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When people listen to music, they hear beat and a metrical structure in the rhythm; these perceived patterns enable coordination with the music. A clear correspondence between the tempo of actual movement (e.g., walking) and that of music has been demonstrated, but whether similar coordination occurs during motor imagery is unknown. Twenty participants walked naturally for 8 m, either physically or mentally, while listening to slow and fast music, or not listening to anything at all (control condition). Executed and imagined walking times were recorded to assess the temporal congruence between physical practice (PP) and motor imagery (MI). Results showed a difference when comparing slow and fast time conditions, but each of these durations did not differ from soundless condition times, hence showing that body movement may not necessarily change in order to synchronize with music. However, the main finding revealed that the ability to achieve temporal congruence between PP and MI times was altered when listening to either slow or fast music. These data suggest that when physical movement is modulated with respect to the musical tempo, the MI efficacy of the corresponding movement may be affected by the rhythm of the music. Practical applications in sport are discussed as athletes frequently listen to music before competing while they mentally practice their movements to be performed.  相似文献   
姒刚彦  李庆珠  刘皓 《心理学报》2007,39(1):163-175
Harwood等人(2000)对已应用于体育运动领域的任务-自我目标定向理论及其相关的测量工具提出了批判与质疑,并在此基础之上提出了运动成就目标三维模型,该模型将体育运动领域的成就目标分为三种,分别是纯任务目标;自我关联的自我目标;以及他人关联的自我目标。本研究的目的是对Harwood等人提出的运动成就目标三维模型进行检验。全文由两个子研究组成。研究一是成就目标问卷的发展与检验,对问卷的发展与信度、效度的检验进行了详细的介绍。研究二中,研究者采用所发展的成就目标问卷与录像访谈相结合的方法对4位(2男,2女)高水平乒乓球运动员的特质性目标以及赛前,赛中,赛后的状态性目标进行测评与检验。验证性因素分析的结果表明该运动成就目标问卷的三维模型拟合较好,三因素结构较为清晰。重测信度检验结果表明该问卷的三个维度均具有较高的重测信度。教练员对4名运动员成就目标的评估结果与运动员的问卷所得结果的一致性进一步支持了运动成就目标问卷的内部效度。对4名运动员的研究结果表明:(1)特质性目标对赛前状态性目标的预测主要与个人特点有关;(2)运动员在赛前与赛中状态性目标呈多元化趋势,既有只突出某一目标的单维现象,又有两种或三种目标同时占主导的多维现象;(3)运动员赛后状态性目标的变化倾向于受到比赛过程与结果的影响;(4)当运动员在比赛中经历重大挫折的时候,会有“亚目标”状态出现。本研究结果对Harwood等人的运动成就目标三维模型提供了支持。通过本研究,人们对高水平运动员的特质性目标及赛前、赛中、赛后状态性目标的性质及其变化有了更加深入的了解  相似文献   
Building on prior research studying effortful decision making and enactment processes (Bagozzi, Dholakia, & Basuroy, 2003; BDB), we identify and provide an in‐depth understanding of two specific self‐regulatory strategies: (1) formulating an implementation plan, and (2) remembering past actions, that decision makers can use in facilitating enactment of effortful decisions. The results of three experiments, in which the decision maker's goal and self‐regulatory strategy were manipulated, showed that for goals that decision makers chose volitionally, the motivational effects of both these strategies lay in increasing levels of proximal implementation‐related variables (implementation intentions, plan completeness, plan enactment, and goal realization) significantly. In contrast, for goals that were assigned to participants, these strategies' motivational effects additionally extended to significantly increasing distal goal‐related variables (goal desire, goal intentions, perceived self‐efficacy, and implementation desires). The theoretical implications of our findings are discussed, and future research opportunities are explored. