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用问卷法对194名初中生学业延迟满足的特点及相关因素进行了研究。结果表明:初中学生的学业延迟满足存在年级和性别差异,初二和初三学生的学业延迟满足水平明显低于初一学生,女生比男生的学业延迟满足能力高。课堂目标结构与学业延迟满足有显著关系,任务取向的课堂目标与学业延迟满足呈正相关关系;自我取向的课堂目标与学业延迟满足呈负相关关系。任务价值、自我效能与学业延迟满足呈正相关关系,学业延迟满足与学业成绩呈正相关关系。  相似文献   
Positive and negative implications of two types of college-age narcissism on psychosocial functioning at midlife were studied in a longitudinal sample of women. Both types were scored with self-report measures when the women were, on the average, age 21. Throughout the first half of their adult life, high scorers on covert narcissism presented themselves as lacking in confidence and having low morale; high scorers on overt narcissism described themselves as wanting admiration, being independent, and being forceful. Positive outcomes associated with covert narcissism included the development of insight and of a differentiated sense of the self and, in the case of overt narcissism, entailed an involvement in high-status and creative work careers. At midlife, high scorers on covert narcissism experienced negative affect and feelings of being neglected, whereas high scorers on overt narcissism experienced family conflict and problems with impulse control. The personality characteristics associated with both types of narcissism remained stable from the early 20s to early 50s.  相似文献   
陈本友  黄希庭 《心理科学》2007,30(1):177-180
从时间管理倾向和目标设置的有关理论出发,设计了两个实验任务,考察了中学优、差生目标设置的效果。结果发现,中学优、差生在目标设置效果上存在一定差异。在简单任务上,中学优差生在完成任务的时间和准确率上均不存在显著差异;在复杂任务上,二者都存在显著差异,优生好于差生。研究还发现,在完成任务的时间上,目标设置对中学优生和差生的影响具有一致性,复杂任务明确目标的成绩明显好于不明确目标的成绩。  相似文献   
学习的倦怠之原因与对策研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
茅育青 《心理科学》2007,30(3):752-754
学习的倦怠是一种消极的萎靡不振的身心状态,是乏力、焦虑、厌倦、冷漠、消沉、郁闷、悲观等的综合反映。学习过分紧张,破坏生命节律,学习和升学上的压力过大,学习上的挫折与归因不当,缺乏自信心等都是学习倦怠的根源。恢复体力和脑力,科学安排学习生活;舒缓压力,放飞心灵;改进学习,创造成功体验;积极评价,找回自信等都是解决倦怠的有效措施。  相似文献   
姒刚彦  李庆珠  刘皓 《心理学报》2007,39(1):163-175
Harwood等人(2000)对已应用于体育运动领域的任务-自我目标定向理论及其相关的测量工具提出了批判与质疑,并在此基础之上提出了运动成就目标三维模型,该模型将体育运动领域的成就目标分为三种,分别是纯任务目标;自我关联的自我目标;以及他人关联的自我目标。本研究的目的是对Harwood等人提出的运动成就目标三维模型进行检验。全文由两个子研究组成。研究一是成就目标问卷的发展与检验,对问卷的发展与信度、效度的检验进行了详细的介绍。研究二中,研究者采用所发展的成就目标问卷与录像访谈相结合的方法对4位(2男,2女)高水平乒乓球运动员的特质性目标以及赛前,赛中,赛后的状态性目标进行测评与检验。验证性因素分析的结果表明该运动成就目标问卷的三维模型拟合较好,三因素结构较为清晰。重测信度检验结果表明该问卷的三个维度均具有较高的重测信度。教练员对4名运动员成就目标的评估结果与运动员的问卷所得结果的一致性进一步支持了运动成就目标问卷的内部效度。对4名运动员的研究结果表明:(1)特质性目标对赛前状态性目标的预测主要与个人特点有关;(2)运动员在赛前与赛中状态性目标呈多元化趋势,既有只突出某一目标的单维现象,又有两种或三种目标同时占主导的多维现象;(3)运动员赛后状态性目标的变化倾向于受到比赛过程与结果的影响;(4)当运动员在比赛中经历重大挫折的时候,会有“亚目标”状态出现。本研究结果对Harwood等人的运动成就目标三维模型提供了支持。通过本研究,人们对高水平运动员的特质性目标及赛前、赛中、赛后状态性目标的性质及其变化有了更加深入的了解  相似文献   
以6579名小学三、五年级学生为被试,采用聚类分析和判别分析方法,结果表明:(1)根据儿童学校适应的指标将儿童的学校适应状况分为良好型、闲适型、紧张型、高危型四种类型.(2)良好型的儿童,在学业自我评估、学业动机和心理健康水平三个水平上的得分为正向,在问题行为上的得分为负;高危型儿童的结果与适应良好型的儿童完全相反;而在闲适型的儿童中,学业动机为负、心理健康水平为正;在紧张型的儿童中,学业动机为正向、而心理健康水平是负向的.(3)建立儿童学校适应的判别函数,为儿童在教育和心理问题进行指导提供了初步诊断依据,同时也对有关学校适应的研究提供新的视角.  相似文献   
