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Cats were conditioned to turn their heads using a tone conditioned stimulus (CS) and medial forebrain bundle stimulation (MFB) unconditioned stimulus (US). The CS+ was delivered to one ear at a time, in random order, followed by the US. A tone of a different frequency was used as a CS-. The cats learned to respond differentially to the CSs showing head movements of greater acceleration to the CS+ than CS- over sessions. Bilateral recordings of cingulate cortex multiple-unit activity showed increased response amplitudes over sessions and larger responses in the hemisphere ipsilateral to the US. Since ipsilateral multiple-unit responses did not differ for the CSs, the asymmetry was probably due to the sensitizing effect of the unilateral US. Although increases in cingulate cortex neural activity coincided with increases in conditioned head movements, larger activation of the cingulate cortex ipsilateral to the US suggests that the neural changes were independent of these movements.  相似文献   
Recent research has shown that inducing a negative stereotype toward women does not always decrease the subsequent motor performance of women, but can increase it, especially during endurance tasks. The mechanisms involved are nonetheless still poorly understood. The main aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of a negative stereotype toward women on men’s and women’s performance during an endurance task, and to analyze the neuropsychological mechanisms involved through motor-related cortical potentials and motivation toward men/women. Thirty-four participants were assigned to a negative stereotype toward women condition and a nullified-stereotype condition and performed 80 self-paced intermittent isometric elbow contractions at a moderate perceived intensity. Results showed that women performed better when assigned to the negative stereotype toward women condition, they were more motivated to outperform men, and their MRCP amplitudes were higher in this same condition over the prefrontal cortex (i.e., FP1 and FP2). Concerning men, they also performed better when the negative stereotype toward women was induced. However, no effect emerged on motivation toward women and MRCP amplitudes. This study showed that inducing a negative stereotype during an endurance task led to a performance increase in women, which is contrary to the stereotype threat theory, strengthening the idea of a task-dependency effect when inducing a negative stereotype. This performance improvement observed in women may be caused by increased motivation to outperform men and a planning of the upcoming movement. Concerning men, more research is needed to clarify the mechanisms involved in such performance improvement.  相似文献   
情绪调节对维持个体心理健康、适应社会生活十分重要, 然而以往研究主要关注外显情绪调节, 目前我们对内隐情绪调节的认知神经机制的了解还非常有限。为揭示内隐情绪调节的核心脑区, 本研究使用句子整理任务启动内隐认知重评, 并采用经颅直流电刺激(transcranial direct current stimulation, tDCS)激活内侧前额叶特别是腹内侧前额叶(ventromedial prefrontal cortex, vmPFC), 考察该脑区在内隐情绪调节中的因果作用。结果表明, vmPFC被激活的被试组(实验组, n = 40)在内隐认知重评启动条件下比tDCS伪刺激组(对照组, n = 40), 在观看负性图片时报告了更少的负性情绪, 同时负性图片诱发的晚正成分(late positive potential, LPP)波幅更低(LPP是情绪体验强度的客观指标)。同时, 实验组比对照组在观看负性图片时表现出更低的枕区P1波幅(P1为早期视觉注意程度的客观指标)。以上结果说明, 激活以vmPFC为代表的内侧前额叶不但能增强内隐情绪调节的效果, 还能减少被试对负性刺激的早期注意分配。本研究是采用tDCS技术考察启动引起的内隐情绪调节的首次尝试, 研究结果不但表明了以vmPFC为代表的内侧前额叶在内隐认知重评中的关键作用, 还为临床应用研究指出了增强内隐情绪调节能力的神经调控潜在靶点。  相似文献   
抑制控制障碍是海洛因依赖者认知功能受损的核心问题, 是影响复吸的关键因素。大量研究证实了海洛因依赖者抑制控制功能的受损, 并且发现长期药物滥用者额叶、前扣带回皮层、中脑腹侧被盖区、伏隔核、脑岛等相关脑区活动存在异常。以往研究表明海洛因依赖者抑制控制功能受损是一种持久性的、不可逆的脑损伤, 但最近一些研究却提供了毒品戒断者抑制控制功能生物性恢复的证据。未来的研究应该更加关注多重冲突条件下海洛因依赖者抑制控制功能的研究, 并且在戒毒实践中根据海洛因戒断者自身特点进行区分性治疗。  相似文献   
社会等级是社会组织的基本原则。社会地位高低的再认与面孔再认及视觉注意均表现出N200的激活, 并不同程度地共享了情感、奖赏回报、数字等级及共情特质等加工的脑区网络, 涉及额区、杏仁核、纹状体、顶内沟和前扣带回皮质等。社会等级加工与5-羟色胺递质多态性等神经递质及内分泌系统具有复杂的交互作用。未来应立足于综合研究和系统分析的视角探讨社会等级加工与神经生物学基础的作用机制并致力于服务人类生活。  相似文献   
聂爱情 《应用心理学》2005,11(4):360-367
关联记忆与来源记忆存在很多相似之处,但也存在一定的差异。与项目记忆相比,关联记忆需要参与的大脑区域相对较多,包括前额区与海马等;电生理研究、成像研究以及病人研究都为这一观点提供了可靠的证据。  相似文献   
