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Does the potential victim of dishonest behavior—a family or a bank, a pensioner or an insurance firm—affect the propensity to engage in such behavior? We investigate the effect of victim type—an individual person or an impersonal institution—on dishonest behavior and test whether it interacts with potential perpetrators' social value orientation (prosocial or proself). In a between‐subjects design, we allowed experimental participants (N = 368) to misreport private information in order to increase (decrease) their profit (loss) at the expense of either another participant or the experimenter's budget. Both prosocials and proselfs engaged in dishonesty, but proselfs did so much more. Furthermore, prosocials reduced their dishonesty when the victim was another person, rather than an institution, but proselfs did not. A direct implication is that the dishonesty of prosocials may be curbed by increasing the salience of the adverse effect their dishonesty has on other individual people but that such interventions will not be effective for proselfs. In contrast with recent results, we did not find a general effect of increased dishonesty under a loss (vs. gain) frame.  相似文献   
Thousands of African American New Orleanians were displaced in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. It appeared that every African American suddenly became a suspect, “fair game” to be hunted, especially by the police. This autoethnography chronicles the author's personal background, experiences, and resulting emotions of her father's encounter with law enforcement post–Hurricane Katrina. Law enforcement–initiated interventions are explored. The article concludes with recommendations for members of the counseling profession and law enforcement. Miles de personas afroamericanas de Nueva Orleans perdieron sus hogares como consecuencia del huracán Katrina. Y de repente, cada persona afroamericana pareció convertirse en sospechosa, “presa legítima” para la caza, especialmente por parte de la policía. Esta autoetnografía documenta los orígenes personales y experiencias de la autora, así como las emociones resultantes de la interacción de su padre con las fuerzas policiales tras el huracán Katrina. Se exploran las intervenciones iniciadas por las fuerzas policiales. El artículo concluye con una serie de recomendaciones para los profesionales de la consejería y las fuerzas policiales.  相似文献   
The Dictator Game, a face valid measure of altruism, and the Trust Game, a face valid measure of trust and trustworthiness, are among the most widely used behavioural measures in human cooperation research. Researchers have observed considerable covariation among these and other economic games, leading them to assert that there exists a general human propensity to cooperate that varies in strength across individuals and manifests itself across a variety of social settings. To formalize this hypothesis, we created an S‐1 bifactor model using 276 participants' Dictator Game and Trust Game decisions. The general factor had significant, moderate associations with self‐reported and peer‐reported altruism, trust, and trustworthiness. Thus, the positive covariation among economic games is not reducible to the games' shared situational features. Two hundred participants returned for a second session. The general factor based on Dictator Game and Trust Game decisions from this session did not significantly predict self‐reported and peer‐reported cooperation, suggesting that experience with economic games causes them to measure different traits from those that are reflected in self‐assessments and peer‐assessments of cooperativeness. © 2018 European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   
Socioeconomic status is associated with differences in social, cognitive, and behavioral outcomes for adolescents. Correspondingly, the period reflects continued dynamic, complex, and adaptive brain development. Research demonstrates associations between the developing adolescent brain and SES; however, such research has not been systematically integrated. We undertook a systematic search of studies and review 21 papers that examined both SES and brain development or functioning as measured during adolescence or young adulthood in nonclinical populations (13–25 years old). Few studies focused on architecture and such findings were varied. The majority of studies focused on functioning with two themes emerging. First, studies demonstrate different activation in regions of interest to cognitive and behavioral tasks relative to SES. Second, when similar neurological activation is evident, they can be related to different behavioral observations relative to SES. There is also evidence of different neurological functioning associated with SES with regard to different conceptualizations and coding of SES. Further, some of the reviewed studies identified potential mediators to the relationship, such as parenting practices, stress, and IQ. Overall, the findings suggest it is important to consider SES and neighborhood context within neuroscience research and practice.  相似文献   
