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胡卫平  韩琴 《心理科学》2006,29(4):944-946,928
运用实验的方法,对371名小学生创造性科学问题提出能力的发展进行了研究。结果表明:(1)小学生创造性科学问题提出能力整体呈上升趋势;(2)男女生的创造性科学问题提出能力发展趋势基本相同,男生整体上要略高于女生,差异不显著;(3)小学生创造性科学问题提出能力的学校类型差异主要表现在发展趋势上,城市小学二到三年级停滞不前,乡村小学则迅速发展,之后发展趋势相同;(4)三到四年级是小学生创造性科学问题提出能力发展的“关键期”。  相似文献   
研究采用3(年级)×2(场认知方式)×2(视空间能力水平)×3(问题表征方式)四因素混合实验设计,探讨了这四种因素对小学生数学应用题解题水平的影响。结果表明:年级、认知方式、空间能力以及问题表征方式均是影响小学生应用题解决水平的关键因素;问题表征方式、认知方式、空间能力以及年级四个因素对小学生解题水平存在交互作用,其中图形提示有利于场依存性学生解题水平的提高,低空间-场依存型的学生更适合图形提示;高空间-场依存型的学生随年级升高解题能力发展较快,而低空间-场依存型的学生解题水平提高较慢;随着年级的升高,图式表征对小学生问题解决的促进作用增强。  相似文献   
国外卫生“守门人”制度功能演变对我国的启示与思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
卫生体制的改革是令各国政府关注的世界性议题。对卫生系统的研究既要关注宏观结构的转变又要关注微观具体政策的功能,既要考虑政策实施的刚性又要注重发挥市场的配置效应。着重讨论非市场体制的代表英国、市场体制的代表美国、混合体制的代表澳大利亚三个国家“守门人”的特征功能,及不同时期其角色和功能的演变,尤其是对我国现行医疗体制的启示与思考。  相似文献   
对一般流体智力的脑成像研究有助于探明智力的脑机制。从结构成像与功能成像两个方面阐述了相关的研究。已有研究表明,一般流体智力与总的脑体积、额叶或其他多个脑区的灰质体积中等正相关。一般智力(g)因素负荷高的任务比负荷低的任务引发特定脑区更大的激活。较早的研究发现一般智力水平个体差异与脑区的激活呈负相关,但此后的一些研究却得到相反的结论。未来的研究应加强对个体差异的研究,将脑成像技术与EEG或ERP技术结合起来,整合多水平(心理测量、遗传学等)的研究结果,进一步阐明一般流体智力的脑机制  相似文献   
情绪对职业决策的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职业决策是决策研究领域的重要课题,引起了心理学家和决策研究者的高度关注.本文在以往研究的基础上,引人情绪和职业种类变量探讨了情绪对职业决策的影响,结果显示:(1)无论是四种还是八种职业决策任务,积极情绪的被试同消极情绪的被试相比,信息搜索的时间较长,信息搜索的深度显著增加;(2)在职业选择策略上,积极情绪的被试更加倾向于基于选项的加工,而消极情绪的被试随着从四种职业决策任务到八种决策任务的转变,逐渐倾向于基于属性的加工;(3)情绪影响了决策者职业决策的信息加工能力.  相似文献   
Repetition priming refers to the facilitation of stimulus processing due to prior processing of the same or similar stimulus, and is one of the most primitive ways in which experience and practice can affect performance. Previous studies have produced contradictory results regarding the stability of repetition priming across development. Drawing on models of word priming that suggest decreased priming with increased reading ability, the present experiment investigated the possibility that null effects of age in priming are due to opposing effects of age and reading ability on priming magnitude. Forty-eight participants between 7 and 22 years old read aloud primed and unprimed pseudowords, after completing a reading ability assessment. In line with predictions, the magnitude of priming for pseudowords increased with increased age when reading ability was controlled, and decreased with increased reading ability when age was controlled. Moreover, neither the age nor ability effect was significant when tested without the other. Results were not influenced by explicit memory for primed pseudowords. Thus, the present experiment provides evidence for developmental increases in word priming, as well as a potential explanation for the lack of developmental effects in previous studies.  相似文献   
There is a growing concern among health authorities that an increasing number of people in the Western world become overweight and even obese. It is well known that obesity is related to several diseases (e.g., diabetes, stroke, and high blood pressure) and that such diseases related to obesity lead to early death. It has also been discussed whether overweight and obesity in themselves or in relation to such diseases lead to cognitive decline. On the basis of data from a large, population‐based, prospective study we examined three cognitive domains: episodic memory, semantic memory, and spatial ability. Two body measures were used to define normal weight and overweight, body‐mass index and waist/hip ratio. Although these two body measures reveal quite different prevalence data of overweight, the associations between overweight and cognition are similar. For episodic memory, overweight interacts with age, but when controlling for hypertension, stroke and diabetes, this interaction disappears. For semantic memory, normal weight participants outperform overweight participants even after controlling for these diseases. For spatial ability, the well‐established advantage for men holds for young‐old and old‐old normal‐weight participants. For overweight participants, this advantage holds for middle‐age participants only. We conclude that there is a weight‐cognition relationship even after controlling for obesity‐related diseases. The results are discussed in terms of possible biological mechanisms.  相似文献   
The present study assessed the relations between basic motor abilities in kindergarten and scholastic, social, and emotional adaptation in the transition to formal schooling. Seventy‐one five‐year‐old kindergarten children were administered a battery of standard assessments of basic motor functions. A year later, children's adjustment to school was assessed via a series of questionnaires completed by the children and their class teachers. The results indicate that in addition to the already documented association between visual–motor integration and academic achievement, other motor functions show significant predictive value to both scholastic adaptation and social and emotional adjustment to school. The results further suggest a better prediction of scholastic adaptation and level of disruptive behaviour in school when using an aggregate measure of children's ability in various motor domains than when using assessments of singular motor functions. It is concluded that good motor ability may serve as a buffer to the normative challenges presented to children in the transition to school. In contrast, poor motor ability emerges as a vulnerability factor in the transition to formal schooling. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
严由伟 《心理科学》2007,30(5):1237-1238,1236
随着基础教育课程改革的逐步深入,教师教育体制改革势在必行。面对教育界深刻的变革,高等师范院校本科心理学实验室的建设和发展正在面临历史上从未有过的挑战,一场实验观念、实验内容、实验设备、实验方法和实验管理上的大改革自然呼之欲出。  相似文献   
本研究随机挑选了15名因外伤而造成的前额叶损害者和15名正常成人,采用韦氏成人智力量表和自编的图片分类作业,考查了他们在一般智力、认知策略与自我监控能力方面的差异,研究结果表明:(1)前额叶损害对个体的一般智力产生显著的影响,但是其智力仍然处于正常范围,可见智力的脑结构范围极为广泛,智力是一个具有多重性的系统。(2)前额叶损害者对无关刺激的抑制,对有效信息的提取与加工放大的心理活动受到极大影响,认知策略转换能力明显低于正常人,表现出了明显的认知不随意性,额叶可能更多的与个体的计划、认知策略选择、自我监控密切相关;(3)前额叶损害者对具体概念与抽象概念的自我监控能力表现出了不同的影响,对前者的损害显著大于后者,这表明个体依据具体概念进行的形象思维与凭借抽象概念进行的逻辑思维有不同的脑机制。  相似文献   
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