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为分析冠心病多支血管病变(MVD)患者经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)进行完全血运重建术后长期的临床疗效,我们收集了2004年5月~2008年5月589例接受PCI的冠心病患者,其中实施完全性血运重建(CRV)461例(78.3%),不完全性血运重建(IRV)128例(21.7%),对比分析两组病例PCI术后随访1年以上的结果。结果显示IRV组患者中完全闭塞病变、3支血管病变的比例均高于CRV组(P0.01);CRV组PCI成功率明显高于IRV组(94.8%vs87.5%,P0.05)。提示多支冠状动脉病变完全性血运重建能够获得更好的长期临床疗效论。  相似文献   
具有悠久历史的中医药在现代医学中有鲜明的时代特点。心血管疾病是现代社会严重威胁生命及健康的病患。本文总结分析了古老中药在现代心血管疾病中应用的现状,并深入分析其影响因素,从而提出扬长避短的未来心血管疾病应用中药的思路。  相似文献   
通过对临床收集的187例青年(≤45岁)颈心综合征患者的临床资料进行分析。探讨青年颈心综合征临床误诊为冠心病的原因及避免误诊的诊疗策略。目的在于帮助临床医师对青年颈心综合征进行识别,注意如何与冠心病心绞痛相鉴别,对防止病情延误,尽早明确诊断积极治疗,排除冠心病,减少诊疗费用及避免冠脉造影的风险意义很大。  相似文献   
颈动脉病变尤其是颈动脉狭窄治疗上的分歧,颈动脉内膜切除术受欧美学者推崇,颈动脉支架成形技术受国内学者青睐,本文就近年来的文献复习发现颈动脉内膜切除术和颈动脉支架成形术各有相宜的适应证,各有优缺点,根据各自医院的设备条件、医师对颈动脉内膜切除术和颈动脉支架成形术熟悉程度来开展工作,对颈动脉狭窄治疗均有益处,存在的问题和困...  相似文献   
The Jenkins Activity Survey (JAS) was administered to a normal population of randomly selected Danish adults, to patients consulting a cardiologist, and to physicians in order to compare those groups in terms of their coronary-prone (Type A) behaviour patterns. The standard procedure of rating the JAS was used in order to obtain scores for each of the four subscales: Type A (time urgency and ambitiousness), Factor S (speed and impatience) Factor H (hard-driving and competitive) and Factor J (job involvement). Gender differences were observed in the normal population for each of the four subscale scores, and age-related differences were obtained for Factor J. Elevated scores for Factor S were obtained by physicians and by people in the population who had a cardiovascular disorder. Physicians had also elevated scores for Factor J, whereas their Factor H scores tended to be reduced. No reliable differences in JAS subscale scores were observed between four groups of heart patients (i.e. angina pectoris, arterial hypertension, atrial fibrillation and atherosclerosis), although there was a tendency for Factor J to be elevated in atherosclerosis. The findings provide normal values for JAS scores in Danish men and women, and suggest that some facets of coronary-prone behaviour may be enhanced in Danish high-risk groups.  相似文献   
Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients and healthy controls were administered a flanker task that consisted of the presentation of colored targets and distractors. Participants were required to attend to the center target and identify its color. The stimulus displays were either congruent (i.e., the target and flankers were the same color) or incongruent. The time between the onset of the flanker and the target color (the target onset delay) was either short or long. Results indicated that PD patients and controls did not differ in the magnitude of the flanker effect within individual trials in that both groups demonstrated a typical flanker effect at the short target onset delay and neither group demonstrated a flanker effect at the longer delay. However, when performance was examined on a trial-by-trial basis, PD patients demonstrated a slowing of reaction time relative to controls when having to make the same response across consecutive trials at longer inter-trial intervals when the flankers were incongruent across consecutive trials and the display on the second of two trials was incongruent. These results indicate that PD patients are impaired in inhibiting the distractors over an extended delay and that this deficit may impact motor responding in these patients, suggesting that the basal ganglia contribute to the interface of attention and action.  相似文献   
Psychosocial factors have been shown to play an important role in the aetiology of coronary heart disease (CHD). A strong association between CHD and socioeconomic status (lower-level education, poor financial situation) has also been well established. Socioeconomic differences may thus also have an effect on psychosocial risk factors associated with CHD, and socioeconomic disadvantage may negatively affect the later prognosis and quality of life of cardiac patients. The aim of this study was to review the available evidence on socioeconomic differences in psychosocial factors which specifically contribute to CHD. A computer-aided search of the Medline and PsycINFO databases resulted in 301 articles in English published between 1994 and 2007. A comprehensive screening process identified 12 empirical studies which described the socioeconomic differences in CHD risk factors. A review of these studies showed that socioeconomic status (educational grade, occupation or income) was adversely associated with psychosocial factors linked to CHD. This association was evident in the case of hostility and depression. Available studies also showed a similar trend with respect to social support, perception of health and lack of optimism. Less consistent were the results related to anger and perceived stress levels. Socioeconomic disadvantage seems to be an important element influencing the psychosocial factors related to CHD, thus, a more comprehensive clarification of associations between these factors might be useful. More studies are needed, focused not only on well-known risk factors such as depression and hostility, but also on some lesser known psychosocial factors such as Type D and vital exhaustion and their role in CHD.  相似文献   
错误相关负波(error-related negativity, ERN)是由行为错误诱发的一种脑电波成分,最大峰值在错误反应之后的50ms左右,偶极子源定位于前扣带回(anterior cingulate cortex, ACC)附近。错误加工(error processing)的经典研究范式中出现的ERN成分可能反映了ACC具有错误检测、冲突监控、强化学习、情绪动机等功能。大量研究表明过度的和不足的错误相关脑活动(hyperactive and hypoactive error processing)可能分别与精神病理学的内化性和外化性障碍(internalizing and externalizing disorders)相关联。内化性和外化性障碍的内表型(endophenotype)的研究,还存在许多值得进一步探索的问题。  相似文献   
冠心病理想治疗方式的选择   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
冠心病的治疗包括针对高危因素病因和临床并发症的综合治疗。其中,药物治疗主要包括:抗凝/抗血小板、控制血压和调脂等。血管重建术主要包括:介入、搭桥、“杂交”手术和分子生物学治疗。药物治疗是冠心病各种治疗方法的基础,而血管重建术是现代治疗冠心病的重要手段。如何合理地选择治疗方案是临床医师面临的重要课题。  相似文献   
首例成功的冠状动脉旁路移植术(CABG)手术完成于1960年,随着体外循环技术的成熟,CABG手术得以不断发展。20世纪90年代,以非体外循环下冠脉旁路移植术(0PCAB)为代表的微创冠脉搭桥手术逐渐应用于临床,并取得满意的临床效果。尽管冠脉介入技术(PCI)以其创伤小的优点在冠心病的治疗方面蓬勃发展,但是CABG在远期通畅性方面仍然占据优势地位,因此CABG仍然是冠心病治疗的效果确定的一种方法。  相似文献   
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