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The Asymptotic Classification Theory of Cognitive Diagnosis (Chiu et al., 2009, Psychometrika, 74, 633–665) determined the conditions that cognitive diagnosis models must satisfy so that the correct assignment of examinees to proficiency classes is guaranteed when non‐parametric classification methods are used. These conditions have only been proven for the Deterministic Input Noisy Output AND gate model. For other cognitive diagnosis models, no theoretical legitimization exists for using non‐parametric classification techniques for assigning examinees to proficiency classes. The specific statistical properties of different cognitive diagnosis models require tailored proofs of the conditions of the Asymptotic Classification Theory of Cognitive Diagnosis for each individual model – a tedious undertaking in light of the numerous models presented in the literature. In this paper a different way is presented to address this task. The unified mathematical framework of general cognitive diagnosis models is used as a theoretical basis for a general proof that under mild regularity conditions any cognitive diagnosis model is covered by the Asymptotic Classification Theory of Cognitive Diagnosis.  相似文献   
Applied relaxation (AR), originally developed by Lars-Göran Öst, is a long-standing, efficacious treatment for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). While newer treatments are continuing to be developed, AR remains one of the most efficacious treatments for GAD. However, AR has received less in-depth attention more recently, particularly in terms of potential mechanisms of action. This article is written to honor the development and history of AR and to highlight the ways that it has continued to be adapted. In this article, AR treatment strategies are presented, which include: noticing early signs of anxiety, learning relaxation skills, and applying relaxation at the first sign of anxiety. Then, additional adaptations to AR are presented along with recommendations of how AR may be enhanced by understanding potential mechanisms of change. Finally, recommendations are made for the continued evolution of AR as a powerful and efficacious treatment for GAD.  相似文献   
Clients' resistance relates negatively to their retention and outcomes in psychotherapy; thus, it has been increasingly identified as a key process marker in both research and practice. This study compared therapists' postsession ratings of resistance with those of trained observers in the context of 40 therapist–client dyads receiving 15 sessions of cognitive-behavioral therapy for generalized anxiety disorder. Therapist and observer ratings were then examined as correlates of proximal (therapeutic alliance quality and homework compliance) and distal (posttreatment worry severity) outcomes. Although there was reasonable concordance between rater perspectives, observer ratings were highly and consistently related to both proximal and distal outcomes, while therapist ratings were not. These findings underscore the need to enhance therapists' proficiency in identifying important and often covert in-session clinical phenomena such as the cues reflecting resistance and noncollaboration.  相似文献   
Previous research has shown that individuals with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) report elevated anger compared with nonanxious individuals; however, the pathways linking GAD and anger are currently unknown. We hypothesized that negative beliefs about uncertainty, negative beliefs about worry and perfectionism dimensions mediate the relationship between GAD symptoms and anger variables. We employed multiple mediation with bootstrapping on cross-sectional data from a student sample (N = 233) to test four models assessing potential mediators of the association of GAD symptoms to inward anger expression, outward anger expression, trait anger and hostility, respectively. The belief that uncertainty has negative personal and behavioural implications uniquely mediated the association of GAD symptoms to inward anger expression (confidence interval [CI] = .0034, .1845, PM = .5444), and the belief that uncertainty is unfair and spoils everything uniquely mediated the association of GAD symptoms to outward anger expression (CI = .0052, .1936, PM = .4861) and hostility (CI = .0269, .2427, PM = .3487). Neither negative beliefs about worry nor perfectionism dimensions uniquely mediated the relation of GAD symptoms to anger constructs. We conclude that intolerance of uncertainty may help to explain the positive connection between GAD symptoms and anger, and these findings give impetus to future longitudinal investigations of the role of anger in GAD.  相似文献   
Robust schemes in regression are adapted to mean and covariance structure analysis, providing an iteratively reweighted least squares approach to robust structural equation modeling. Each case is properly weighted according to its distance, based on first and second order moments, from the structural model. A simple weighting function is adopted because of its flexibility with changing dimensions. The weight matrix is obtained from an adaptive way of using residuals. Test statistic and standard error estimators are given, based on iteratively reweighted least squares. The method reduces to a standard distribution-free methodology if all cases are equally weighted. Examples demonstrate the value of the robust procedure.The authors acknowledge the constructive comments of three referees and the Editor that lead to an improved version of the paper. This work was supported by National Institute on Drug Abuse Grants DA01070 and DA00017 and by the University of North Texas Faculty Research Grant Program.  相似文献   
Cross validation is a useful way of comparing predictive generalizability of theoretically plausible a priori models in structural equation modeling (SEM). A number of overall or local cross validation indices have been proposed for existing factor-based and component-based approaches to SEM, including covariance structure analysis and partial least squares path modeling. However, there is no such cross validation index available for generalized structured component analysis (GSCA) which is another component-based approach. We thus propose a cross validation index for GSCA, called Out-of-bag Prediction Error (OPE), which estimates the expected prediction error of a model over replications of so-called in-bag and out-of-bag samples constructed through the implementation of the bootstrap method. The calculation of this index is well-suited to the estimation procedure of GSCA, which uses the bootstrap method to obtain the standard errors or confidence intervals of parameter estimates. We empirically evaluate the performance of the proposed index through the analyses of both simulated and real data.  相似文献   
心理学期刊论文中可重复性不高的现象,原因之一是研究结果的效果普遍较小。并且在报告效果大小的文章中,效果大小指标使用不当。在方差分析中最经常报告的是η2η2p,但是在不同的研究设计中,这些效果大小是无法直接进行比较的。广义eta方(η2G)是近年来新出现的一种新的效果大小指标,可克服的η2η2p不足,灵活处理重复测量等多种研究设计下个体差异的计算问题,实现跨研究设计效果大小的可比性。论文结合实例介绍了η2G的原理和计算方法,并对其优缺点、使用和报告等问题进行了讨论。研究人员在报告效果大小时要考虑到不同的研究设计和研究假设,并选择恰当的指标防止过高估计效果大小。  相似文献   
该研究对拓广等级展开模型(GGUM)进行了拓展,取消GGUM中关于主观反应类别阈限对称的假设,并将拓展之后的新模型和GGUM同时用于生活取向测验修订版(LOT-R)的被试反应数据分析,采用新编的单项目、两项目对和三项目组χ2/df计算程序计算和比较新模型和GGUM在该测验数据上的拟合差异。结果显示,新编程序与Stark等人开发的MODFIT程序具有同样的有效性,新模型在这些指标上的值显著小于GGUM,并且均小于3,表明新模型较GGUM更适合于分析LOT-R的反应数据,说明新模型更适用于分析具有多个评定等级的人格测验数据。根据以上结果,该研究认为,未来人格测验的数据分析应该使用没有对主观反应类别阈限进行对称限定的新拓展的模型更合理。  相似文献   
Cognition theories describe the social with terms like language, interaction or culture, whose theoretical status has also been discussed in modern sociology. These concepts are not well-positioned to understand the emergence and autonomy of social orders. Sociological theory of self-referential systems can be useful to reconstruct the bottom-up process which contributes to the emergence of the social as communication as well as to describe the way in which society exerts downward causation upon cognitive phenomena. The core of this theory is the systemic category of meaning as a shared horizon for psychic and social systems.  相似文献   
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