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Conservative Protestants have been successful in communicating their religious voice in the public sphere, while liberal Protestants have struggled to articulate a distinctly liberal, religious voice. In this article, I show that a major component of liberal Protestant identity—inclusivity—itself constitutes a fundamental barrier to developing that voice. Drawing on 26 interviews and a year of participant observation at a liberal Protestant congregation in the southeast, I first show that congregants construct their identity of inclusivity in response to cultural associations of Christianity with conservatism and exclusivism. I then analyze three discursive strategies that congregants use to make sense of individuals’ involvement in Moral Mondays, a left-leaning local social movement. By connecting Moral Mondays to social justice, to religious beliefs, and to individual commitments, congregants depoliticize involvement in Moral Mondays and maintain their commitment to inclusivity. I argue that inclusivity does not limit their participation, but rather limits their ability to connect that participation to their liberal religious voice. This research has important implications for understanding barriers to liberal Protestants’ articulation of a distinctly liberal and religious voice in the public sphere.  相似文献   
王怀勇 《心理科学》2020,(6):1446-1455
以往对公正氛围的探讨主要集中于源自权威的公正氛围上,而对来自同事的公正氛围关注较少。同事公正氛围是指团队成员对团队内同事之间相互对待公正性的共同知觉。本文首先对比总结界定了同事公正氛围的概念,明晰了其结构维度与测量工具,然后着重梳理评价了同事公正氛围的影响效能。未来研究应致力于:加强探讨同事公正氛围的前因变量,探讨同事公正氛围影响效能的内在机制和边界条件,运用纵向设计研究同事公正氛围的形成机制及影响效能,以及探索同事公正氛围研究的本土化。  相似文献   
本文基于资源保存理论,考察职场中颜值影响工作幸福感的机制及边界,对1079份配对数据的多项式层级回归分析发现:颜值对工作幸福感有倒U型的影响,颜值中等偏上(6.88)的员工有最强的工作幸福感;不同职场类型中颜值的影响效应存在差异,在高要求-高控制的职场中,颜值对工作幸福感的曲线效应最强;分配公平感在上述影响路径和交互效应起中介作用。结论对人力资源管理和面孔吸引力理论具有积极贡献。  相似文献   
本研究使用多体素模式分析方法和随机点阵范式,首次探索了老年人整体运动敏感性(GMS)下降和其脑灰质体积下降间的关系。结果发现,老年人GMS显著低于年轻人,老年人V5/MT、V3和额顶等脑区灰质体积显著小于年轻人;V5/MT和V3区的灰质体积信号可以有效预测个体的GMS。结果提示,V5/MT区和V3区,特别是V3区的灰质体积下降可能是老年人GMS下降的主要原因;而基于“去分化假设”,全脑范围内其余脑区的灰质体积下降可能也在一定程度上与老年人GMS下降有关。  相似文献   
推进代际公正 建设和谐社会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
和谐社会是公平、正义的公正社会。代际公正理念强调对于每一代人(包括老年人)基本贡献的肯定和尊严的维护。在现阶段,公正对待老年人的问题正逐渐凸现,这个问题的解决直接关系到整个社会的公平正义能否实现。为此,除了社会的保障体系的建立和不断完善外,还必须继续弘扬尊老、敬老的中华民族传统美德,在社会、社区乃至每一个家庭中形成尊老敬老的良好风气,以代际和谐、家庭和谐推动社会和谐。  相似文献   
The hostile attribution bias (HAB) is a well‐established risk factor for aggression. It is considered part of the suspicious mindset that may cause highly victim‐justice sensitive individuals to behave uncooperatively. Thus, links of victim justice sensitivity (JS) with negative behavior, such as aggression, may be better explained by HAB. The present study tested this hypothesis in N = 279 German adolescents who rated their JS, HAB, and physical, relational, verbal, reactive, and proactive aggression. Victim JS predicted physical, relational, verbal, reactive, and proactive aggression when HAB was controlled. HAB only predicted physical and proactive aggression. There were no moderator effects. Injustice seems an important reason for aggression irrespective of whether or not it is intentionally caused, particularly among those high in victim JS. Thus, victim JS should be considered as a potential important risk factor for aggression and receive more attention by research on aggression and preventive efforts.
In order to determine the relationship between perceptions of injustice and support for workplace aggression, 139 subjects were presented with four scenarios representing different levels and types of injustice. Subjects then responded to an eight-item aggression scale. Support for aggressive behavior across the scenarios generally corresponded to the amount and type of perceived injustice; a procedural injustice scenario was perceived as the most unjust and led to the most support for aggression. Although the interpersonal and distributive injustice scenarios were seen as virtually identical in terms of injustice, there was significantly more support for aggression with interpersonal injustice. The strongest predictor of support for aggression in the justice scenarios, however, was simply the degree of support for aggression in a neutral, or control, scenario. It is suggested that employers need to be concerned both about fair and courteous relations with employees and also with identifying generally aggressive employees.  相似文献   
潘颖秋 《心理科学》2018,(3):653-659
本研究考察了集体主义文化价值观(集体主义倾向和权力距离感)与当前社会信任危机引发的各类受骗事件对农民工心理契约违背感知的影响及作用机制。来自长三角和东南沿海地区的12家制造企业的676名农民工参加了调研。研究结果显示,权力距离感和受骗事件对农民工心理契约违背的感知分别有直接的抑制和促进作用;集体主义倾向、权力距离感和受骗事件通过组织公正感的中介作用,对农民工心理契约违背的感知有着间接的抑制或促进作用。  相似文献   
一个社会的良序状态是资源配置的高效率,然而效率并不是人们追求的终极目的,仅仅是实现终极追求的条件。置效率于公平之上实质上是错误的把实现终极目的的条件(手段)当作了终极追求。效率与公平不是相互割裂的范畴,离开了公正,就背离了人的真实追求。“效率优先,兼顾公平”其错误在于理论的根基建立在生活的表层,只有从存在意义上探求人类生存的意义,理论的合理性才能得到证实。  相似文献   
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