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将儿童几何图形预期表象分为两种水平,即再认水平的预期表象和生成水平的预期表象。采用“平移”、“对称”、“重叠”三种平面几何图形的预期表象作业和“展开”、“旋转”、“截面”三种立体几何图形的预期表象作业考察了3至12岁儿童几何图形预期表象的发生和发展。结果表明:儿童再认预期表象的发生早于生成预期表象的发生;儿童预期表象的发生和发展明显受几何图形类型和作业类型的制约  相似文献   
涧水疗法要义——心理咨询的中国阐释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以周易哲学为基础,采西方咨询理论之精华,建构一套开放的本土心理疗法——涧水疗法。认为每个人都有一个心理调节系统,该系统有六个维度,即时间、意志、身体、爱心、参照和战略,并且每个维度均有阴阳两极。心理咨询可围绕这六个维度展开。咨询的指导思想是“真诚谦卑,镇定安详;以退为进,以柔克刚;因势利导,阴消阳长;惧以终始,笑对无常”。咨询过程分为“望”、“闻”、“问”、“辨”和“导”,五个部分分别与五行的“火”、“水”、“金”、“土”和“木”对应。  相似文献   
Freud's work establishes a link between an excessive amount of excitation, the infant's experience of helplessness, and trauma. The idea of excess emphasises a quantitative element, not reducible to the field of representation. In this paper I explore the notions of excess and closure in relation to two clinical examples. A patient who lived through experiences of excess and flooding is contrasted with another patient whose experience of excess is expressed through withdrawal. The complex process of elaboration and working through in their analyses takes place by bringing together affect, representation, sensorial and somatic experiences, dreams, associations and enactments as they are gathered and given meaning après coup through analytic work. Two concepts were central to the understanding of what took place in the analyses: excorporation and figurability. The paper emphasizes the place of temporality in creating a triadic space in an analysis as it relates the here and now with the there and then in the work of après‐coup. The paper also traces the roots of this modern approach that relates the analyst's work of regression, time, and the creation of a triadic space to Freud's metapsychology.  相似文献   
General Secretary Xi Jinping deeply grasps the overall strategic situation of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and great changes in the world unseen in a hundred years, and forms the important thought of carrying forward the shared values of humanity of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy, and freedom and promoting the building of a human community with a shared future. The shared values of humanity provide value basis for the community, confirm the morality of the community, and lay the foundation of value recognition for building the community. A human community with a shared future is the practice area for the shared values of humanity, providing it with a real subject and delimiting the boundaries of the times. The shared values of humanity and a human community with a shared future complement each other, and are dialectically unified in the planning and grasp of the “two overall situations,” i.e., the overall strategic situation of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and great changes in the world unseen in a century.  相似文献   
Exposure to cultural bodily ideals featuring thinness and muscularity can have deleterious effects on body satisfaction. The current study explores the effect of exposure to such imagery on body dissatisfaction and the influence of internalisation of cultural and athletic ideals. 188 (97 male) adults (18–25yrs; M = 20.97) were grouped according to a 2 × 2 × 2 mixed between-within subjects design (male/female; high/low physical activity; intervention/control). Participants were exposed to images of idealised physiques or neutral images. Internalisation-general, sex, physical activity levels, and Body Mass Index were associated with baseline levels of body dissatisfaction. Internalisation of cultural ideals appears to be an important factor for the prediction of body dissatisfaction. Exposure to idealised images resulted in increases in body dissatisfaction across all groups compared to controls. Neither sex nor physical activity levels buffer young adults from the negative effects of viewing images featuring idealised bodies.  相似文献   
Following the themed debate that took place after the panel, we reconsidered and explored further our hypotheses in light of the comments made by our colleagues. Clearly, it is the structural approach that underlies both the Freudian primal phantasies and the Jungian archetypes, while taking account at the same time that their approaches are informed by contemporary emergentist theories. Our discussion centred on the divergences in the cases of psychosis and neurosis, on the roles, in turn, of a return to childhood and the play of archaic representations, on the transference and countertransference functions and finally on the need to pay attention to what are deemed synchronous moments in the event.  相似文献   
"艰"有"难治"与"治难"两个基本意义范畴。"治难"意义范畴,后造"垦"字分担,造"垦"之前,"艰"字兼之。"垦"字分担了"艰"字"治难"之义后,"艰"字便只有"难治"之义,沿用至今。《周易》本经的六个"艰"字皆可训"垦",耕垦,开辟,拓荒之义,意即不畏艰难,知难而进,多用其力,掘进不辍。"艰"与"垦",字为古今,语同一源。训"艰"为"垦",乃"艰"字本有之义,无须假借为说。《噬嗑》、《大畜》、《明夷》卦爻辞的"利艰贞"体现了圣人"开拓进取,因时而变"的人生智慧;《泰》九三之"艰贞,无咎"、《大有》初九之"艰则无咎"、《大壮》上六之"艰则吉"诠释了圣人"自强不息,知难而进"的人生追求。  相似文献   
Extreme weather events have been increasingly in the news, accompanied by images. At the end of 2011, when such reports were ever present, the International Panel on Climate Change published a draft report on extreme weather and climate change adaptation. This report itself was covered in the news and illustrated with images. Some of these depicted ‘extreme weather’, in particular with relation to floods, droughts and heat waves, hurricanes and ice/sea-level rise. For this article, these images were studied using visual thematic analysis, with a focus on examining the way they may symbolise certain emotional responses, such as compassion, fear, guilt, vulnerability, helpless, courage or resilience. Climate change communicators have examined the way that evoking such emotions in verbal communication can lead to engagement or disengagements with the topic of climate change. However, while researchers have also become increasingly interested in climate change images, they have not yet studied them with respect to symbolising certain emotions. Various typologies of images have been proposed in the past, distinguishing, for example, between human and natural impact images or iconic and geographically specific images. The images studied here do not neatly map onto these distinctions. They symbolise human suffering and loss and they are sometimes geographically and socially distinctive, but they are also iconic of climate change and they are symbols of its natural impacts. They all, to some extent, symbolise helplessness and may thus lead to disengagement rather than engagement with the issue of climate change.  相似文献   

This article discusses sources for and issues related to digital Christian art images available on the Internet. An annotated list of relevant Web sites is listed, along with advice on how to locate specific images. Also included in the article are discussions of vocabulary, fact verification, and copyright issues.  相似文献   
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