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We evaluated the effects of a behavioral treatment on the safe passing of sharp instruments using the hands-free technique among hospital operating room personnel during surgical procedures. Treatment consisted of participative goal setting, task clarification, and feedback. The average percentage of sharp instruments passed safely increased from 32% to 64% and 31% to 70% between baseline and treatment phases in the inpatient and outpatient surgery units, respectively. Five-month follow-up data suggested maintenance of treatment effects. These findings suggest the utility of organizational behavior management strategies in reducing risky behavior in hospital settings.  相似文献   
关注降压药物的选择,促使更有效的降压达标   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国成人高血压患病率高达18.8%,全国有高血压患者约1.6亿。合理的药物治疗是降压达标的主要措施,如何进行正确选择成为摆在我们面前的难题。目前,降压药物主要包括利尿剂、β受体阻断剂、血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂、血管紧张素Ⅱ受体拮抗剂、钙拮抗剂和α受体阻断剂6类。因降压治疗的收益主要来自于降压本身,为了提高降压达标率及高血压患者的用药依从性,目前多主张低剂量联合治疗。  相似文献   
选取138名大学生被试,采用移动窗口实时阅读技术和探测技术,探讨文本理解过程中长时记忆的目标信息激活的机制。实验1探讨在中文条件下目标焦点是否也启动长时记忆中目标信息的整合。结果表明在目标实现的条件下,目标句1可以作为目标启动句,激活进入长时记忆中的目标信息。实验2和3探讨长时记忆中目标信息的激活是自然实现的还是需要目标愈合信号启动激活,实验结果表明长时记忆中目标信息的激活需要目标愈合信号的启动。该研究结果总的表明:阅读过程长时记忆中目标信息的激活不需要与当前阅读信息发生共振,目标愈合情境是影响长时记忆目标信息通达的关键因素。  相似文献   
普高生与中职生的个人未来目标和担忧   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
以1995名普高生和中职生为被试,采用未来取向问卷(中文版),考察了普高生和中职生的个人未来目标和担忧的内容与时间广度。研究发现:普高生与中职生较多地关注未来教育、职业、婚姻/家庭、家庭安康和自我,预期重要生活事件发生在二三十岁左右。普高生更多地提及教育目标和担忧以及与家庭安康有关的担忧,而中职生更多地提及职业目标和担忧,并预期职业目标和担忧发生的年龄较早;农村学生更多地提及与未来教育和家庭安康有关的目标,而相对较少提及职业目标,并预期教育和职业目标以及职业担忧发生的年龄早于城市学生;男生更多地提及职业和婚姻/家庭目标以及与自我有关的担忧,而女生更多地提及与家庭安康有关的目标和教育担忧,并预期教育和职业目标发生的年龄较早。  相似文献   
陈本友  黄希庭 《心理科学》2007,30(1):177-180
从时间管理倾向和目标设置的有关理论出发,设计了两个实验任务,考察了中学优、差生目标设置的效果。结果发现,中学优、差生在目标设置效果上存在一定差异。在简单任务上,中学优差生在完成任务的时间和准确率上均不存在显著差异;在复杂任务上,二者都存在显著差异,优生好于差生。研究还发现,在完成任务的时间上,目标设置对中学优生和差生的影响具有一致性,复杂任务明确目标的成绩明显好于不明确目标的成绩。  相似文献   
An algebra A is said to be congruence coherent if every subalgebra of A that contains a class of some congruence on A is a union of -classes. This property has been investigated in several varieties of lattice-based algebras. These include, for example, de Morgan algebras, p-algebras, double p-algebras, and double MS-algebras. Here we determine precisely when the property holds in the class of symmetric extended de Morgan algebras. Presented by M.E. Adams  相似文献   
语篇阅读中高级目标推理的机制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
建构主义理论和最小假设模型是有关推理研究的两个比较系统的理论。建构主义理论认为在自然阅读过程中,读者会即时产生高级目标推理,而最小假设模型认为在自然阅读过程中,高级目标推理不会即时产生。该研究采用词汇判断和命名的方法,250ms和500ms两种延时程序,以较连贯的自然语篇为实验材料,对语篇阅读中的高级目标推理机制进行了研究。实验结果发现,被试在阅读过程中即时产生了高级目标推理,这与建构主义理论的预测相一致。  相似文献   
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