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Background: The development of posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSs) following a trauma is related to impairment, diminished quality of life, and physical health issues. Yet it is not clear why some trauma-exposed individuals experience negative outcomes while others do not. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of several influential factors related to PTS severity and negative outcomes. Methods: One hundred and twenty-two trauma-exposed adults were administered the following self-report measures: the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist-Civilian, the Trauma History Questionnaire-Short, the Anxiety Sensitivity Index-3, Depression and Anxiety Stress Scale 21, Sheehan Disability Scale, World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF, and an abbreviated Patient Health Questionnaire. Primary Results: PTS severity was positively correlated with depressive symptom severity (r = 0.54, p < 0.001), chronicity of the most distressing trauma (r = 0.21, p = 0.017), and number of traumas (r = 0.22, p = 0.012). Main effects were found for PTS severity (β = ?0.38, p < 0.01) and anxiety sensitivity (AS; β = ?0.39, p < 0.01) on quality of life. No interaction was found between PTS severity and AS with any negative outcome. PTS severity mediated the relationship between AS and physical health issues (0.05; 95% CI: 0.02–0.08). Conclusion: This study helps clarify the role of various factors in the relationship between trauma and negative outcomes. Clinical and research implications are discussed.  相似文献   
石国兴  王紫微 《心理科学》2013,36(1):235-239
心理和谐是心理要素以及直接影响心理的各要素之间在总体意义上的协调统一、相对稳定的关系,它由个体内部心理和谐、人-事心理和谐、人际心理和谐和身心和谐四个子系统组成,其内涵本质上属于积极心理学的范畴。心理和谐和心理健康、自我和谐、主观幸福感既有显著区别,又存在密切关系。对心理和谐的内涵及其同邻近概念的关系进行全方位的辨析,有助于深化心理和谐的理论研究和实证研究。  相似文献   
Children worldwide experience mental and emotional disorders. Mental disorders occurring among young children, especially infants (birth –3 years), often go unrecognized. Prevalence rates are difficult to determine because of lack of awareness and difficulty assessing and diagnosing young children. Existing data, however, suggest that rates of disorders in young children are comparable to those of older children and adolescents (von Klitzing, Dohnert, Kroll, & Grube, 2015 ). The lack of widespread recognition of disorders of infancy is particularly concerning due to the unique positioning of infancy as foundational in the developmental process. Both the brain and behavior are in vulnerable states of development across the first 3 years of life, with potential for enduring deviations to occur in response to early trauma and deprivation. Intervention approaches for young children require sensitivity to their developmental needs within their families. The primacy of infancy as a time of unique foundational risks for disorder, the impact of trauma and violence on young children's development, the impact of family disruption on children's attachment, and existing literature on prevalence rates of early disorders are discussed. Finally, global priorities for addressing these disorders of infancy are highlighted to support prevention and intervention actions that may alleviate suffering among our youngest world citizens.  相似文献   
研究为探索常驻高海拔地区军人心理健康水平如何随社会年代变迁而改变,运用了横断历史元分析的方法,对1993年至2013年38篇采用90项症状自评量表(SCL-90)的文献调查数据进行分析,考察了11454名常驻高海拔地区军人在该量表上9个因子得分随年代变化的趋势.结果发现:(1)SCL-90的7个因子均值与年代负相关,且不受期刊类型等的影响.20年来,7个因子下降了5%~15%不等.其中,强迫变化最大,抑郁、焦虑、人际敏感、偏执和精神病性均变化明显.这说明,常驻高海拔地区军人心理健康虽有所波动但整体水平逐步提升,变化幅度大致属于中等程度.(2)当年军费占GDP比值、居民消费水平指数与SCL-90部分因子均值负相关显著;5年前的居民消费水平指数与7个因子显著负相关.这说明,国防建设的经济投入和居民消费水平可能是影响常驻高海拔地区军人心理健康水平的重要因素.  相似文献   
图形型归纳推理的神经机制:一项fMRI研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用fMRI脑成像技术探讨图形型归纳推理的神经机制。设计了一种由图形形状和条纹方向描述的简单几何图形组成的归纳推理任务,这种图形型任务与以往研究中常用的语句型归纳推理任务是同质的。根据两个图形共享特征数量的不同设计了两种实验任务:共享两个特征(2T)和共享一个特征(1T),以休息基线(Rest)作为控制任务。2T和1T任务均为归纳推理任务,但2T任务包含知觉特征整合成分,而1T任务不包括。结果发现:与控制任务相比,归纳推理任务在前额区(BA6、9、11、46、47)、尾状核、壳核和丘脑等脑区有显著激活,反映了"前额皮层-纹状体-丘脑"通路在图形型归纳推理中的重要作用;图形型归纳推理中的知觉信息整合与右侧额下回(BA47)、双侧尾状核头部、壳核等脑区有关。  相似文献   
为探讨自1999年高校国家助学贷款政策出台以来,我国贫困大学生心理健康状况的变迁,本研究对106篇1998至2015年间采用SCL-90量表的研究进行了横断历史元分析,考察了贫困大学生心理健康状况随年代的变化趋势。结果表明:(1)SCL-90量表中9个因子的分数均值均与年代呈负相关,年代对各因子变异的解释在4%至16%之间;1998年到2015年这18年来,各因子均值平均下降范围(效果量d)在0.24至0.55个标准差之间,其中强迫、抑郁和精神病3个因子均值变化尤为明显。这表明贫困大学生整体心理健康的状况在缓慢提升。(2)与中部地区相比,东部和西部地区贫困大学生心理健康水平18年来提高更明显。(3)虽然不同性别贫困大学生各因子历年变化差异并不明显,但女生抑郁和精神病两方面改善略快。此外,普通元分析结果表明总体上贫困男大学生比女大学生心理健康状况要好。  相似文献   
Anxiety sensitivity (AS) has been linked to a variety of disabling chronic health conditions, including pain‐related conditions. A recent study has found that healthy women with high AS reported significantly higher levels of sensory and affective pain on an experimental cold pressor task compared to women with low AS. However, this study found no differences between AS groups for pain tolerance or pain threshold. In the present study, which was designed to replicate and extend these findings, 90 undergraduate university women were selected for inclusion in 1 of 2 AS groups (high or low) based on their screening scores on a 16‐item measure of AS. Participants were tested individually on a lab‐based cold pressor task using a variety of self‐report and observer‐measured variables. Data analyses revealed that, as expected, the high AS participants reported significantly more fear in response to the cold pressor on a relevant item of the McGill Pain Questionnaire – Short Form (SF‐MPQ) than did the low AS participants. Also as expected, the high AS participants reported more pain in response to the cold pressor on the Present Pain Index (PPI) of the SF‐MPQ than did the low AS participants. High AS participants did not differ from low AS participants on other aspects of the cold pressor response (e.g. pain threshold, pain tolerance, pain recovery). These results support the role of pain‐related fear as a mediating variable between AS and increased perceived pain intensity.  相似文献   
近年来国内民族认同研究的内容主要集中在民族认同的内涵、民族认同与国家认同的关系、民族认同与文化适应、心理健康的关系等方面。研究存在的主要问题是理论探讨多于实证研究, 研究取样和方法单一, 缺乏比较性、过程性和机制性的研究, 未能注重本土化研究。未来研究需要以多学科视角, 结合多种研究方法, 使用高级统计方法进行数据分析, 揭示我国民族认同的本质和特征, 形成本土化的民族认同理论。  相似文献   
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