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In the face of increasing uncertainty and changes, corporations must dynamically examine their business environment and activate the knowledge creation process in a future-oriented manner without getting hung up on analyzing their past (much like driving a car using only the rear-view mirror). In the previous article, we discussed the basics of scenario planning. We should not use this tool as a mere technique. Our knowledge of the world and the environment around us is important because it underlies our scenarios. When we look toward the future in an uncertain environment, we necessarily create knowledge proactively. Scenario planning and knowledge creation are commonplace when working on knowledge of innovations that shape the future. In this article we focus on the importance of having “scenario mind,” the philosophy underlying scenario planning. With any managerial tool, you cannot create real knowledge if you use only superficial know-how, like procedures described in manuals, to seek quick results. In the following sections, we discuss how scenario planning must be recognized as a “discipline of knowledge” to be embedded as a way of thinking and behavioral pattern of each individual or organization, not as a mere tool.  相似文献   
全科医生是一类重要的复合型医学人才。但目前在我国,合格的全科医生十分匮乏,其中一个重要的原因是我国尚未建立起科学有效的全科医师培养模式。因此,探索适合我国国情且行之有效的全科医生培养模式迫在眉睫。由于全科医学与急诊医学学科特点上有诸多相似性,以急诊医学为依托进行全科医生培养是全科医学发展初始阶段的有益探索,以实现由急诊医生培养全科医生逐步过渡到全科医生培养全科医生。以急诊医学为依托的全科医学培养模式符合全科医学的内在要求,为探索符合我国现阶段实际的全科医学模式提供了新的思路。  相似文献   
随着现代医疗技术的迅猛发展,人们在享受高新技术提供服务的同时,却对临床医学存在的非人性化趋势提出越来越多的质疑,因此,需要对医学目的和价值进行重新审视。本文阐述了人性化医疗中存在的某些非显性误区,这是医学人文削减的主要内在原因,面对技术与人文之间的矛盾关系,出路在于医疗技术的人性化方向,赋予非人性化手段以人性化关怀,在探索人性化的医疗手段中实现医疗的人性化复兴。  相似文献   
微创医疗是现代医学的一项新技术和新兴理念,由于具有创伤小、恢复快等特点而风靡全球,人们迷恋于微创技术的绝对化作用,关注的焦点也更多地是在微创技术自身的创新与改进,而对微创技术带给患者及麻醉的附加伤害和危险却很少问津,当今微创医疗技术发展的基础在于直面问题和解决问题,用技术自身发展解决技术缺陷问题,用人文理念改善和解决医学的人性问题。成功的微创技术是多学科协助的结果,务必认清医学的仁学特性,坚持微创发展的人性化方向,科学规避微创中的危险因素,为微创技术的可持续发展奠定基础。  相似文献   
近年来,伴随着医学人文学科的发展,学界对医学人文和人文医学的研究也不断深入。医学人文和人文医学的内涵与定义也为学界广为关注和研究。将这两个关注度较高、且存在争议的词进行概念比较、分析差别,以明辨研究内容,建立医学和人文学科交叉研究的研究基础。在争辩医学人文与人文医学概念的过程中,更应当注意的是医学和人文的关系,并以之建立关于医学的人文价值评判,以医学人文为基础,探析医学和人文学科的交互融合,通过价值评判推进人文对医学的影响,实现人文真正的走进医学,走进临床。  相似文献   
本文在于探讨临床法医学、尸体检验以及法医科研中的道德问题,并试图寻求解决问题的途径;通过学习伦理学基本原则、实证分析等方法说明伦理学原则在法医学实践中的具体应用。结果发现尊重原则、知情同意原则以及隐私权、遗体权保护等问题在法医学实践中较为常见,将伦理学原则应用到法医学实践中可以减少群众投诉、信访、预防群体性事件、提高群众满意度等;最后提出转变工作思维方式及科技创新是解决法医学中伦理学问题的主要方法,法医需将以法律为准绳兼顾伦理学原则的思维方式作为工作指导。  相似文献   
“心肾相交论”是瑶医药理论的脏腑生命观,心主要的功能是主宰其他脏腑的生理机能,对人的心理活动也进行调节;肾是气血化生之根源.如果心功能受损,那么其调节作用减弱,瑶医的整体观内涵得不到体现,人体作为一个整体的属性就不复存在,人体就会进入病理状态,甚至危及生命.对于肾,瑶医学认为人的出生、生长、发育和成熟直至衰老死亡的过程,是肾“气化”功能由盛到衰的自然过程.“心肾相交论”强调心肾功能的正常是人保存生命最基本的前提.通过探讨“心肾相交论”的学术思想,用以指导临床医疗实践,提高对瑶医药理论的认识.  相似文献   
《Behavior Therapy》2022,53(1):80-91
Exposure therapy is the recommended treatment for anxiety disorders, but many anxious individuals are unwilling to expose themselves to feared situations. Episodic simulation of future situations contributes to adaptive emotion regulation and motivates behavior. This study investigated whether future-oriented positive mental imagery reduces anticipatory anxiety and distress during exposure, and increases exposure willingness and duration. Forty-three individuals with moderate public speaking anxiety were randomized to a standardized positive mental imagery exercise about future public speaking or no-task. All participants were then asked to present in a virtual reality environment. Anticipatory anxiety reduced in the positive mental imagery group, but not in the control group. Additionally, the positive mental imagery group reported lower distress during exposure than the control group, but groups did not differ in exposure willingness. Due to limited variance, effects on exposure duration could not be tested. Future-oriented positive mental imagery is promising to prepare individuals for exposure to previously avoided situations.  相似文献   
In this British Psychological Society (BPS) landmark paper, we employ an evidence synthesis approach to review the broad range of diversity research published in BPS journals between 2011 and 2021. By focusing on research that investigates stereotypes associated with, and discrimination towards, minority and minoritized groups, we seek to provide readers with a better understanding of the dynamics of a diverse workforce and, going forward, to facilitate the efforts of the psychology research community towards building a body of work that meaningfully addresses workplace inequalities. We thematically analyse and synthesize 25 articles, which fall into four interconnected themes: identity development and management; negative stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination; working in a diverse team; and the broader organizational environment. Highlighting key strengths of this work and areas for future development, we note the absence of overarching theoretical debates and discussions that might facilitate the development of an on-going narrative across diversity-related research published within BPS journals. We outline a future research agenda to bridge methodological divides and to connect with diversity literatures in related disciplines such as human resource development (HRD), human resource management (HRM), and organization studies. In so doing, we advocate for psychologists to move beyond a solely individualistic perspective and instead recognize and account for the context within which diversity-related processes take place.  相似文献   
On the basis of recognizing the diversity of cultures and civilizations in the world and the existence of different values among people of different nations, regions, and countries, the shared values of humanity pursue after the largest common ground and greatest convergence of values of all mankind. Shared values of humanity are the deep cultural structure of a human community with a shared future, and value and ethical consensus is necessary to form at the global level to promote the building of a human community with a shared future. Shared values of humanity embody the public good of all peoples and countries in the world in the fields of common interests, needs, and development, serve as the ethical guidelines for reconstructing the rules for interaction and order of communication of the international society in the era of globalization, and represent the ethical vision for the development of a human community with a shared future. Shared values of humanity lay the ethical foundation for promoting the construction of a human community with a shared future. Specifically, peace and development represent the ethical consensus on the survival of the community; fairness and justice advocate the new ethical consensus on international relations formed within the framework of the community; and democracy and freedom demonstrate the political-ethical consensus of the community.  相似文献   
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