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The movement toward evidence-based treatments, interventions, or practices pressures single case research (SCR) to use statistical summaries which have broad credibility. These summaries also need to be easily understood and useful in schools and clinics. To date the effect size families, “proportion of variance” (R2, Eta2) and “standardized mean difference” (Cohen's d, Hedges' g) have little popularity in SCR. This paper demonstrates a set of alternative Clinical Outcome indices widely used in the field of medicine: Risk Difference, Relative Risk, Relative Risk Improvement, and Odds Ratio, which compare patients in treatment versus control conditions. Translated to SCR designs, the baseline phase becomes the control condition, the intervention phase becomes the treatment condition, and improvement is defined as non-overlapping data between phases. The positive attributes of Clinical Outcomes are demonstrated: (a) easily interpretable results, (b) close relationship with concept of non-overlapping data, (c) minimal data assumptions, (d) minimal statistical expertise required, (e) multiple contrasts possible for diagnostic understanding, (f) exact confidence intervals for results, and (g) close relationship to Pearson R effect size family.  相似文献   
This study presents evidence supporting the psychometric properties of the Voice Climate Survey: an employee opinion survey that measures work practices and outcomes. The tool is tested across 13,729 employees from 1,279 business units representing approximately 1,000 organisations. Exploratory factor analyses, confirmatory factor analyses and internal reliability analyses support 31 lower‐order work practices and outcomes that aggregate into seven higher‐order work systems broadly covering practices and outcomes such as organisational direction, ethics, resources, involvement, recognition, development, teamwork, wellness, work/life balance, change management, customer satisfaction, job satisfaction, organisational commitment and employees' intention to stay. External validation of the tool is demonstrated by linking scores from the employee survey with independent manager reports of turnover, absenteeism, productivity, health and safety, goal attainment, financial performance, change management, innovation and customer satisfaction.  相似文献   
Claims have been made that grade appropriate curriculum-based measurement of reading (CBM-R) passages are of comparable difficulty and can be used interchangeably to monitor student progress. Empirical evidence to support claims of equivalence has been lacking. This research investigated the basis for making claims of equivalence. The use of readability statistics to justify passage equivalence was found to be lacking. Using a general measurement model for congeneric tests, CBM-R passages were found to measure a single latent factor with a high degree of reliability. However, evidence indicated that the raw scores, words read correctly per minute, across passages did not provide equivalent measurements. Statistical equating was investigated as an approach to overcome the lack of equivalence with promising results.  相似文献   
This study examined patterns of growth across benchmark assessments for curriculum-based measures (CBM) over 2 academic years, with the twofold purpose of replicating earlier findings of growth patterns on R-CBM and conducting a preliminary investigation of growth patterns on M-CBM and CBM-Maze. The sample included 898 cases from 3rd through 5th grade over 2 academic years from one elementary school in the rural Midwest. All students participated in tri-annual benchmark assessments in which they were administered R-CBM, CBM-Maze, and M-CBM. Repeated measures analysis of variance was used to examine patterns of growth for all three measures. Students demonstrated greater R-CBM weekly growth during winter-to-spring than fall-to-winter across grade levels. Patterns for CBM-Maze and M-CBM were somewhat inconsistent across school years and grade levels. Results are discussed in terms of contextual variables that may impact within-year growth patterns and technical characteristics of CBM slopes.  相似文献   
