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《易传》"立象以尽意"思想发微   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
“言”、“象”、“意”之间的关系问题,是易学研究中一个至关重要的问题。以老庄道家“言不尽意”论立论,《易传》作者不仅第一次明确提出了“言不尽意”的命题,而且首创“立象以尽意”之说,不仅实现了《周易》由卜筮之书到哲学之书的整体转换,而且完成了儒道言意思想的创造性整合,从而确立了其在中国思想文化史上至为重要的地位。至于“象”能否尽“意”,《易传》作者并没有说。没有说并不等于没有问题。而这个问题在其后的提出和讨论,则不仅直接引发了魏晋玄学的“言意之辨”,实现了两汉经学向魏晋玄学的转换和玄学本体论哲学的理论建构,而且通过玄学“言意之辨”,即按照“言不尽意”和“得意忘言”的理论和方法,不仅为佛教的中国化和宋明理学的综合创新开辟了广阔的道路,同时也为以“意象”为核心的中国审美文化的繁荣和发展奠定了坚实的思想理论基础,而这也正是《易传》“立象以尽意”思想的意义和价值所在。  相似文献   
Although intrusive images are a hallmark of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and also occur in depression, little is known about the differences and similarities of such images in these conditions. Our study focuses on the qualities and triggers of intrusive images and responses to them in three groups--patients with PTSD, and depressed patients with and without trauma (n=65)-to highlight the diagnostic specificity of intrusive images for PTSD and depression. We distinguished intrusive images from verbal intrusive cognitions such as rumination and intrusive (brief) lexical thoughts. Consistent with the literature, the intrusive images of PTSD patients had a more "here-and-now quality" and were perceived more visually compared to those of both depressed groups. The groups showed a good deal of similarity concerning other image qualities. Most importantly, the intrusive images in PTSD and depressed patients with and without trauma were perceived as similarly distressing. Rumination and intrusive (brief) lexical thoughts were two of the five most named triggers of intrusive images. Limitations, such as the lack of a control group, and the clinical implications of these results are discussed, demonstrating the need to help non-PTSD patients with and without trauma to deal with intrusive images.  相似文献   
by Oliver Putz 《Zygon》2009,44(3):613-624
Recent advances in evolutionary biology and ethology suggest that humans are not the only species capable of empathy and possibly morality. These findings are of no little consequence for theology, given that a nonhuman animal as a free moral agent would beg the question if human beings are indeed uniquely created in God's image. I argue that apes and some other mammals have moral agency and that a traditional interpretation of the imago Dei is incorrectly equating specialness with exclusivity. By framing the problem in terms of metaphor, following the work of Paul Ricoeur and Sallie McFague, I propose that the concept of the imago Dei could be extended to accommodate moral species other than our own.  相似文献   
Abstract :  This paper deals with the presence and possible 'meaning' of music in dreams. The author explores a possible meaning of music as the most fundamental human symbolic experience, which directly points to the emergence of the Self from the primal union mystique with the Great Mother. The relationships between acoustic and visual experiences are taken into account as two basic human forms of coming into existence, although wholly different from each other. The role of music in dreams seems to be that of the most direct representation of the emerging Self in its pure, pre-representational form. Therefore, when music appears in dreams, providing there is the activation of an emotional tone, all other elements—visual and verbal—should be considered as the expression of the sense to which the music is pointing. A clinical example is described in order to better express the author's opinions.  相似文献   
余铁城 《心理学报》1997,30(4):428-432
本文介绍古人对如何解决语言和意象不相一致这一问题的一些意见,并从中归纳出四种解决问题的方法:1.让形象说话,2.抓住事物主要特征,3.不即不离地描写,4.语言浅近  相似文献   
刘一明所著《西游原旨》,以"金丹大道"贯通全书,是清代《西游记》研究的集大成之作.由于"金丹"之道的理论基础是《周易参同契》所构建的象数易理体系,因此,揭示《西游记》与象数易理的内在关系,成为刘一明《西游原旨》的核心内容.本文从"人"、"名"、"数"、"事"四个方面,对《西游原旨》中卦爻象的运用进行了简要分析,以期弥补这方面研究的空白.  相似文献   
“制器尚象”,不是如孔颖达等人理解的“依卦造器”或“观象制器”,而是借助各种发明创造事例(如井、鼎),来揭示“人法自然”思想在日常生活中的广泛运用。进而从侧面角度表达《易》道的广大和周普。  相似文献   
王安石《易象论解》与《序卦传》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<易象论解>是王安石模仿<序卦传>形式所作的另类"新<序卦传>".在<易象论解>中,王安石独辟徯径,发掘<周易>的<大象>传文的内在逻辑联系,按六十四卦的编排顺序,诠释六十四卦卦时相因及相反的关系.不仅从新的角度论证了六十四卦编排顺序的合理性,并且完成了自己政治主张和政治理想的基本表述,在形式和内容上都具有鲜明的时代特色.由此弥补了<序卦传>过于简单的缺陷,丰富了<易传>系统的内容.  相似文献   
This is the second part of an article that tries to provide a framework of understanding of, and a seminal reflection on, a highly interesting yet little explored psychological construct of Jung’s analytical psychology, namely the ‘mana personality’. Here I take into consideration some issues around the ‘saviour complex’, discussed in Jung’s seminar on Nietzsche’s Zarathustra, concerning both the psychological analysis of the individual and the socio-political level related to the collective horizon of the 1930s. Moreover, I consider the continuity of Jung’s analysis of such issues in other works such as ‘Psychology and national problems’ (1936), Symbols of Transformation (1952), and Aion (1950). I finally make some suggestions concerning Jung’s apparent hermeneutic tendency to apply the construct of the mana personality to collective historical phenomena.  相似文献   
This paper begins with the understanding that early trauma leads to powerful dissociative defenses which injure the capacity to feel. It further explores ways to restore this capacity through body-centred attention to affect-in-the-moment in the psychoanalytic situation. Using the author’s personal experience while in analysis as well as a case of severe early trauma, he demonstrates the consciousness-killing effect of primitive defenses and shows how body-sensitive techniques hold the promise of restoring the patient’s sense of aliveness and hence, opening the unconscious to those affect-images that are the building blocks of the human imagination. A final section focuses on the neglect of feeling in Jungian psychology and suggests that the “creation of consciousness” which Jung described as his personal myth, is quintessentially a process of emotional transformation – of bringing unconscious suffering into consciousness – as feelings.  相似文献   
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