The Social Class and Classism Training Questionnaire was developed to assess multicultural competency and training of social class and classism for school counselor trainees (SCTs). The authors analyzed the differences between accreditation status, social class backgrounds, and factors contributing to SCTs’ competence and training. Results showed that socially desirable responding, number of multicultural courses, and training level contributed most to perceived competence and training. This study provides insight into factors influencing SCTs’ competence and training of social class. El Cuestionario de Capacitación en Clase Social y Clasismo fue desarrollado para evaluar la competencia multicultural y capacitación en clase social y clasismo de consejeros escolares en formación (SCT, por sus siglas en inglés). Los autores analizaron las diferencias entre el estado de acreditación, la clase social de origen y otros factores que contribuyen a la competencia y capacitación de los SCT. Los resultados mostraron que las respuestas socialmente deseables, el número de cursos multiculturales y el nivel de capacitación contribuyeron en mayor medida a la percepción de competencia y capacitación. Este estudio ofrece una perspectiva de los factores que influyen en la competencia y capacitación en clase social de los SCT.  相似文献   
Human Library is a public event aimed at reducing stereotypes and prejudices, in the form of an interactive, contact‐based intervention. It employs the logic of a regular library yet with readers “borrowing” Living Books, which are real people representing various minority groups. Readers engage in 30‐min conversations, during which they can challenge their stereotypes and widen their scope of knowledge and understanding. This pre‐post intervention study examined the effectiveness of the Human Library (held in Wroc?aw, Poland) in reducing social distance towards Roma, Muslims, dark‐skinned, and transgender people, as well as in decreasing homonegativity. Also, we measured whether participation in the Human Library changes individual attitudes towards diverse workgroups. We found that the Human Library decreased social distance towards Muslims. Also, the more Living Books that the participants “read,” the bigger the shift in their social distance towards Muslims. Furthermore, we observed an increase in positive affective attitude towards working in diversified groups, as a result of participation in the event. The study serves as partial support for the effectiveness of the Human Library in altering one's attitude towards minority groups and diversity. The intervention is discussed as a promising but not yet entirely understood tool to improve intergroup relations.  相似文献   
从契约制定过程角度,探究个体制定契约参与度对人际信任的影响及其机制。现场研究结果表明参与制定宿舍契约能提升宿舍人际信任,认同感在其中起中介作用。实验室实验结果表明:契约参与度不但能提升被试对其他被试的情感(善心)和认知(依赖)信任,而且能提升被试在信任游戏中对其他被试的信任行为; 并且认同感在前者的关系中起中介作用。综合两个研究结果,契约参与度能提高对共同参与制定契约的同伴的信任,且社会认同能解释这种影响。  相似文献   
因果报应是中国传统文化的一个重要观念,至今仍然影响着当下社会大众。研究通过问卷调查来了解社会大众对因果报应的认知与理解,并进一步通过启动实验考察因果报应启动对厚黑行为的抑制效果,研究结果表明:(1)社会大众对因果报应的认知与接纳是一种客观存在,55.83%的被试知晓因果报应,33.81%的被试表示相信因果报应的存在,10.09%的被试表示因果报应很灵验,23.67%的被试表示因果报应影响自己的行为处世,22.96%的被试表示会用因果报应提示教育身边的亲友。(2)因果报应材料的启动能显著地抑制厚黑行为,中性材料的启动不能抑制厚黑行为,因果报应启动的内容与厚黑人格对厚黑行为具有交互效应,因果报应启动能更显著地抑制高厚黑人格被试的厚黑行为。基于社会治理的视角,社会公众对因果报应的接纳成就了其参与社会治理的可能性,因果报应内蕴的道德自律、匡扶正义、累德向善等价值内核成就了其参与社会治理的效用性,因果报应观念应建设性发掘和创造性地转化为当下的社会治理所用。  相似文献   
为考察安全感和社会比较倾向在羞怯与攻击之间关系的中介作用,采用大学生羞怯量表、社会比较倾向量表、安全感量表和攻击问卷对543名大学生进行测量。结果发现(1)羞怯、攻击和社会比较倾向三者之间呈显著两两正相关,且三者分别与安全感呈显著负相关;(2)羞怯对攻击的直接效应显著;(3)安全感和社会比较倾向在羞怯与攻击关系间起完全中介作用。  相似文献   
This study used a support gap approach to examine parental support to college‐going emerging adults. Based on data from 156 parent–child dyads, this study investigated whether discrepancies between the amounts of support that children received from parents and what they desired would be associated with both persons’ perceived support quality and individual and relational well‐being. Using polynomial regressions with response surface modeling, analyses demonstrated that, generally, support deficits (i.e., receiving less support than desired) were associated with poorer outcomes. However, support surpluses (i.e., receiving more support than desired) were not necessarily problematic, and children and parents exhibited different viewpoints regarding support surpluses. In addition, child‐reported support quality mediated several associations between support gaps and relationship satisfaction reported by both persons.  相似文献   
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