This study explores the adjustment process of five Western ex-Buddhist monks to life after the monastery, using an in depth case study approach and thematic analysis. Participants discussed their initial experience of leaving, the process of creating a new life and their relationship with the past. The findings indicated that while each case was unique, significant common themes emerged as features of the adjustment process. The adjustment had been multi-dimensional, challenging, difficult, confusing, complex and profound for the participants. They had to contend with issues of grief, delayed development, missing out on life experiences, difficulties with intimacy, money, identity, depression, anxiety and confusion. This was combined with the hope and promise of many newly found freedoms involved in establishing a new life and identity. Parallels are drawn to the experience of Catholic priests and nuns who have departed their Orders, Vietnam veterans, ex-cult members and individuals who have left total institutions where their identity and daily lives were highly prescribed. The adjustment experience of ex-Buddhist monks extends the literature on Buddhist monks and provides an example of a life transition of interest to the helping professions because of its potential relevance to a range of major transitions for which clients may seek assistance. Tim Mapel is a lecturer in the Bachelor of Applied Social Sciences degree at the Eastern Institute of Technology in New Zealand. He has a Master’s degree in counseling and works with individuals, couples and groups. He has a passion for the practice of mindfulness and for facilitating a sense of aliveness in people’s lives. He is an advanced Psychodrama trainee and spent 12 years living as an ordained Buddhist monk. Originally from Boston, USA he has lived in the UK, Switzerland, and now considers New Zealand home.  相似文献   
以432名初中学生为被试,通过问卷调查,考察初中生成就目标定向、学习策略与学业成绩之间的关系。结果表明:成就目标定向、学习策略对学业成绩均存在显著的总体影响,其中学习策略对学业成绩产生显著的直接影响,并且主要是通过认知策略和动机策略来产生;成就目标定向对学业成绩不存在显著的直接影响,但通过学习策略这个中介变量产生显著的间接影响。成就目标定向主要是通过元认知策略对学习策略产生显著的直接影响。  相似文献   
The relation between aggression and peer social status was investigated in a group of 238 third-through fifth-grade children. Peer social status refers to the degree to which a child is accepted by his or her peer group. By asking children to nominate peers they “like most” and “like least,” one can identify children who are popular, rejected, neglected, or viewed as average within their peer group. Results indicated low to moderate correlations between peer-nominated aggression and global indices of social acceptance. More specifically, it was found that aggressive children largely comprised the rejected and average social status groups, but not the popular or neglected groups. Furthermore, analyses indicated that according to both peers and teachers, aggressive/rejected children showed academic and social-skill deficits, whereas aggressive children of average peer status exhibited adequate adjustment similar to that of nonaggressive/average-status children. These results suggest the importance of considering peer social status when identifying aggressive children in need of intervention and in determining which skill deficits to address. In addition, knowledge of an aggressive child's peer status might be useful in enhancing the predictability of adult adjustment.  相似文献   
神经管缺陷的病因、预防与产前控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据《中国人群死亡及其危险因素流行水平、趋势和发布》的报告和相关研究表明,全世界约有1亿人患有抑郁症,且数量有增无减,抑郁症将成为本世纪一种相当流行的病症。由于抑郁症是一种患病率高,严重危害人类身心健康,具有高自杀风险的精神疾病,更需要我们采取措施积极预防。目前采用的主要预防方法有:积极的心理健康教育、处理好家庭与社会的关系、社会支持、心理调适和体育锻炼等。  相似文献   
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