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This study examined the collective behaviour of the police during a football match at the 2006 Football World Cup. What peacekeeping and aggravating processes could be identified and what were their consequences? Data were collected using observation and field interviews. Some critical situations could have escalated into riots; however, the police showed trust in the majority of the supporters' intentions to be peaceful. Distrust was reserved for selected individuals who were under surveillance. This, together with tactics involving using different forces for different tasks and an overall organisational strategy focusing on the festivity of the event, was the main reason for the peaceful outcome. A friendly but firm approach was successful in keeping the peace. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Identity fusion theory suggests that merging groups into one’s personal identity should result in heightened levels of group agency. Research on the self-expansion model complementarily indicates that including others into the self is linked to a greater feeling of self-efficacy. Across three correlational studies, we examined whether personal and group identity fusion is associated with stronger feelings of personal agency, and we propose that relatively stable feelings of clarity of self-concept would mediate this association. Individuals strongly fused with a country (Studies 1–3) and family (Study 2) exhibited greater feelings of agency and goal-adherence, and self-concept clarity emerged as a significant mediator of this association when controlling for group identification measures.  相似文献   

The effect of level of identity status on the internalization of a public self-presentation was investigated. American late adolescents, pretested on identity status and sociability, were instructed to portray themselves positively or negatively during a face-to-face interview, in a written interview, or on an anonymous questionnaire. Participants internalized positive presentations and resisted internalizing negative ones. Regression analyses indicated that differences in identity-status scores moderated shifts in private self-appraisals. Increased susceptibility was associated with moratorium scores, but only in the negative role conditions. Foreclosure scores accounted for enhanced resistance, but only in the positive role conditions. Evidence for the moderating effect of identity diffusion was obtained only in actual face-to-face encounters.  相似文献   

The study set out to examine intentions to engage in counselling among at-risk Irish government employees and the differential utility of two alternative theory of planned behaviour (TPB) models of behaviour to explain intentions to participate in counselling. Individuals (N=259) employed in a front-line, at-risk occupation for the Irish government completed a TPB-based questionnaire. Quantitative analyses revealed that participants held positive to neutral intentions to participate in counselling, irrespective of gender. The original TPB model explained 49.9% of variance in intentions whereas an alternative TPB model, splitting the perceived behavioural control (PBC) construct between its internal and external control components, explained a further 8.9% of variance. Furthermore, self-efficacy was found to be the strongest predictor of intentions. This study therefore supports the use of the TPB in understanding counselling-seeking behaviour.  相似文献   
This paper describes the structure, function and effectiveness of a multifactorial communal approach which is applied in the therapy department and the four training institutes of the Open Psychotherapy Centre in Athens. The therapeutic philosophy of this approach is based on the principles of group analysis, therapeutic community and emprosopon psychotherapy which are applied in combination with each other.  相似文献   
近10年来,对亲环境行为前因变量的研究逐渐从行为主体的个体内部因素转向行为相关的社会外部因素。本文对影响亲环境行为的个体、群体以及社会层面的相关变量之间的影响机制进行了系统的梳理,在此基础上提出包含微观(个体内部因素)、中观及宏观(外部情境因素)不同层次的前因变量,并对亲环境意愿与行为加以区分的系统整合模型。根据该模型的理论框架,指出未来对亲环境行为研究的具体方向及对我国环保工作的启示。  相似文献   
职业乐观是影响个体职业适应的重要因素之一。尽管以往文献大多认为职业乐观是有利的,然而职业乐观的个体也会出现求职行为,导致对现有工作的专注程度降低的负面影响。为了探讨职业乐观的双刃剑效应及其边界条件,通过2个时间点问卷调查法对581名企业员工进行调查,结果发现:(1)职业乐观对求职行为和组织承诺均有正向影响;(2)易变职业生涯定向在职业乐观对求职行为影响中起中介作用,工作归属感在职业乐观对组织承诺影响中起中介作用;(3)心理授权在职业乐观对易变职业生涯定向的影响中起负向调节作用,在职业乐观对工作归属感的影响中起正向调节作用。  相似文献   
教师领导力是指教师在课堂内外带领同事提升专业技能,与其他教师和校长合作处理学校事务的一种专业特质。为探究教师教学自主权与教师领导力的关系,以及教师心理授权和教学自主性的中介作用,从而寻求提升教师领导力的路径,研究选取403名中小学教师进行问卷调查。结果发现:(1)教学自主权与教师领导力呈显著正相关,且前者对后者有显著直接效应;(2)教师心理授权和教学自主性分别在教学自主权与教师领导力间发挥部分中介作用;(3)教师心理授权和教学自主性在教学自主权对教师领导力间发挥部分链式中介作用,即教学自主权的提高会促进教师心理授权和教学自主性的提升,进而促进教师领导力的发展。  相似文献   
Research with White participants has demonstrated religious intergroup bias; however, religious identity may be different for Black Americans. Only religiously conscious Black Christians demonstrated a preference for Christian targets over Muslim and Atheist targets. Future research should consider what factors result in a person becoming conscious of other's religion.  相似文献   
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