Brief experimental analysis (BEA) can be used to specify intervention characteristics that produce positive learning gains for individual students. A key challenge to the use of BEA for intervention planning is the identification of performance indicators (including topography of the skill, measurement characteristics, and decision criteria) that meaningfully relate to longer term success in the learning environment. This study investigates the utility of various curriculum-based assessment and measurement estimates of mathematics performance for predicting functional outcomes (i.e., retention of learned skills over time and faster learning of related content in the future). All children in grades 2–5 at the participating school participated in protocol-based computational fluency-building intervention 4 days per week for an entire school year. Specific criteria were applied each week to systematically increase intervention difficulty classwide according to a pre-established sequence of computational skill objectives. Three measurements were routinely obtained. Each week children completed a timed probe of the skill for which intervention was currently occurring and a timed probe of previously mastered skills from the sequence of computational skill objectives. Each month, all children completed a timed probe of mathematics skills representing computational skills that students were expected to master by year’s end at each grade level. At all grade levels, learning a skill that appeared early in the hierarchy or sequence of skills related positively to learning of future related and more complex computational skills. Fluency criteria were specified that predicted retention of the skill over several months.  相似文献   
西方心理分离的研究回顾   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近几十年来,家庭对儿童青少年心理发展的影响受到众多研究者的关注,国外家庭研究和治疗领域的许多研究者进行了大量有关心理分离的研究。心理分离即个体与家庭在心理上的分离并形成个体化的程度。文章从心理分离的界定、心理分离的理论背景(Mahler发展阶段理论、Bowen家庭系统理论)、心理分离的测量方法、心理分离研究现状这几方面对现有研究进行了综述,并做了简要评述,最后阐述了西方心理分离的研究对我国家庭研究与治疗的启示,并对未来的研究进行了展望  相似文献   
失败恐惧研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
失败恐惧(Fear of Failure,简写为FF)作为一种消极的情绪体验,近年来越来越多地受到研究者的关注。文章主要介绍了失败恐惧概念结构的演变、测量工具由单维到多维的发展过程、失败恐惧特质形成和预防的心理动力学探讨以及多维测量工具在失败恐惧干预方法中的作用。在此基础上,文章对未来研究进行了展望,比如失败恐惧是否存在跨文化、跨领域的差异,我国经济转型时期失败恐惧研究具有怎样的现实意义等  相似文献   
史亚娟  庞丽娟  韩小雨 《心理科学》2007,30(5):1116-1119
测量是数学的主题之一。空间非标准测量能力的发展对儿童数学认知能力的发展有重要作用,对儿童思维抽象性、逻辑性、创造性的培养,问题解决能力的提高有重要影响。文章通过对近四十年来儿童空间非标准测量能力发展研究的成果进行概括分析,发现研究者主要对儿童空间非标准测量的认知加工线索,长度测量策略与工具的使用,空间非标准测量知识的获得顺序以及相关的测量教学顺序,空间非标准测量能力与守恒和推理能力的关系等问题进行了研究。并在此基础上提出了儿童空间非标准测量能力发展研究需进一步探讨的问题。  相似文献   
在慢性胃炎研究上决策树归纳法之使用已渐增加,以决策树归纳法同时表示信息增益以区别胃炎症状对证型分类之贡献,能更正确地区别慢性胃炎。而信息增益已广泛地用于评估两分分类,仅有很少报导有关多类别慢性胃炎分类,它需要探索多类别慢性胃炎分类之信息增益。本研究提出基于名目及次序样本类结果的决策树归纳法所做的多类别慢性胃炎分类,例如,不同慢性胃炎次型的症状样本,评估是以决策树归纳法与Friedman-Goldszmid,HGC,Cheng判别法之正确率作比较。显示平均正确率64.9%优于前三者且提高1.55%。  相似文献   
The (univariate) isotonic psychometric (ISOP) model (Scheiblechner, 1995) is a nonparametric IRT model for dichotomous and polytomous (rating scale) psychological test data. A weak subject independence axiom W1 postulates that the subjects are ordered in the same way except for ties (i.e., similarly or isotonically) by all items of a psychological test. A weak item independence axiom W2 postulates that the order of the items is similar for all subjects. Local independence (LI or W3) is assumed in all models. With these axioms, sample-free unidimensional ordinal measurements of items and subjects become feasible. A cancellation axiom (Co) gives, as a result, the additive isotonic psychometric (ADISOP) model and interval scales for subjects and items, and an independence axiom (W4) gives the completely additive isotonic psychometric (CADISOP) model with an interval scale for the response variable (Scheiblechner, 1999). The d-ISOP, d-ADISOP, and d-CADISOP models are generalizations to d-dimensional dependent variables (e.g., speed and accuracy of response). The author would like to thank an Associate Editor and two anonymous referees and also Professor H.H. Schulze for their very valuable suggestions and corrections.  相似文献   
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