). This devaluation effect holds with cross‐kind hybrids and with hybrids that arise from genetically combining animals from incompatible habitats across three cultures: Austria, India and Japan (Study 2). In the social world, groups and ethnic or racial categories frequently are essentialized in an analogue way. When people with an essentialist mindset judge ethnically or racially mixed offspring, they perceive a collapse of ethnic or racial essence and, consequently, denigrate these children, as compared to children from ‘pure’ in‐group or out‐group parents (Study 3). The findings are discussed in terms of the widespread ‘yuck factor’ against genetically modified animals, in terms of the cultural concepts of monstrosity and of racism and prejudice.  相似文献   
Self-presentation and gender on MySpace   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Within the cultural context of MySpace, this study explores the ways emerging adults experience social networking. Through focus group methodology, the role of virtual peer interaction in the development of personal, social, and gender identities was investigated. Findings suggest that college students utilize MySpace for identity exploration, engaging in social comparison and expressing idealized aspects of the selves they wish to become. The public nature of self and relationship displays introduce feedback mechanisms by which emerging adults can legitimize images as associated with the self. Also, male–female differences in self-presentation parallel, and possibly intensify, gender norms offline. Our study suggests that social networking sites provide valuable opportunities for emerging adults to realize possible selves; however, increased pressure for female sexual objectification and intensified social comparison may also negatively impact identity development. A balanced view, presenting both opportunities and drawbacks, should be encouraged in policies regarding youth participation in social networking sites.  相似文献   
A new instrument of individualism and collectivism (I/C) was developed and three key issues in I/C measurement were addressed: differentiating components of I/C, understanding the impact of reference groups, and testing of measurement invariance. Three components of I/C were assessed in China and the U.S.: independence, competitiveness, and uniqueness for individualism; considering of one’s decisions on others, sharing of positive outcomes, and sharing of negative outcomes for collectivism. Collectivism was measured with respect to parents, friends, and general others. Results indicate that Chinese participants are less unique but more independent and competitive than their counterparts in the U.S. The expected cultural difference is found for parent collectivism across all three components and for sharing negative outcome with respect to all three reference groups. These results suggest that individualism is a multidimensional construct, whereas the dimensionality of collectivism appears to be a function of social distance. Measurement invariance was tested at configural, factor loading, and intercept levels for all components of I/C.  相似文献   
公德是公共行为的道德规范.公德建设能够推动法治建设.在中国,由于长期伦理本位传统的影响,公德建设滞后,影响了中国道德建设,也遏制了中国法治建设的发展.推动中国公德建设必须超越伦理本位传统,将公德建设纳入法治轨道.  相似文献   
Various perspectives on leadership within the psychoanalytic, organizational and socio‐biological literature are reviewed, with particular attention to research studies in these areas. Hypotheses are offered about what makes an effective leader: her ability to structure tasks well in order to avoid destructive regressions, to make constructive use of the omnipresent regressive energies in group life, and to redirect regressions when they occur. Systematic qualitative observations of three videotaped sessions each from N = 18 medical staff work groups at an urban medical center are discussed, as is the utility of a scale, the Leadership and Group Regressions Scale (LGRS), that attempts to operationalize the hypotheses. Analyzing the tapes qualitatively, it was noteworthy that at times (in N = 6 groups), the nominal leader of the group did not prove to be the actual, working leader. Quantitatively, a significant correlation was seen between leaders’ LGRS scores and the group’s satisfactory completion of their quantitative goals (p = 0.007) and ability to sustain the goals (p = 0.04), when the score of the person who met criteria for group leadership was used.  相似文献   
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