语义整合帮助人们在阅读理解中将小信息块整合成一个完整、连贯的句子意义表达, 是阅读理解中非常重要的认知过程。通过对比40多篇句子加工相关的脑机制研究, 发现左侧额下回在fMRI研究中是参与语义整合加工激活概率最高的区域, 而颞叶及后部是MEG研究中激活概率最高的区域。另外, 左侧额下回是如何参与语义整合、它在内隐和外显语义整合中的机制是否相同、以及这种整合加工与一般的控制性加工、词汇启动的关系都是研究者广泛关注的问题。本文对上述问题进行了详细的综述和讨论。  相似文献   
Olfaction represents an ideal model system for the study of mammalian habituation given that it is an anatomically relatively simple system with strong reciprocal connections to the limbic system, driving both reflexive and non-reflexive (motivated) behaviors that are easily quantifiable. Data are reviewed here demonstrating short-term habituation of the odor-evoked heart-rate orienting reflex described according to the criteria for habituation outlined by Thompson and Spencer [Thompson, R. F., & Spencer, W. A. (1966). Habituation: A model phenomenon for the study of neuronal substrates of behavior. Psychological Reviews, 73(1), 16–43]. A necessary and sufficient mechanism of short-term habituation is then described, which involves a metabotropic glutamate receptor mediated depression of afferent input to the piriform (primary olfactory) cortex. Finally, evidence for, and a mechanisms of, dishabituation of the orienting reflex and cortical adaptation are described.  相似文献   
Visually-based navigation is a key competence during spatial cognition. Animals avoid obstacles and approach goals in novel cluttered environments using optic flow to compute heading with respect to the environment. Most navigation models try either explain data, or to demonstrate navigational competence in real-world environments without regard to behavioral and neural substrates. The current article develops a model that does both. The ViSTARS neural model describes interactions among neurons in the primate magnocellular pathway, including V1, MT+, and MSTd. Model outputs are quantitatively similar to human heading data in response to complex natural scenes. The model estimates heading to within 1.5° in random dot or photo-realistically rendered scenes, and within 3° in video streams from driving in real-world environments. Simulated rotations of less than 1°/s do not affect heading estimates, but faster simulated rotation rates do, as in humans. The model is part of a larger navigational system that identifies and tracks objects while navigating in cluttered environments.  相似文献   
Attention deactivates the inferior medial prefrontal cortex (IMPC), but it is uncertain if emotions can attenuate this deactivation. To test the extent to which common emotions interfere with attention, we measured changes of a blood flow index of brain activity in key areas of the IMPC with positron emission tomography (PET) of labeled water (H(15)2O) uptake in brain of 14 healthy subjects. The subjects performed either a less demanding or a more demanding task of attention while they watched neutral and emotive images of people in realistic indoor or outdoor situations. In the less demanding task, subjects used the index finger to press any key when a new image appeared. In the more demanding task, subjects chose the index or middle finger to press separate keys for outdoor and indoor scenes. Compared to the less demanding task, in a global search of all gray matter, the more demanding significantly lowered blood flow (rCBF) in left IMPC, left and right insula, and right amygdala, and significantly raised blood flow in motor cortex and right precuneus. Restricted searches of rCBF changes by emotion, at coordinates of significant effect in previous studies of the medial prefrontal and temporal cortices, revealed significant activation in the fusiform gyrus, independently of the task. In contrast, we found no effect of emotional content in the IMPC, where emotions failed to override the effect of the task. The results are consistent with a role of the IMPC in the selection among competitive inputs from multiple brain regions, as predicted by the theory of a default mode of brain function. The absent emotional interference with the deactivation of the default state suggests that the inferior prefrontal cortex continued to serve the attention rather than submit to the distraction.  相似文献   
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