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The Laozi expounds a thoroughgoing and sustained criticism of government and society. In this paper, I will demonstrate that although this criticism is addressed to the ancient Chinese state, it can also have some validity for the modern state of today. I will first briefly discuss the metaphysical grounds of this criticism and stress that the ruler should use wuwei in governing. Then, I will examine the Laozi’s criticism of the oppressive governments that use unnatural governing through youwei which increases the state disorder, as well as how this criticism is supported by its metaphysical grounds. Third, I will show that the selfish desires may significantly contribute to the state disorder and that the only one to be blamed for the arousing of them is the ruler. At last, I will attempt to show that this criticism may also to a certain extent be directed toward today’s modern state.  相似文献   
工作绩效的结构及其与评定者的关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
该研究旨在建立党政领导干部评定同事工作绩效量表,并探讨评定者与被评定者关系对绩效评定的影响。532名干部对同事工作绩效的评定,经因素分析得到了由46个项目、七个因素、三个维度构成的评定同事工作绩效量表。378名干部对即将得到提升的某个下属工作绩效的评定得到了与评定同事时相似的绩效结构。研究中还发现对即将提升的下属的工作绩效评定中,“德”的比例显著高于对一般下属的评定。文中还讨论了评定者与被评定者之间的关系对工作绩效评定的影响机制,以及绩效评定实践中应注意的问题。  相似文献   
王登峰  崔红 《心理科学》2006,29(5):1040-1044
通过深度访谈和问卷探讨了基层党政领导干部的行为风格类型及其与自我和谐及工作绩效的关系。结果表明,党政领导干部的行为可以区分为主动自信、上恭下倨和宽上容下等三种稳定的类型,其中主动自信不仅有利于个体保持较高的内心和谐,而且有利于个体工作绩效的提高,而上恭下倨则与主动自信相反,宽上容下则既有有利于工作绩效和自我和谐的一面,又有不利于绩效和自我和谐的一面。对行为类型的年龄、级别和学历差异以及党政领导干部理想的行为风格也进行了讨论。  相似文献   
市场机制、政府调节与医疗管制制度框架的构建   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
在现代经济学的框架中,公共产品、外部性、自然垄断和信息不对称的存在会导致市场失灵.我国医疗服务市场也存在市场失灵,使政府管制的产生与存在成为必要,以弥补与矫正市场缺陷.  相似文献   
Ronald W. Duty 《Dialog》2020,59(4):313-318
The current American political divisiveness follows prior divisive periods and is not unique. The simultaneous developments of a culture war and a partisan realignment helped to create division. Disagreement over the proper role of government completed the division. Race is a significant dividing social and political issue in America. For Reinhold Niebuhr, “Democracy is a method of finding proximate solutions to insoluble problems.” Finding agreement over policing policy may be possible, but principled political compromise over underlying issues contributing to racial inequities is likely to be harder.  相似文献   
Cosmopolitan political theorists hold that our obligations to distribute resources to others do not halt at state borders, but most do not advocate a restructuring of the global system to achieve their distributive aims. This article argues that promoting democratically accountable economic and political integration between states would be the most effective way to enable cosmopolitan, or routine, tax-financed, trans-state distributions. Movement toward a more integrated global system should encourage the view that larger sets of persons have interests in common that should be protected and promoted in common. Democratically accountable integration also should enable those within less-affluent states to more vigorously press trans-state distributive claims. The still-evolving E.U. is examined as a partial model for the integrated alternative in other geographic regions, as well as, in the much longer term, for some form of democratic global government capable of ensuring that any person born anywhere would have access to adequate resources and life opportunities.A version of this paper was presented at the global justice mini-conference at the American Philosophical Association (Pacific Division) annual meeting, Pasadena, California, 26–29 March 2004. Some of the arguments in this article were introduced in Luis Cabrera, Political Theory of Global Justice: A Cosmopolitan Case for the World State (London: Routledge, 2004), Chapter 4. They have been revised and further developed for this article. I would like to thank for their generous comments Jamie Mayerfeld, James A. Caporaso and Mika LaVaque-Manty.  相似文献   
Roger A. Willer 《Dialog》2023,62(1):41-50
Sharp debates exist today about the appropriate relationship between religious organizations and government, with views ranging from Christian nationalism to strict secularists. This essay explores a mediating position expressed in the conceptual phrase that religious bodies should “work with civil authorities in areas of mutual endeavor, maintaining institutional separation and functional interaction.” The essay uses historical and ecclesial sources to describe the struggles and underpinnings that lead to this position and then unpacks its meaning and import. While originating from within the conceptual and ecclesial American Lutheran tradition, the essay points to this approach as a public proposal for sound relationship between religious communities and political authority in the United States.  相似文献   
Poverty is among the most challenging social problems in the United States today, and beliefs about the government's role in reducing inequality and raising living standards for the poor are critical to alleviating poverty and its consequences. Du Bois recognized the complex challenges associated with poverty and was ahead of his time in pointing to ethnicity and religion as fundamental to creating change and alleviating poverty. Du Bois’ ideas continue to be relevant today, including for understanding ethnic differences among Catholics in attitudes toward poverty, which are likely changing given the growth of the Latino population. In the spirit of Du Bois’ seminal research, I compare Latino and non-Latino Catholic attitudes toward poverty and inequality using the 2021 General Social Survey. Findings document critical differences among Catholics in beliefs about poverty and inequality and highlight the interdependent role of religion, ethnicity, and demographics (e.g., age, gender, socioeconomic status [SES]) in shaping attitudes.  相似文献   
Abstract: Comparative political philosophy can be stimulated by imposing a categorization scheme on possible varieties of political philosophies. This article develops a categorization scheme using four essential features of political philosophies, resulting in twelve archetypal political philosophies. The four essential features selected are a political philosophy's views concerning human nature, the proper function of morality, the best form of society, and the highest responsibility of citizenship. The twelve archetypal political philosophies range from the communal (Rousseau), the democratic (J. S. Mill), the representative (Aristotle), the aristocratic (Plato), and the autocratic (Calvin), along with seven more archetypes: the aloof anarchy, social anarchy, contractarian, progressive, natural law, sage ruler, and tyrannical political forms. A wide variety of Western political philosophers are assigned their places within this categorization scheme to illustrate its utility and comprehensiveness.  相似文献   
公共卫生主要关注全体人口的健康,而不是个体的健康。通过对公共卫生的定义,对公共卫生实践与临床医疗实践的区别的阐述,提出公共卫生伦理学概念上的大致范围。指出在公共卫生中最为关键的因素是政府的作用,政府采取强制措施消除造成公众健康威胁因素的权力和义务。  相似文献   
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