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基于因子分析的创业特质探索研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜红玲  王重鸣  倪宁 《心理科学》2006,29(4):919-921
采用因子分析方法,本研究对高科技企业创业特质进行了探索性研究。通过对90家高科技企业的分层次访谈和问卷调查,基于国外通用的创业特质维度,发现我国长三角地区的高科技企业创业特质与国外的特质纬度相比有所侧重和区别。因子分析结果表明高科技企业创业特质主要集中在创新性、自主性、稳健性和合作性四个特质纬度。本研究的结果对于高科技企业中高层管理人员的选拔和任用有着重要的意义。  相似文献   
窦刚  黄希庭 《心理科学》2006,29(6):1331-1335
本研究对采自3796名在校大学生的Rokeach Value Survey自比型数据进行了因素分析和多维尺度分析。因素分析从两组价值观选项中分别获得6个双极因素,虽然内容各不相同,但均体现出个人指向-亲社会指向的特点。多维尺度分析所获得的两组选项的2维空间距离分布结果也体现类似特点,结果显示终极性价值观可分为四类,工具性价值观可分为五类。当前大学生价值观中存在着舒适的物质生活、兴奋的生活、幸福、快乐和自尊以及雄心壮志的、勇敢的和诚实的等个人取向内容占优势的可能性。在两种分析方法中,多维尺度分析更适合对自比型价值观数据潜在结构的探究。  相似文献   
中学生SCL-90评定结果分析及其常模的建立   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
随机抽取厦门市10所中学5251名中学生为样本,对SCL-90进行项目分析、信度和效度检验,并运用验证性因素分析探讨该量表结构的适合性;建立厦门市中学生SCL-90的性别与初高中常模并与已有的常模作跨时间和地域的比较。结果表明:SCL-90的同质性信度为0.97,分半信度为0.94,一阶和二阶验证性因素分析的各指标均有较为理想的拟合;有59.0%的中学生存在各种轻微的不良心理反应,有16.1%的中学生存在各种明显的心理症状,这些心理症状主要表现为敌对、强迫、人际关系敏感、抑郁、偏执和焦虑并存在不同程度的性别和年级差异;SCL-90的评定结果存在时段和地域差异,持续时间和强度是该量表使用和结果解释的关键。  相似文献   
Dag Sörbom 《Psychometrika》1989,54(3):371-384
An analysis of empirical data often leads to a rejection of a hypothesized model, even if the researcher has spent considerable efforts in including all available information in the formulation of the model. Thus, the researcher must reformulate the model in some way, but in most instances there is, at least theoretically, an overwhelming number of possible actions that could be taken. In this paper a modification index will be discussed which should serve as a guide in the search for a better model. In statistical terms, the index measures how much we will be able to reduce the discrepancy between model and data, as defined by a general fit function, when one parameter is added or freed or when one equality constraint is relaxed. The modification index discussed in this paper is an improvement of the one incorporated in the LISREL V computer program in that it takes into account changes in all the parameters of the model when one particular parameter is freed.The research reported in this paper has been supported by The Swedish Council for Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences under Research Program Multivariate Statistical Analysis, Project Director Karl G Jöreskog.  相似文献   
While a rotation procedure currently exists to maximize simultaneously Tucker's coefficient of congruence between corresponding factors of two factor matrices under orthogonal rotation of one factor matrix, only approximate solutions are known for the generalized case where two or more matrices are rotated. A generalization and modification of the existing rotation procedure to simultaneously maximize the congruence is described. An example using four data matrices, comparing the generalized congruence maximization procedure with alternative rotation procedures, is presented. The results show a marked improvement of the obtained congruence using the generalized congruence maximization procedure compared to other procedures, without a significant loss of success with respect to the least squares criterion. A computer program written by the author to perform the rotations is briefly discussed.  相似文献   
The composite direct product model for the multitrait-multimethod matrix is reparameterized as a second-order factor analysis model. This facilitates the use of widely available computer programs such as LISREL and LISCOMP for fitting the model.Bruce Bloxom. Paul Horst and Karl Jöreskog contributed helpful comments to an earlier version of this paper. Their suggestions are gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   
A method is proposed for empirically testing the appropriateness of using tetrachoric correlations for a set of dichotomous variables. Trivariate marginal information is used to get a set of one-degree of freedom chi-square tests of the underlying normality. It is argued that such tests should preferrably preceed further modeling of tetrachorics, for example, modeling by factor analysis. The assumptions are tested in some real and simulated data.Presented at the Psychometric Society meeting in Santa Barbara, California, June 25–26, 1984. The research of the first author was supported by Grant No. SES-8312583 from the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   
The Dating Anxiety Survey (DAS) was constructed to assess dating anxiety in males and females. Factor analysis of the survey revealed three factors: passive contact, active intentions for dating, and dating interactions. The reliabilities of the three subscales, as determined by coefficient alpha, were .87, .91, and .93 for males and .90, .90, and .92 for females, respectively. Correlations with dating history and a measure of social anxiety were generally of a low but significant magnitude, providing some support for concurrent validity. The results of the factor analysis lend support to the construct validity of the DAS. These findings suggest that the DAS is a potentially useful instrument in the self-report of dating anxiety.Portions of this paper were presented at the meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA, March 1983.  相似文献   
Some methods that analyze three-way arrays of data (including INDSCAL and CANDECOMP/PARAFAC) provide solutions that are not subject to arbitrary rotation. This property is studied in this paper by means of the triple product [A, B, C] of three matrices. The question is how well the triple product determines the three factors. The answer: up to permutation of columns and multiplication of columns by scalars—under certain conditions. In this paper we greatly expand the conditions under which the result is known to hold. A surprising fact is that the nonrotatability characteristic can hold even when the number of factors extracted is greater thanevery dimension of the three-way array, namely, the number of subjects, the number of tests, and the number of treatments.This paper is being published in place of Dr. Kruskal's presidential address to the Psychometric Society, April, 1975. Further results like those in this paper, as well as a surprising connection with an area of mathematics called arithmetic complexity theory, will be found in a more recent paper [Kruskal, in press].  相似文献   
Examples are presented in which it is either desirable or necessary to transform two sets of orthogonal axes to simple structure positions by means of the same transformation matrix. A solution is then outlined which represents a two-matrix extension of the general orthomax orthogonal rotation criterion. In certain circumstances, oblique two-matrix solutions are possible using the procedure outlined and the Harris-Kaiser [1964] logic. Finally, an illustrative example is presented in which the preceding technique is applied in the context of an inter-battery factor analysis.The work reported herein was supported by Grant S72-1886 from the Canada Council. The author acknowledges the helpful contributions of Nancy Reid and Lawrence Ward to parts of this paper.  相似文献   
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