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Many clients bring a belief in God or a Higher Power into counseling sessions. What is less clear, however, is how counselors conceptualize “god,” which may affect how spirituality is integrated in the counseling process. To explore this question, the authors conducted a concept map study of god images among counseling students. Results suggest that students harbor broad and diverse conceptualizations of god, which may affect the counseling process.  相似文献   
通过CiteSpace对空间隐喻研究文献进行可视化分析发现,中国对于空间隐喻的研究始于1999年,经历了起步探索期、爆发期,现进入平稳深化期; 学科分布以语言学为主,文学与心理学为辅; 多数研究者更倾向单次独立研究而缺少持续与合作研究,仅构成一个作者群,另外也有一些小合作团队,只局限于两人合作,合作力量较弱; 各机构之间合作缺乏; 研究热点集中于空间隐喻、隐喻、认知、意象图式、空间、映射汉语、隐喻拓展等,近年来转向了概念隐喻、道德、道德概念、垂直空间隐喻和具身认知,且具身认知持续至今; 空间隐喻研究主要围绕空间隐喻、认知语言学、意向图式、方位词、映射、隐喻、认知和具身认知这八个主题开展。由此可知,未来的研究中可扩展学科范围、加强各作者和各单位之间的合作、探索其他研究热点。  相似文献   
Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are the dominant technology in computer vision today. Much of the recent computer vision literature can be thought of as a competition to find the best architecture for vision within the deep convolutional framework. Despite all the effort invested in developing sophisticated convolutional architectures, however, it’s not clear how different from each other the best CNNs really are. This paper measures the similarity between two well-known CNNs, Inception and ResNet, in terms of the properties they extract from images. We find that the properties extracted by Inception are very similar to the properties extracted by ResNet, in the sense that either feature set can be well approximated by an affine transformation of the other. In particular, we find evidence that the information extracted from images by ResNet is also extracted by Inception, and in some cases may be more robustly extracted by Inception. In the other direction, most but not all of the information extracted by Inception is also extracted by ResNet.The similarity between Inception and ResNet features is surprising. Convolutional neural networks learn complex non-linear features of images, and the architectural differences between systems suggest that these non-linear functions should take different forms. Nonetheless, Inception and ResNet were trained on the same data set and seem to have learned to extract similar properties from images. In essence, their training algorithms hill-climb in totally different spaces, but find similar solutions. This suggests that for CNNs, the selection of the training set may be more important than the selection of the convolutional architecture. keyword: ResNet, Inception, CNN, Feature Evaluation, Feature Mapping.  相似文献   
研究旨在考察映射具体性对新颖隐喻加工的影响及语境线索的作用,并进一步探索映射具体性高的隐喻加工困难的原因。实验1的ERPs结果发现:知觉隐喻反应时显著长于物理-心理隐喻和直接语义;两类隐喻在有语境线索下的反应时显著长于无语境线索。有语境线索的知觉隐喻比无语境线索在前部位置诱发了更负的N400成分,在中部诱发了更正的LPC成分;有语境线索的物理-心理隐喻在前部、顶部比无语境线索诱发了更正LPC成分。实验2的语义判断任务结果发现:在映射具体性不同的两类隐喻中,多映射通路隐喻的反应时均显著长于单一映射通路隐喻。总体结果支持语境线索对新颖隐喻加工的干扰效应。  相似文献   
本研究探讨了观察者与观察目标存在相对运动时视觉系统对目标数量特征的适应后效的皮层映射特征, 并与对比度适应后效的映射规律进行比较。包括两项实验。其中, 实验一要求被试在适应目标后转换注视点, 考察眼跳后相同和不同视网膜区域以及相同和不同空间区域的适应后效, 发现数量适应后效具有部分空间-皮层映射特性, 而对比度适应后效则表现出完全的视网膜-皮层映射特征。实验二采用固定的注视点, 考察目标运动后目标原位置和新位置区域的适应后效, 发现数量适应后效不完全依赖于视网膜-皮层映射, 它可以“追随”客体运动重新映射到新的位置, 表现出基于客体映射的特征, 而对比度适应后效则完全依赖于视网膜-皮层映射, 不能“追随”客体移动在目标新位置重新形成映射。两项实验结果提示, 相对于对比度等低级表面特征而言, 数量特征对目标的描述涉及更高的加工水平, 它可以与观察目标的相对运动信息进行整合, 且这种整合在眼跳和非眼跳的观察条件下都可发生。  相似文献   
Female recreational runners are 2–3 times more likely to suffer from knee injury compared with male runners. However, the exact reason for this gender difference regarding knee injury remains unclear. Our study aimed to investigate gender differences in coordination variability between shank and rearfoot during running using statistical parametric mapping (SPM). Eleven healthy males and eleven healthy females ran on a treadmill. A modified vector coding technique procedure was used to create joint coupling between shank internal/external rotation and rearfoot eversion/inversion. The standard deviation of each coupling was computed as a measure of coordination variability during the stance phase. All trajectory data of coordination variability between genders were analyzed using a two-sample t-test of SPM. No differences in the normalized spatiotemporal parameters of speed, cadence and step length were found between males and females. SPM showed no significant differences between the genders in coordination variability. This study demonstrated that coordination variability between the shank and rearfoot during running may not be associated with the different incidence rates of knee injuries among male and female participants.  相似文献   
时间隐喻研究述评   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
综述了近十多年来时间隐喻研究的现况,分析了时间隐喻表征的主要维度,结果表明大多数研究都认为时间隐喻的原型为空间-时间隐喻。从运动方式、方向和形状论述了空间-时间隐喻的构念特点,并讨论了空间-时间隐喻产生的心理机制以及关于空间、时间图式在隐喻映射中的相互关系的几种理论构想和实证研究。由于现有研究主要宏观地对时间隐喻进行了语义分析和跨文化研究,未来研究将更侧重于微观地研究时间隐喻的认知过程及其与人格间的相互影响  相似文献   
Since its formal definition over sixty years ago, category theory has been increasingly recognized as having a foundational role in mathematics. It provides the conceptual lens to isolate and characterize the structures with importance and universality in mathematics. The notion of an adjunction (a pair of adjoint functors) has moved to center-stage as the principal lens. The central feature of an adjunction is what might be called “determination through universals” based on universal mapping properties. A recently developed “heteromorphic” theory about adjoints suggests a conceptual structure, albeit abstract and atemporal, for how new relatively autonomous behavior can emerge within a system obeying certain laws. The focus here is on applications in the life sciences (e.g., selectionist mechanisms) and human sciences (e.g., the generative grammar view of language).
David EllermanEmail:
客体相似性在类比匹配中的作用,是一直存在着争论的问题。该研究通过交叉匹配结合与分离的材料设计,控制类比源和类比目标之间不同相似性,探讨了客体相似性在儿童和成人空间行为关系类比匹配中的作用。实验一通过让儿童和成人完成单目标匹配任务,检验客体相似性对儿童和成人类比匹配影响的不同。实验二采用眼动技术对客体相似性在成人类比匹配过程中的作用进行分区域探讨。结果发现,客体相似性影响儿童空间行为关系类比匹配的成绩,但不影响成人的成绩。成人类比匹配的过程受到结合在关系结构之内的客体相似性的影响。我们提出优先-限制调整观点解释客体相似性在类比匹配中的作用。  相似文献   
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